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I'm considering getting a Range Road RR6036AW .
I was wondering if anyone had one, thoughts?
Thanks in advance


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Big explosion and fire at the chip power plant last night
The plant is in the town I live in Springfield NH
It don't look good.

A friend of mine hooked up an old bar saw slasher to his 295 loader and the bar won't go back up. There are four hoses on the slasher and five on the back of the truck, he only used four obviously. Two large ones, pressure and return, one smaller one to power the saw. What would the fourth one be?

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I have been running a 1990's Resaw that came with my 93 LT40HD. I kept it when I sold the the 93 and have really started using it in the last 4 years. A great moneymaker for sure. I need a wider resaw for the job I'm working on now. We just finished resawing 5,000 bd ft of barn board which I will get to kiln dry and sterilize.Read More

Went by my local dealer yesterday, and for the first time I can remember, they had 3 saws in stock that weren't spoken for!

2 LT40's and a 35.

Apparently the supply chain is finally catching up??


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