The Forestry Forum

Lumber and Log Weights

Green Lumber Weight Estimator

B.F of


(Green Lumber)

Cord Weight Estimator

Cords  of
(Standard Cords)

     This calculator is useful in providing approximate weights for species, but the user should be careful in how the product is used. Wood varies considerably in weight per constant volume (density) on a regional level and at the local level. That is, the weight of a piece of wood from one area or tree will differ from the same species in the another area. The growth rate is the most significant factor in determining density, with slower growing trees having a higher density (therefore greater weight), than faster growing trees. This is due to the late wood cells (the dark ring seen when a tree is cut) having thicker walls and being closer together than the early wood (lighter wood between the rings).

     Where the board is cut from the tree is another factor, the heartwood portion of the tree (the center portion, often characterized by a change in colour) is composed of dead cells and will be lighter than the sap wood, where the cells are still living. Wood that is cut from the portion of the stem that still has live branches on it will be lighter due to hormones produced by the foliage.

     In different areas, genetics will play a factor in wood density, along with the growing site (moisture and nutrient characteristics of the soil). Where the tree grows on the hillside, eg south facing versus north facing slope, high elevation versus low elevation, areas of heavy snowpack versus light snowpack, constant winds versus sheltered locations all have an influence on the density of wood.