iDRY Vacuum Kilns



Started by shopteacher, May 01, 2004, 01:39:29 PM

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Thanks to those who stuck up for us younger people who are hard working etc.

I'll have to admitt I listen to "that" music but I also listen to country, bluegrass, oldies etc. I love music and it primarly depends on my mood.

I think a major problem with the youth of today is that they don't have the family strucure some of you elders had. Did I say that right...Elders?? Is that proper?  ;) I didn't and I wish I did have. I wish I did have some better vaules and didn't have to deal with some of the stuff I have to deal with everyday but no matter what happens the only person that can change anything is yourself and if you aren't willing to change or help yourself nobody else around you is going to change or help. If your a negitive person...your going to hang around negitive people etc.

I find myself falling into these "traps" sometimes and it takes a bit for you to realize what you are doing and to realize your better than that.

Doctors have a name for this....Its called depression. Society has a name for it too....Its called being crazy and that what makes it hard because those of us young folks with this problem or other problems are sterotyped. Society  would rather call us names and say we are worthless than to be an "adult" and try to show us the right way. Sometimes the reason why young people do the things they do is because it is a cry for help and because of society not wanting to answer that cry we are burying thousands of young people becaus of suicide, drug overdoses etc.

We all have faults etc. and some are worse than others but instead of wasting time sterotyping etc. spend that time helping someone in need. It may not always turn out the way it should and sometimes you will feel like your wasting your time but at least you can say you tried.

Don't mean to ruffle any feathers but I think we can make a good thing out of a bad start...



"judge not lest ye be judged"
they judge themselves, dont they?

teach, cant you write them up for the language?
when i was in school, we even had to watch it in the locker room. 'barn mouth' they called it. spose that says alot for anyone been in a barn
northern adirondak yankee farmer


Sometimes the young folks worry me, but then I probably did worry some older folks when I was young.  

We have some real good young people around, what my daughter thinks amazes me.  You would not have expected it and she does listen to that kind of music (of course I will subject her to Jethro Tull).

Last week I was at the local pizza place and the Navy recruiters were there a fine crop of potential recruites.  No body piercing, tatooes and normal colored hair.  I could tell by looking that at least two knew thier way around the woods.  I would suspect that there was at least one from one the local dairys.  These folks had to only be 17 or so.  These were good old country kids.  
Making Tillamook Bay safe for bait; one salmon at a time.


QuoteI think a major problem with the youth of today is that ...

In keeping with my previous statements, we have normalized underachievement and created excuses for any shortfalls...

There's men who drink Guinness, and there's men who drink what's left when we're done with it.

* Note to Democrats, yes please flee to Canada!


Everytime I read this thread, or hear folks talk about , "These crazy kids, Today!"..... 8) 8) ;)
I remember this quote suppossedly from before the birth of it is or not it makes a great point in my mind , how parents ALWAYS view thier kids as the most crazed and wild generation , bound to never be understood, and surely the destruction of society as we know it!!!! :o :o :o :o
Here is the quote

    "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners,contempt for authority; they allow disrespect for elders and  love chatter in place of exercise.  Children now are tyrants, not the servants of their households.  They no longer rise  when eleders enter the room.  They contradict their parents,chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

Attributed to SOCRATES by Plato


I'm not just talking about kids, may adults take advantage of the same excuses.
There's men who drink Guinness, and there's men who drink what's left when we're done with it.

* Note to Democrats, yes please flee to Canada!


I'm absolutely sure, when the Beatles hit the states with their long hair, and Elvis started shakin his hips, and Rock and Roll started replacing Hank, and Jimmy, and Patsy, parents thought the same way. Woodstock, hippies, and communes.  Heck, I understand even a few of our respect members belonged to that generation.  I'm sure parents, and the establishment thought it'd be the end.  There was some bad drugs then too, LSD, HERION, WEED, COCAINE,ACID.  I'm for one thankful I managed to pass the worst of them by.  Whiskey, beer, moonshine, wine,that's been around for ages.

Well, things worked out that generation, and some of us come to our senses.  And so the cycle continues.  

Some of these kids will come to their senses, some of em wont.  Bout the best we can hope for is teach our children the best we can, and even then a bunch of em will rebel.  We have to continure to influence as many as we can, in the hopes that they too will finally make fine upstanding citizens.

That being said, I hate RAP, kids with tattoos and rings and studs, their music, and a whole bunch of that stuff.  

No telling what hidden words and phrases you'd find if you played them Rap songs backwards!!!
Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.



"I buried Paul"      



the problem with rap is that stuff is derrogitory right to your face :o :D
northern adirondak yankee farmer


Well here I am almost 49 and never took any hard drugs did alot of drinkin, never got any tatoos or anything else. I use to hate all the piercing and tatoos on kids. Now that I have a couple of son-in-laws this way with all the marking on them and I find out that there pretty good kids after all. I guess like the old saying goes, one should'nt judge another by his looks.


I have a tattoo....does that make me any less of a person?Granted you can not see it but still. Had my tounge pierced too at one time until I felt it wasn't professional.

Our young sawyer at our mill in Wisconsin has his lip pierced...Does that make him any less of a sawyer?

Its not about what you think someone else should look like or enjoy...its just about you and what you enjoy etc. You may be missing out on getting to know some very creative and neat individuals if you shy away because of a ring in their nose or something....

Sometimes you have to look past all that. My dad wasn't impressed with my tounge but did he love me any less...nope because he knew just because i went and did something crazy it wasn't going to change who I was.

Ron Wenrich

Body disfigurement is something that is beyond me.  I never could understand why, unless you're trying to impress someone else.  But, that's a generational difference.

Personally, I don't care what you look like, what you listen too, or how you dress.  As long as you're a responsible citizen.  

That's the basics behind what I taught my kids.  First and foremost, you're a guest wherever you go (Respect).  Act like one.  Second, if someone needs help, help them (Charity).  Last, when you do something, make sure you would be willing to sign your name to it (Pride and responsibility).

Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


What Ron Said! :)

Tom, I forgot to thank ya for that link!!!!!!

I STILL like the Stattler Bros!  

And believe it or not, I did hear a Rap song one time that I didn't mind too bad, just can't remember what it was.  A guy working for me talked me into listening to it, I do know it wasn't nuthin nasty in it.

Might a not a been right but I threatend to fire one of my employees if he got a tounge ring.  This was several years ago. I told him it just didn't fit in with my line of work out in the public. He does have a few tatoo's that I hafta look over.  But after all, he's one a my best friends.  Guess everybody just can't be as perfect as me!!!! 8) 8) 8) 8)
Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.



I may be....... :D  :D  :D

I had a wife onced that got a rid of her
Course the tatoo wudn't the only reason....



I'll bet she took it with her. :D

I made comments about judging people on a page back. It has nothing to do with whether I think the individual is a lessor person.  I judge based on who I want to associate with or who I want working in my company.  I (you) are judged by the company you keep.  Lots of liberal "activist" types will argue that it doesn't matter and it might not be relative to the person with the tattoo.  It does matter to the person you associate with.  If that person owns the company you would like to work for and he feels that the "image" you portray is not one that he wants his company to be recognized by, then you don't get a job.  There are a lot of things in this life that we find aren't all about "us".


Well I have 1 1/2 tatoos, one of them is faded so badly you can only see half of it. ;D
I've had a number of body piercings, all of which have healed over nicely, thank you very much.  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
One fine day, a young chimp stood on his hind legs and waddled across the clearing where his pack was lounging. without touching down with his front legs.  His father loudly lamented "What is this younger generation coming too".
I may have been born on a turnip truck, but I didn't just fall off.


Aman Tom My son said he wanted a ear ring I said ok but first you need your ship and jolley rodger second be sure it is stocked with food. Well he got the flag still no ear ring or ship ;D Parents can control a lot till they get out on their own.Always told him you pay all the bills you can do it your way.
Jim Holloway

Ron Wenrich

You can only make a first impression one time.  It ought to be good.  Although I don't care what you look like, etc; your first impression may help or hurt you.

I remember hearing about a guy who went for a job interview.  This was back when not tying your shoes was the style.  He had impeccable credentials, but the boss didn't hire him.  When asked why he said he wouldn't hire anyone who didn't know how to tie his shoes.

Same can be said about some of those piercings.  And what's the deal with a tattoo on the neck?  

I've been around a lot of bikers.  They have tons of tattoos and piercings.  They were doing it before it was cool.  They party hard.  But, when it comes to working, some of the work pretty hard.  And when they have a charity drive, they usually get lots of money (I just assume its gotten legal).
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


I like Ron's quote for teaching your kids. I always tried to tell my sons the same.

Dustin I don't like you any less because of your pierced tounge but YIKES!!... didn't that hurt. Me, I like a simple diamond stud earring but am too much of a coward to let someone put holes in me needlessly. :D


Can you imagine how difficult it is to heal an infected tounge? My oldest grandson knows.  ::)
I may have been born on a turnip truck, but I didn't just fall off.


I can tolerate the piercing and some of the girls have some nice tattoo right above their plumber's crack, even the all black clothes and chains ain't to bad,  but the attitude and lack of respect for others and other's property I can't tolerate.
Proud owner of a LT40HDSE25, Corley Circle mill, JD 450C, JD 8875, MF 1240E
Tilt Bed Truck  and well equipted wood shop.


Norm, It didn't hurt. More pressure than pain! Like I said earlier, I removed it a while back because I didn't feel it was professional. I did think about if I ever went to an interview with it in I wouldn't get hired unless it was at the local burger joint.

Girls with tattoos above the plumber's crack  8)  ;)

Den Socling

Me too! Girls with tattoos above their plumbers crack? What kind of talk is that?  :D :D :D


My son wanted to get his ear pierced when he was 12.
I said not a problem.I get to do the piercing!
I have one of those one hole paper punchers.
Now he is 16 and wants a tatoo.
Does it ever end?


QuoteMy son wanted to get his ear pierced when he was 12.
I said not a problem.I get to do the piercing!
I have one of those one hole paper punchers.
Now he is 16 and wants a tatoo.
Does it ever end?

Maybe this?  ;)
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

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