iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Zero Turn

Started by Den Socling, April 24, 2016, 01:39:15 PM

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Last Monday I was mower the grass down at the county house and after about 45 minutes.  I noticed the mower was cutting real crappy.  I start looking at the mowing pattern and al of a sudden I noticed why it was cutting so badly.  I pulled up alongside one of the blades lying in the grass.  Couldn't find the nut or the blade tray with my rolling magnet.  So I had to order a new set from  Hopefully......I can get back to cutting this week end.



The past couple weeks it's rained about 11 of those days and it looks like mid spring around these parts.

Last Sunday I mowed five in the afternoon.  2 were regular events the rest were mower fairy jobs.

One had mower problems and his yard was getting out of hand.
One had a death in the family and the last had been in the hospital. 

Changed the oil in the machine today.  Maintenance is cheaper than repair.
"There is much that I need to do, even more that I want to do, and even less that I can do."

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