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Women and Chainsaws

Started by Kevin, March 29, 2002, 12:53:44 PM

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Here`s something I thought I should pass along ...


I've been thinking about for some time creating a web page for women
who own chainsaws similar to the web site "Women who Ride Ducatis"
( If there is enough interest I might make it
this summer, but it will be my first time making a website, so it
won't be too fancy. Form any women who are interested I would need
in Microsoft Word format:

Name (first name only would be fine):
Make and model of chainsaw(s):
100-200 word biographical statement:
At least one (clean) photo of you with your chainsaw:

Please send e-mail it to me at Thanks.



I thought that was going to have a womans name.

Sounds weird to me. Kevin are you Joel?
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Are you kidding, I have my hands full with one woman.
I`m not sure if I could handle a bunch of them with chainsaws!


Pretty strange.  A chainsaw fettish?
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


Hi ya's
sounds like a S (saws)& M(mills) fettish :o :o but think about it how many of yas checked out the woman on bikes 8)
catch ya
JD Kid
I used to smoke camels but found them hard to light and kicked to much


They call that voiurism uh voyur.......voyeur.....admiration.  I'm not beyond that.  I never saw an ugly women, only some prettier than others. I'm not sure about too many with chainsaws and motorcycles.  A fella could find himself running for the hills. :D

Ron Scott

I'll need to get some pictures. May even have some. How about Women & Skidders or just a "Lumber Jills" Thread.


    You fellers have been in dem woods to long   :) :) to be thinken like that ;)
Jim Cripanuk


Ok so I checked out the women ;D.  I was very surprised that many gals ride Ducatis 8)  Twelve pages of pics :o  I don't know ONE guy that rides a Ducati.  A few that ride Harleys and a couple that ride Jap bikes but no Ducatis.  The wildlife tech that I worked with, he retired last summer, made enemies with a female grad student doing summer work at the Pigeon River Forest HQ.  We had to cut some cedar posts for some exclosures they were building as part of a study on elk browsing.  He made the comment to her that he didn't think women should run chainsaws and that I and another guy would do the saw work.  I thought she was going to come unglued :D :D.  
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


I wanna be yer agent when Hugh Hefner comes sniffin' around this one. :D

I know some wimmens around here that don't even need a chainsaw. They'll just gnaw'em down like a Husky-Varner in hotpants. Some of'em don't belong in the same county with a chainsaw. They'll be cut the axles out from under somebody's doublewide, and not think twice about it.  :o   Nawpp! Don't want to give one of them gals a chainsaw! NoSirreee, buddy! Bad move!

On the other hand, I know a few that'd be kinda cute goin' up a tree with a 066 hangin' on their belt. Hmmmmm.
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Hi  ya
well just lookin at ya eye's i'd say DanG has been looking at the woman on bikes  :D don't let him see one on with a skidder  :o :o if i do a flash back i think partner (?) had a ad back in mid 70's of a woman with a saw wearing cut-off's ,if i was crude ie thinking out aloud, i'd say on a clear night ya could almost hear the wood growing, after that ad come out  :o :o or did the ad read "buy a new model and get a bigger bar" ;D double DanG pine sap plays with a man's mind ;)
catch ya
JD Kid
I used to smoke camels but found them hard to light and kicked to much

L. Wakefield

   'Show us your chainsaws!' Interested parties may send pictures- er, of course we mean of the chainsaw but we need to see it in action, of course. Like the ads for 'wanted, wife with tractor. Please send picture of tractor'- but in reverse..   lw
L. Wakefield, owner and operator of the beastly truck Heretik, that refuses to stay between the lines when parking

L. Wakefield

   What I think is- the ladies are OK but the bikes are UGLY! I think the only Ducati I ever saw didn't have all that bulky fairing. Is that only for racing?  lw
L. Wakefield, owner and operator of the beastly truck Heretik, that refuses to stay between the lines when parking

Ron Scott

Team Work He's falling and she's bunching. She also runs a skidder.



Hi ya's
Lw,  i can just see some young and not so young loggers in town on a friday night driveing up and down main street wearing there best hardhats and new stihl braces  yelling out the window "show us ya chainsaw!!" :o
catch ya
JD Kid
I used to smoke camels but found them hard to light and kicked to much


Women and chainsaws? Not something along the lines of the Stihl calender I hope. Those gals have plenty of equipment, but none of it looks very safe for an old man with a wife.

Bud Man

Whhooooeeee  :o  Kan u emagin a fury stricken and smitten Marcella Ledbetter coming through the front door wif a fire breathing pole wacking machine just a swanging looking fur a feller what dun done her wrong Whhooooeeee   :'(
The groves were God's first temples.. " A Forest Hymn"  by.. William Cullen Bryant


Well son! Iv got enough shudders just thinking of Moma comin after Me with that peavy handle she keeps close (Just in case she needs it) to even think about anybody else.   Marcella Ledbetter,  She related to Uncle Percy and them.
Kinda lost track since old Jerry Clower passed on.

Bud Man

Yep same pack of hounds.  Ain't nobody gonna get close enough on TimberJill's  to check em for type of Parfume or to see ifn they shaves their shins, just say yes'm and stand way clear !!    Kinda Frightening !!   :o
The groves were God's first temples.. " A Forest Hymn"  by.. William Cullen Bryant

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