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Stihl 028 AV No Pulse

Started by firefighterfox, February 23, 2012, 05:42:25 PM

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Well I really did it this time. While my saw was down for repair I borrowed the 028 from the fire station so as not to get behind with my clearing the property project. It "WAS" working really well but then? I could contact Stihl about any possibility off a warranty but I don't think "backing over it with a bull dozer" is going to qualify? The wounds appear to be critical and perhaps life threatening. I'm afraid her only hope is if there is a doner out there somewhere. If anyone has an 028 that would qualify let me know. The fire department said not to worry about it, "crap happens", but I would like to salvage it if I can.
Any help or advise would be appreciated.


I'd think a bulldozer most likely killed it.   Steve
Timberking B20  18000  hours +  Case75xt grapple + forks+8" snow bucket + dirt bucket   770 Oliver   Lots(too many) of chainsaws, Like the Echo saws and the Stihl and Husky     W5  Case loader   1  trailers  Wright sharpener     Suffolk  setter Volvo MCT125c skid loader

T Welsh

Crawlers and saws dont mix very well and the crawlers always seem to win >:(
Depending how bad you crushed it,its still better to go used saw shopping!
Parts are not cheap,labor is free if its your time,add both together and you make the call on how bad you want to make it work again,you can go the ebay,craigslist,or route but in the end it will be faster to bite the bullet and go buy another one. I,ve done this twice in 30 years ;D. Tim


I can't say as I've ever mashed a saw .However I did get a tool box once with a D4 Cat if that counts .Sh--  er things happens .


Depends on how bad it's mashed .If it has any life left like a good cylinder you  might be able to land a doner off flea bay complete with a fried top end for under a 100 bucks .

Often times also you can find one at a friendly Stihl dealer in the dead pile pretty reasonable .Depends on the dealer I suppose .

Ward Barnes

Quote from: ladylake on February 23, 2012, 05:48:34 PM

I'd think a bulldozer most likely killed it.   Steve

My chainsaw fix'en buddy, David ran over his MS 460 with his crawler.  It was on hard packed earth and gravel.  He had a look of shock on his face for a minute and then reached over in the back of the truck and pulled out another one.

God Bless, Ward and Mary.
7 year old Stihl MS 390.  New Stihl trim saw MS 250.  Kubota BX 2200 tractor.  2005 F150 4X4.
Dull chains cause accidents.  Accidents cause shorter life spans.
You don't sharpen a chain when it gets dull.  You sharpen a chain to keep it from getting dull.


 :D John Lambert AKA Gypo Logger used to crunch a couple a year or so it seemed .Then he'd put them on flea bay with a ridiculas price on them which nobody bought but everyone had a great laugh over  . Oh let me tell you a timber skidder can smash one just about as bad a dozer .

He managed to get few with a tree too somehow .They were just about as bad .If you were lucky you might have been able to salvage the gas cap at best .


I did a similar thing to my 026 when it fell off the skidder. Was able to get the parts from one of the sponsors {Chainsawr  } for a very reasonable amount .
USAF Veteran  C141 Loadmaster
LT 40 HDD42-RA   , Allis Chalmers I 500 Forklift , Allis Chalmers 840 Loader , International 4300 , Zetor 6245 Tractor – Loader ,Bob Cat 763 , Riehl Steel Edger


You should not see one that fell from the back of the tractor and in front of the Bushhog.  It did not sound very sporty either.    :'( :'(
98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

Two: First Place Wood-Mizer Personal Best Awards
The First: Wood-Mizer People's Choice Award

It's Weird being the same age as Old People

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