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hiring women

Started by babylogger, October 26, 2004, 06:54:29 PM

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QuoteI would hire with caution.

As a male small business owner, all things being equal, I would hire the guy first to avoid and head off sexual harassment lawsuits from the ones that do not want to work that you have to fire.

As a business owner, be careful with that statement.  :o
Too many hobbies...not enough time.


Rebocardo is absolutely correct in his thoughts, and a courageous man to admit it.  A small business owner does have to be careful, and take all things into consideration when hiring, including his/her spouse & children. A jealous spouse is tough to deal with and sometimes avoiding the entire situation is the best route....for everybody. Perhaps a person should take caution when hiring or applying for a job when there is just one other person involved....and they are married.
Good point Rebocardo, and certainly something to keep in mind.
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


Yes he may be correct in his thoughts, however, as a business owner, best keep it as thought only.
Too many hobbies...not enough time.


babylogger I have a women working for me part time at this point and whenever she's ready will work full time. She started with me on a 40 acre clearcut. I showed her how to fell the small trees and after a couple weeks started showing her how to notch and cut timber trees. I tryed to get her to run the skidder but after the first trip to the landing I could tell. So I asked if she would rather have her saw back I got a big smile and a nod yes. But she can run the skidloader better than one guy that has been here 10 yrs. She can out work a guy half her age and most of the time run circles around most of the men. She gets the guys going when cleaning the mill and you can eat off the floor when done. There's no sexual thing here she's one of the guys and treated the same. Just like men there are good workers and not so good ones it depends on the person. Just because you are a women means nothing to me I treat all equal.


i recently gave up wrenchin, but when i was a tech, i always liked workin with women in the trade. there arent too many girls that take to diesel mechanics, but the ones that do, dont feel that they have to "prove their manhood" because they aint got none:)
they are always willing to learn, and dont mind doin the crappy work to learn the tricks....
men on the other hand act like they already know everything, and dont even bother to listen.

a woman will be the first to admit she doesnt know, and pick up a book. but a guy??????? "dont need no stinkin direction!"

women also make a more organized and fun workplace.
these are generalizations, but mostly are true..... in my experience.

i dont really feel comfortable with a little person weilding a chainsaw(of either gender, but gals do tend to be less physical) because of the kickback dangers, tho. but im sure there are some girls that could cut the woods down around me:D

when i played football, there was a big girl that played for a team we played, and she ran my butt over more than once. #60


 i gotwo tales to add to this thread.
one about porta potties a big loudmouth cop i once knew stopped at a construction site to use the porta pottie. iwhile doing his business he dropped hie walkie talkie in the pot. he thought it was funny telling about fishing it out. it did not work after the dunking, the sheriff threatned to make him pay for it.
a few years ago i put an old frick sawmill edger on ebay. a couple drove for 12 hours to pick it up. i take it they was husband and wife. from the looks of the woman i bet she could out work a lot of men around the mill.


I had the best help, and most attractive the last time I employed a woman, and the best part was I had the opportunity to cook dinner for her!  And she even folded my clothes! and fed the dogs and chickens ;D  Life is pretty good when you have a  woman around!   david
only have a few chain saws I'm not suppose to use, but will at times, one dog Dolly, pretty good dog, just not sure what for yet,  working on getting the gardening back in order, and kinda thinking on maybe a small bbq bizz,  thinking about it,

ND rancher

When I asked my wife to marry me 40 years ago and she said yes I told her that times would be tough on her (she was a city girl) and she should come and help  make hay, milk cows, feed calves, she did and still wanted to marry me!!! That was 38 years ago.She has been the best partner I could of ever had and has mastered all the demands of our farming/ranching/milking life...I feel that most(some) women are better at doing things that we men think they can't do,We just need to give them a chance to prove themselves. my .02$
TimberKing B-20.  Have been bitten by the bug! Loving life !


Want to see two guys fight put a pretty girl on the crew. Want to see to guys work real hard put a pretty girl on the crew.
I've met Vets who have lived but still lost their lives... Thank a Vet

Family man and loving it :)


It's not a problem if the woman is a good worker or wants to learn, or has the strength to keep up, and some do, but the problem comes when they don't make the grade and you need to fire them. They will call you every name in the book and threaten to take you to court or whatever, that's the problem. It's a very difficult decision to know when to hire a woman to do a normal man's job that take alot of mechanical figuring and human strength, just because of the PC crap that goes on today and the sexual descrimination law suits that can follow you forever. Sometimes it's not worth taking the chance.
2008 F-250 V-10
2007 Lincoln LT
1996 Ford Bronco
Kubota 900 RTV
Shindiawa fan


So do I assume that every woman you fired called you names and threatened to take you to court?  :D :D

I would never advertise a position. Instead I would ask around the local community to see who might be looking for work. Then I'd check them out, look into their background, talk to people they've worked for, and then approach them to see if they're interested in the work. If someone were to hear that I was potentially hiring and approached me, that's fine, it shows initiative. I'd still check the person out.

If you do your homework before hiring, you won't have much firing to do.

Gender is not a factor. Work ethic is. Or for people entering the work force, a willingness to learn work ethic.

Bruce    LT40HDG28 bandsaw
"Complex problems have simple, easy to understand wrong answers."

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