iDRY Vacuum Kilns



Started by Contractor1, December 20, 2016, 04:11:30 PM

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I have been having problems with my debarker not wanting to engage the log. I can manually  push it to the log but it will not stay engaged. When I flip the switch to move it out of the way it works  fine. It moves freely and the belt is tight. Any suggestions. Mill has 200 hours on it.


I had a debarker belt that once remembered its shape and made it hard to go in? or out? (one way) put on a new belt it was ok after that and a good tighten.
Has the mill sit around for a while?

If not then I guess make sures the debarker pivot points greased up?

Gear I run;
Woodmizer LT40 Super, Treefarmer C4D, 10ton wheel loader.


Make sure that the sawmill is about ½ bubble higher on the loader side than the side support side.  The debarker is heavy and the additional weight adds much to it's ability to engage the log.
98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

Two: First Place Wood-Mizer Personal Best Awards
The First: Wood-Mizer People's Choice Award

It's Weird being the same age as Old People

Never allow your Need to make money
To exceed your Desire to provide Quality Service


Shortly after I got my LT40 I found my debarker  wasn't working right I had the belt so tight I thought I would break the end off the drive motor . I called the local dealer he told me to use a 9\16 wrench to  remove the bolt at the bottom  of the pivet pin  pry up the debarker grease the top part by hand. He said the grease would travel down the shaft not up. I still do this a couple of times a year. Rod
2006 LT 40 HD


Quote from: Magicman on December 20, 2016, 07:48:07 PM
Make sure that the sawmill is about ½ bubble higher on the loader side than the side support side.  The debarker is heavy and the additional weight adds much to it's ability to engage the log.

You know....sometimes you make sense.  ;D
The older I get I wish my body could Re-Gen.


A very timely thread as my de-barker is doing the same. I will start with the grease and new belt option first to see how it works out. I dislike a crooked mill. :-)
Yukon, Canada

LT40G38 modified to dual pumped hydraulic plus, HR120 Resaw, EG200 Edger, Bobcat S185,Bobcat S590, Logosol PH260M3, Sthil MS660's, MS460,MS362's MS260, Trailtech dump trailer, F350, F700 Tilt-Deck log/Lumber Hauler, JD440B Skidder, Naarva S23C Processor


Mine was doing this too. I had to disassemble the pivot point and clean it up. Common on mills that are out in the elements, I've read.
Too many irons in the fire

Peter Drouin

No grease for me, I use ATF with a paint brush on the top. It will run down inside. 
A&P saw Mill LLC.
45' of Wood Mizer, cutting since 1987.
License NH softwood grader.


Just wondering here, have you by chance had a crash? Knocking it off a little?
only have a few chain saws I'm not suppose to use, but will at times, one dog Dolly, pretty good dog, just not sure what for yet,  working on getting the gardening back in order, and kinda thinking on maybe a small bbq bizz,  thinking about it,


It has been outside for the last year. Mill is set up level. I will purchase a new belt and work on cleaning out the old grease from the joint. Thanks for all the help.


Look at the belt that moves the debarker. Mine had developed a spot where it was worn almost half-way through. The debarker was not moving in properly and I could not find the problem. After multiple checks I noticed the worn spot. It was wrapped around the small pulley essentially hiding the problem in the groove. It is on the list of things to fix/replace during my slow season.
It's the going that counts not the distance!

WM LT-40HD-D42

petefrom bearswamp

Had a problem about 2 yrs ago.
Turned out the pulley was spinning on the shaft of the in out motor.
Kubota 8540 tractor, FEL bucket and forks, Farmi winch
Kubota 900 RTV
Polaris 570 Sportsman ATV
3 Huskies 1 gas Echo 1 cordless Echo vintage Homelite super xl12
57 acres of woodland


If it has been out side rain water will pool up on the big pulley and rust the heck out of it . the belt grooves will also rust and freeze the "V" belt to them . As stated above take it apart and clean it lube it and let er rip !  If the belt is impregnated with rust change it . 
I bleed orange  .


I serviced my sawmill today and thought about this thread.  I move the debarker throughout it's swing as I pump the grease gun.

As you can see, I get a good squirt out of the top.

And you can see a nice drop of grease out of the bottom.  I use a good high pressure red grease which does not dry and harden.

My sawmill is a 1998 model, has never been stored under a shed, and still has the original debarker belt and pulley. 
98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

Two: First Place Wood-Mizer Personal Best Awards
The First: Wood-Mizer People's Choice Award

It's Weird being the same age as Old People

Never allow your Need to make money
To exceed your Desire to provide Quality Service

Peter Drouin

That high pressure grease Magicman is good stuff, I use a lot on the John Deere and mill.
A&P saw Mill LLC.
45' of Wood Mizer, cutting since 1987.
License NH softwood grader.


For several years I used a "Moly" grease and thought that I was doing good.  Well I was continually taking joints apart and digging that hardened stuff out.  No more.   :)
98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

Two: First Place Wood-Mizer Personal Best Awards
The First: Wood-Mizer People's Choice Award

It's Weird being the same age as Old People

Never allow your Need to make money
To exceed your Desire to provide Quality Service


Peter, where do you put the atf?  On the shaft that attaches the debarker to the mill?  I have never atf'd anywhere around there, and wondering if I'm not doing it right? 

I use that Schaeffer's 238 moly supreme grease, I thought it was the best, but I do like that red grease too.  Supposedly you can't use moly grease on automatic slack adjusters because it's too slippery they won't self adjust.  I think mankind is doing good if we're coming up with grease that is too slippery lol
Boy, back in my day..

Peter Drouin

In the cold at 10° the grease is a little stiff. ;) For the winter I use ATF. I dab some with a brush at the top of the pin.
A&P saw Mill LLC.
45' of Wood Mizer, cutting since 1987.
License NH softwood grader.


The Schaeffer's moly is good grease, but I've heard horror stories about other brands of Moly greases. Serco log loaders have a tag on them that says "Do Not Use Moly Grease!" My boss had also forbid everyone from using it out here at one point. However, our new processors are set up with a grease system for the saw chain, instead of bar oil, and they've been using Schaeffer's for that. On the other hand, John Deere used to specify Moly grease for their harvesters, I don't know if they still do. Clear as mud? :D
Too many irons in the fire


It all depends on the clearances and load factors, coupled with at times the operating temperatures, it can get complicated with lubrication, fact is alignments determine a lot,  as to a debarker, simple shafting, small logs will make one come up short of engaging too,
only have a few chain saws I'm not suppose to use, but will at times, one dog Dolly, pretty good dog, just not sure what for yet,  working on getting the gardening back in order, and kinda thinking on maybe a small bbq bizz,  thinking about it,

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