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OldJarheads Milling Thread...

Started by OlJarhead, April 06, 2016, 02:06:53 PM

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Thanks guys and ya, these lights are bright!  They do cut off so they don't blind people though I'll admit, if adjusted wrong modern lights can be hard coming at you but these things are beautiful!  Had to drive at night on the 30th and was so glad!

Now if I could fix my arm just as quickly LOL
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


It's official - I booked a campsite for the Oregon Logging Conference in Eugene.  I'll be there the 22nd (may be around in the afternoon on the 21st).

I'll probably be found with the Wood-Mizer folks if Brett will bring a chair for me ;) or possibly Hudson Forest Equipment but either way, I'll be wandering about as long as my back allows.
Is there website for those interested and I posted in the events forum on an older thread about this event.
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


Hey folks!  I'm healing up nicely and finally got back into my shop yesterday and was able to make sawdust and use some of the lumber I made previously to do a little work in my planing room / studio :)

I was also able to get back to the cabin where my sawmill sits in the snow for a while yet, here's a drone video I shot of my place:

and put out a video of my trip:

With my hand improving I hope to get back to the cabin again soon and with luck get the mill cleaned off and fired up.  I need to do some maintenance and if my back holds up (and my arm with it's torn ligament) I plan to get back to milling this spring.

I'll have to have two surgeries (my left arm maybe first and then my back - which sounds ominous but they seem to think they can get me back to far less pain in the near future -- just waiting for it to cross the rubicon if you will).

This may be a rough year until those two procedures are done and it's unlikely I'll go back to sawmilling like before but if I can at least mill what I need for my cabin projects I'll be happy.  Meanwhile, I'll continue to work on my projects as my busted up jarhead body allows ;)

I check in from time to time but must admit, I'm really just biding my time until the weather improves and I can get back to at least some sawmilling!

2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member

Peter Drouin

Keep at it. worm weather is coming. ffcheesy
A&P saw Mill LLC.
45' of Wood Mizer, cutting since 1987.
License NH softwood grader.

Dan R

Get better soon there are a lot of trees that could be turned into lumber 

Thank You Sponsors!