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OldJarheads Milling Thread...

Started by OlJarhead, April 06, 2016, 02:06:53 PM

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Have been slowly improving but still sleeping in a chair.  However, got two steroid injections in my lower back and can walk slightly better from it already.  Here's hoping I see more improvement over the next few weeks!
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


Here is hoping for the best for your recovery Erik.  

Old folks are supposed to git.   ffcool
98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

Two: First Place Wood-Mizer Personal Best Awards
The First: Wood-Mizer People's Choice Award

It's Weird being the same age as Old People

Never allow your Need to make money
To exceed your Desire to provide Quality Service


Thanks Don!  Definitely improving!   ffcool ffwave
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


I continue to improve!  I actually slept in a bed last night (all night) which is a 1st in two weeks :D

Still walking is painful though only mildly now and I went shopping today with the wife and survived!

I'm hoping to head to the cabin again soon and see about doing some milling but may call on friends to assist.
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


Good morning!  It's been a while.

I'm still upright and while I need more work, am mostly doing well.  I'm not walking much (like when I was walking 4+ miles every other day) but doing pretty well as long as I don't push it.

Wanted to run the sawmill on my last trip to the cabin but had to call it early due to my back but did get work done.  Here's hoping for more improvements!

2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


Hope things keep moving.  Thanks for the update. How soon before the route to the cabin is snowed shut?



The cabin road isn't usually snowed shut unless we get a big snowfall like last year!  And then it's usually not for too long.

I normally have no real issue until about mid December and then it gets pretty deep until late March but we can usually always get in.
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


I had it in my head you guys got shut out for a while every year.  I've had to haul a tractor up to our cabin to dig the driveway out so we could get in but it's only 40 yards.  :wink_2:


2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


Nope :D  Just gets a little more interesting lol but with my back I probably wouldn't want to snow shoe in so may not attempt a January run.
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


Hat Tip to FF and all of you in this one.  I give my thoughts on what's the right sawmill to get for a smalll cabin build - more or less.  Or at least I blather on a while about buying sawmills :D  Hey, can't run mine much right now but I can talk about them! (and for those who watched all my sawmill vids and noticed I'm doing more 'off grid' and power station vids, it's just because I can't run my sawmill as much as I wish I could!  So, I'll bide my time, try to heal and still work on the cabin and try to help others do off grid type stuff!
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


I like those Off Grid Videos. I have plans to go back and watch them all when time permits. Maybe this winter. Very interesting stuff. Almost as good as sawmill videos. :thumbsup:
Philippians 4:8

Branson 4520R, EA Wicked Root Grapple, Dirt Dog Pallet Forks, Woodland Mills CM68 Chipper
Echo cs-450 & cs-620p , Husqvarna 136, Poulan Pro, and Black Max Chainsaws
Partially built bandsaw mill


Thanks!  It's been fun sharing those while I can't do much on the sawmill.  I'll be putting out a lot more for a while I suspect but with luck my hands and back will be better in the new year (I see those two docs tomorrow).

Meanwhile, I'll cover more power stations, batteries, DC to DC chargers, converting my camper to LiFePo's, using a LiFePo4 to extend my campers battery capacity and more.

and yes, I plan to get BACK on the sawmill as soon as possible! (maybe next week even).
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


Welp, no sawmilling for a little longer for me :(  Getting my left hand rebuilt tomorrow (which will take 6 weeks to recover from - minimum) and then a couple months after will get my left elbow repaired (torn ligament that doesn't want to grown back on it's own) and during all that we'll make a decision on my back (likely heading for a fusion).

However, I'm positive I'll be back milling in the late spring and have some friends who want to help and have volunteered to take me up to the cabin this coming weekend (hard splint and all).

So, no milling for me but I'll keep planning in hopes of getting back on the sawmill in the spring/summer.
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


I wish you the best Erik.  :thumbsup:
98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

Two: First Place Wood-Mizer Personal Best Awards
The First: Wood-Mizer People's Choice Award

It's Weird being the same age as Old People

Never allow your Need to make money
To exceed your Desire to provide Quality Service


Ahhh yes, getting older isn't for the weak!

I'm an optimist so I'll continue to look forward to less pain and a useable body!  I have too much to do :D

2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member

doc henderson

Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor


Thanks Doc!

One thing I hate:  They make you fast from Midnight on but that makes you dehydrated.  It's not so bad if the procedure is in the early morning but mine is at 10:30am today and that means no coffee before NOON!  That should be a crime!  smiley_thumbsdown :uhoh: zzzz_smiley
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


So far so good!  took Tylenol this morning and doing well with just one of those (I was warned today - day 3 - could be more painful but i slept well and feel good).

Going back to cabin tomorrow (friend driving) and am looking forward to it, one handed or not!
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


Hoping you continue to feel good and healing is quick and complete.  
Woodmizer LT50, WM BMS 250, WM BMT 250, Kubota MX5100, IH McCormick Farmall 140, Husqvarna 372XP, Husqvarna 455 Rancher


Thanks.  can almost use some fingers today :) 
2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member

Peter Drouin

A&P saw Mill LLC.
45' of Wood Mizer, cutting since 1987.
License NH softwood grader.


Happy New Years!  Hope you all had a great celebration/evening!

My hand is getting better (slowly) and thanks to good friends I've been able to get a few things done but I won't likely get back to my cabin (or sawmill) until early Feb since I can't get chains on my Jeep let alone drive that long.  But, while I wait, a friend helped me see at night again :)

In the new year, once my hand is useable again and if my arm and back allow, I plan to get back to falling trees and running my sawmill to complete my D-Log project so I can get a second cabin built.  In the meantime I'll just bide my time, get stuff ready for the spring and keep on letting the physical therapist beat my hand up  :veryangry: :snowball: ffcheesy

2016 LT40HD26 and Mahindra 5010 W/FEL WM Hundred Thousand BF Club Member


Looked like a very nice headlight upgrade Erik, and yes, I watched the entire video.  ffsmiley   :thumbsup:
98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

Two: First Place Wood-Mizer Personal Best Awards
The First: Wood-Mizer People's Choice Award

It's Weird being the same age as Old People

Never allow your Need to make money
To exceed your Desire to provide Quality Service

Peter Drouin

Ya the new lights seem to have a line at the top then dark. ffcheesy ffcheesy
A&P saw Mill LLC.
45' of Wood Mizer, cutting since 1987.
License NH softwood grader.

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