Awards banquet at national FFAcaveman11/02/14 at 12:52caveman: This is the team photo with the other KHS FFA advi...
caveman11/02/14 at 12:48caveman: meeting with biologist at Chattahoochee ranger sta...
caveman11/02/14 at 12:47caveman: not a bad place to do forestry practice
caveman11/02/14 at 12:44caveman: Where would you cut that tree? Old logging road o...
caveman10/21/14 at 20:14caveman: Beetle in live oak. If you look at it with a hand...
caveman10/21/14 at 20:10caveman: Ambrosia beetle holes in pine. Notice black holes...
caveman12/31/13 at 12:00caveman: I welded a short length of 2 1/2" tube to the...