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Not sure how it got past the chainsaw! Tammy saw it while we were sawing and pointed it out. I woulda never noticed it. That there, is a definitive pith!


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People have really sticky fingers when it comes to cribbing. They use it in the most bizarre places.
For years I never said anything. Enough is enough.
I've started charging customers for cribbing if they think they need it. If I don't need it to make loading easier on myself then they get billed for it. I've pivved off a few so far. They think I have an excess of it and it should just be included . Read More


OK, age related. Until a few years ago I had no problem hefting the 5 gallon Diesel jug and refilling my sawmill at the end of the day. I still can, but I no longer want to. The weight coupled with balance creates a situation that I need to avoid.

This situation works very well with the 12V fuel pump


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HI Guys, my first post. Kind of any unusual question-
I manage a property that was, up until maybe 25-30 years ago, an Oak/Short Leaf Pine Savanna. This means, primarily grasses and forbs, with scattered Post oak, Blackjack Oak and Short Leaf Pine. It is a dry, upland which won't support regular White or Red Oak. Over the years, it has filled in with thousands of hickory, Sweetgum and maple, which are native invasives, meaning they are native, but won't stay in their lane (the low drainages). I have about 70 acres which I need to remove the hickory, Sweetgum and maple in the most efficient way possible. Most are in the 1" to 4" DBH and range from 10' to maybe 35' tall with the branches and leaves near the very top. They are way over crowded and are impacting the desired trees. We've tried a number of removal methods, mainly hand cutting the undesirables, and treating the stumps to stop regrowth. This leaves us with lots of poles which we have cut for firewood, but we really have way too many.The hand work is killing this old dude.Read More

New user here! Glad to be with you guys. I will be logging and sawing the logs with a portable sawmill. The problem is that the land is very mountainous and remote and the road in and out is not ideal for pulling a deck over trailer with 1 1/2-2 packs of lumber. Going in is up the mountain, coming out...

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