
How did you first find the forestry forum

Started by chet, March 26, 2004, 08:33:28 PM

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Bibbyman and I were running a thread over at Doc's place.
I had sent Bib a photo through email of an ugly log.
Within minutes Bib had sent a message back asking if I would mind him posting the photo on another forum. The next day I checked the link Bib had sent me, and someone (maybe Tom) had told Bib to "get him over here"

I added the link to my favorites, Sawmills and Milling.

About two months later I stumbled accross the entire Forestry Forum :o  
Linda and I custom saw NHLA Grade Lumber, do retail sales, and provide Kiln Services full time.


I was looking for information about milling, on the cheap, and fell into this bunch of misfits.  Haven't been able to leave.  This has got to be the best forum site I hit, or ever have for that matter.  A lot of you guys are beginning to feel like family, even if I haven't met you.  

If it weren't for the FF, I would never have bought the small whack of "bad luck maple" from Electric Al, or have a guy like Sawwood ready to go out and get in trouble in the woods (when the weather finally agrees...rain again this weekend, but he was ready), or met JR (the resident "lurker"), I've talked to Larry Copas and Bro. Noble on the phone, but haven't got together with them yet, both were unbelievably nice people (Larry had no idea who I was when I first called, but must have figured since I was from the FF and knew Sawwood I must be okay).  And there is more to come...that's for sure.  

Jeff, go ahead and pat yourself on the back, just don't throw your shoulder out of joint doing it.  That hurts.  I'm sure a few dozen of us would like to do it, but we are too far away. ;D
So many trees, so little money, even less time.

Stihl 066, Husky 262, Husky 350 (warmed over), Homelite Super XL, Homelite 150A


  I was over on the other site and found a link in a thread about cutting down some trees near powerlines . I have been here ever since . I have met alot of good people here  some in person , some by phone and some just on here .

 Like Stephen Wiley said about the family atmosphere and maturity . Someone can ask questions and not get blasted cause they're not a professional . ::)   Maybe some of those people forgot that the had to start some where also before they got to the so called  professional level .

 Keep up the great work Jeff   and everyone else cause I think this is the best site going  .  :)


I had my own half baked forum because there wasn't anything out there for chain saw milling.
Jeff made an appearance one day and told me to give it up and come over here, so I did.  :D
That was a few years ago.


QuoteI had my own half baked forum because there wasn't anything out there for chain saw milling.
Jeff made an appearance one day and told me to give it up and come over here, so I did.  :D
That was a few years ago.

I dont remember it quite like that but sounds good ta me. :D
(Actually I dont remember that at all, seems like Kevins always been here)
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


I think you might have threatened me also, I'm not sure.


Thats right. Look to the left and slightly down and fear me. :D
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


The 2:nd time I came here I get a message from an administrator saying:

Welcome back Swede!

Of corse I had to place my toothbrush some place and stay! :)

Had a mobile band sawmill, All hydraulics  for logs 30\"x19´, remote control. (sold it 2009-04-13)
Monkey Blades.Sold them too)
Jonsered 535/15\". Just cut firewood now.


Yahoo's milling group had a link, I followed it. A real good move on my part.  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
I may have been born on a turnip truck, but I didn't just fall off.


 one day back last october, was looking for information on bandsaw mills and stumbled across this place. signed up
and asked question about custom sawing rates or something.
 Bro Noble and someone else, can't remember who, sent me
private message just minutes after i showed up here and encouraged me to plant a tree on da map so people would know where i was.  With that and a very warm welcome from everyone else, felt at home. granted i don't have much to say
but i am very glad i found the ff, and plan on stickin aroun for awhile. Thank You all for this great place.
 Forestery Forum: Greatest thing that ever happened to the world wide web!!!!
 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) place to be any time day or night
'14 LT40 Hydraulic 26 HP koehler ,massey ferguson 2200 forklift, Case IH D40
Wallenstein FX85


I was over at WW and saw a link to this place. I like it here.
To underestimate old men and old machines is the folly of youth. Frank C.



All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Thanks FD, it's nice to be here. I've been watching you guys for some time but haven't said anything till now. I have pictures I'd like to share with you all, but not tonight. 9:00 is my bedtime and I still have to wash the sawdust out of my ears. Goodnight.
To underestimate old men and old machines is the folly of youth. Frank C.


ElectricAl kept calling me over to read the posts he thought I might be interested in.  Problem was, prying him off the computer long enough to let me post anything. ::)

Still have that problem. >:(

Linda  :D
Wood-Mizer 2012 LT50HDE25


 :Pwas looking for parts for  090G saw and this site came up from some one I had called some where in the world. really. came here looking for parts Kevin and Tom helped, and had to sign to ask about stuff. so here I am, and you can't even get me to leave, this is a great God Fearing Bunch, You all are the greatest, brings me alot of joy to be here,  God Bless  Duh---Duane 8)
village Idiot---   the cat fixers----  I am not a complete Idiot. some parts missing.


I think it was Noble that sent me here after I posted a question on the other site my first time about circular mills so I thank Noble for that ! Gee - whiz I guess I had a couple questions ! :D 8)
UNCLEBUCK    bridge burner/bridge mender


 I found the forum when I did a google image search for skidders. I came across a picture Ron had posted of a homemade skidder. At the time I had to go do some homework but I wanted to check the site out. Once I finnished my homework i found the site again and I think I registered within 5 minutes.
  I have one question. If Jeff started the forum then why are all his earliest posts done as a vistitor?  ???


Scott, early on I somehow I deleted myself. Doh! Anyway, every post I made before I deleted myself shows up as "guest"

Glad I dont do that often. Wuhoo!!!!
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Somebody dropped the name on the WW- been here ever since. Maybe I should send the Prof a thank you note ;) ;D
"I ask for wisdom and strength, Not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest enemy, myself"  - from Ojibwa Prayer.


I want to change my vote to 'Wandered In Off the Street" :)
Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.



I was still dreaming about go to Michigans State University, so I was looking around all the sites about Forest and Michigan.
I got here and registered myself. it took a while to me post. Actualy I had forget my password and asked Jeff to send me it again. Jeff was so nice encouraging to start posting and be part of this forum that I couldnt resist. In the begining I was affraid because of my english but then I realized it would be a good way to improved it and also learn a little bit more about forest.
And I fell realy greatfull for that and for be in here.
Fabíola Vieira
Forestry Engineer


Yep, Fab......

You found out that American is spoken a lot of ways and isn't necessarily all pure English.  (As in Y'all and Y'se guys)

We found out that South American isn't just Spanish and that Portugese is a language of its own. :P

Pretty cool, huh?  :D


Tom don't forget we even got southern hillbilly 8) If peopel can read my posts they can read anything. Never typed or did any spelling for thurty years never typed at all till I got here.So no one should be afraid to try not throed me out yet ???
Jim Holloway