iDRY Vacuum Kilns


WHEWWWWW, I need a shower

Started by Fla._Deadheader, September 12, 2004, 04:55:25 PM

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  Finally got the power on 9 minutes ago. Had at for 24 hours, last Wed. It went out at 3 AM, and it has been hot. The house is smelly from the humidity and sweating of the furniture and bed linens. FL. Power Co. has NO idea on how to manage a major power outage. As soon as I can get the house in shape, it's for sale. We are outta here.

  We are going out in the woods, if we can find 10 acres, and build a place and produce our own power. No more being out of control.
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Bet ya feel ALOT better now ;D
Been wondering where you were and what was up. Looks like Ivan will mostly miss you.
MS193, MS192 and an 026  Weeding and Thinning. Gilbert Champion sawmill


Usally if the power goes out here, its only off for 2 to 4 hours. I bought a generator a few yrs ago just in case. At one time I thought about making my own electric, but at $47.00 a month bill I cant see it.
Are you going to stay in Florida when you move.


  I still haven't showered. I'm open to all opinions. Don't wanna go where the snow won't melt right away.  ;) ;D
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Hey Harold!

  We are going out in the woods, if we can find 10 acres, and build a place and produce our own power. No more being out of control
Sounds like you are returning to your old ways in Ark. ;)
 it is a good life ....let me know maybe we can help ya 8)


Save me a couple a acres off to one side or the other.  In a few years I might wanna join ya.
Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


 Shoot, I wuz thinkin about yer area CK ???  ;) ;)
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Well Harold,

Oregon Willamette Valley is very problem about getting a warm shower this time of year, as their is a light one occuring now. :D

Snow days are no more than a week or so.

And plenty of lakes and waterways to explore for logs.

Just a thought.
" If I were two faced, do you think I would be wearing this one?"   Abe Lincoln


  Stephen, sounds inviting. My wife has Arthritis really bad. Need a drier climate. This past 10 days has been very rough on her. The A/C has been on for only1½ hours and she is getting more comfortable, finally.

  Sure wouldn't mind throwing one of them 40" D' Firs on ole Homey, though.  ;D ;D
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Many of the arthiritis sufferers, snow bird to Arizonia or California from here.

Ole Homey would pobably sing with many of the big logs here. BTW, 40" DF used to be considered small to medium up to the early 80's now the mills are seeking 5-6" material.

Of course the exception is the portable outfits around Oregon and a couple of big bands still operating in the Corvallis and Philomath areas.
" If I were two faced, do you think I would be wearing this one?"   Abe Lincoln


Arkansas is still here... :D  Several waterways around to look in...  I dunno the rules about salvage but at least in the eastern part where I am, There are enough bottoms and fence rows to keep a sawyer busy a good while.  Just an Idea.  
"There is much that I need to do, even more that I want to do, and even less that I can do."



One of these would be a lot cheaper! $2900 15kw with automatic transfer switch! Wished I had one last year after Isabel, we went 11 days w/o power! By the third day I had my 5kw wired into the panel box, just had to take turns between the water heater/AC and keep food cold gizmos.

Brian - 2004 LT40HDG28 owner.


  I have an old Miller Roughneck welder generator. It uses a quart of oil for every 8 hours of running. I had it plugged into a 3 way socket that was plugged into the living room wall. It ran the TV, satellite dish, and a couple of small fans. I kept a voltmeter plugged into en extension cord, to monitor the voltage. We kept the freezer working, as a fridge. It would NOT completely freeze water. It beat nothing, but, not by much.

  Most of the time, the temp in the house was 91-95°. At night, I kept the doors open, with screens propped in the openings, and slept very lightly, with a pistol and hand light close by. The Looters and Scam artists moved in after only 5 days of power outages.

  We kept 5 gallon buckets under the inside corner bends of the roof, so when it would rain, we would catch water to re-fill the bathtub. We used that for flushing the Potty. Nearly went dry 3 times  :o

  We are SO sick of hotdogs and burgers and canned corn and canned beans. Soon as we get a decent restaurant open, we are SPLURGING on a fish dinner. ;) :D :D :D

  Most restaurants are busy feeding those that were not prepared.

  There was-is some serious price gouging going on. 5 gallon, all plastic, EMPTY gas cans, $29.95  :o  Cheap Tarps, $35.00- $60.00  :o  ICE in the store $5.00 for 8#  :o

  Hope the big guy upstairs is watching  >:( ;D
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Well it sounds like you got your refridgerator fixed.  What was the problem with it and how did you isolate it.



Fla_ Deadheader;  Heat is not a big concern on the west coast and niether is humidity.  We sometimes get 20 to 40 inches of rain a year, but nothing like those storms youv'e been having down there.  If you start looking in the MLS listings for the northwest you will see some great places.



What do you have in mind for "producing our own power"? Since Enron bought are power Company "Portland General Electric" we have the hightest power prices in the NW. Were I am located, we have to many overcast days for photo cells to work.
A few years back, I read that the owner of WM was deveploping a syetem to run on trash, I think that he was using the STERLING Process. There are on the market systems using diesel engines that use all the energy from the fuel. It generates electricty and uses the heat from exhaust and cooling for other uses. With colored diesel selling for 1.50 / gallon you can't come out on this method.


 "D", I have 2 methods that will compete with "fossil fuel" when the price gets to $ 1.50 per gallon. As I stated in another thread, I'm not getting beat up trying to offer these things, like I did with the magnet motor driven generator.
  Anybody familiar with the new design woodlathe that is driven by a magnetic motor??? It only uses AC voltage to control the speed ??? ???  See? I AM nutz ???
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


It isn't just Fla Power that has problems with major power outages. I've been in 5 major storms in the last 20 years. Three different states, 4 different power companies. They were all left looking for their backsides with both hands after the storms. It really isn't their fault. Just too much work for the available trained manpower. Let me put it this way.... Imagine if you will....all those down trees are like down power poles. Nobody could get electric till all the trees were cut in quality lumber. How long would they have to wait for power ? Even if you posted an emergency call for all available sawyers to bring their mills down, it still would take more than a couple of days to get there and a lot of days to finish the sawing. You would (I think ) get a pretty good showing of sawyers from the forum, but at best only 20-25% of us could get away from our regular work to help you at one time. You would probably go nuts from all the customers calling and wanting to know why you haven't got their trees cut yet.  That is about the situation FLA power is in. We were 10 days without power after Isabel, I know how frustrating it is to watch them act like a bunch of Keystone Cops. In the above imagianary situation would we sawyers look much better ?  The big thing I learned from Isabel is just how fragile our little world actually is. We all tend to take things for granted. In our normal lives we gripe if the bread in the store isn't fresh, we don't have a clue that it might not even be there at all someday.
  I hope it doesn't sound like I'm coming down on you. That isn't my intent. I wanted to move after Isabel too. Then I realized that nature can kick your butt anywhere, anytime. The real answer is to be better prepared. We plan on installing a generator large enough to live with. Shirley keeps a better stock of " diaster food" in boxes under the buffet in the kitchen. I now keep a larger supply of gas in cans during hurricane season.  Yes, these things cost a little more, but I think moving would cost us even more.    Just my two cents worth !  :)


 VA, I agree to a point what you said.

  There is NO reason the crews could not cut the taps feeding all branch lines from the main lines that are knocking out the substations and disconnect line fuses.

  If a crew from Asia were to arrive in a storm area, they could find the lines that look the best with the easiest access and isolate them. Then start patrolling each line until each can be heated up separately. Once the main lines are getting in shape, send the crews down each branch line and patrol for problems. Clear the problems and heat up those branch lines. That will reduce the surge that blows fuses as well as getting a lot more folks back online with the least amount of effort. It just appeared to me that the leadership here was non-existant, and the crews from all over the country had to fend for themselves.  ::) ::)

  I did this for 12 years and it CAN be done efficiently. I realize that it takes time. I did it in heat and ice and snow.

  Also, there are lots of "backyard" pole lines here. There is no way to get trucks in to raise poles and clear trees. This is Idiotic. The lines run down the street in front of my house. The house across the street is fed from the backyard ??? ???

  Enough ranting here. I'm trying to be good  ;D ;D ;)
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Underground power lines are looking better to me all the time.


I guess that I forgot to mention the biggest problem....Politics !
In my imaginary example from earlier....we as sawyers would, by choice, place our mills in the best location for getting the job done. But, what if we had to do the Mayor's house first ? Of course we wouldn't be allowed to make any noise that might disturb his sleep ! Then we would have to do the trees that affected the police and fire service (even if it would  not be time effective due to the damages ) , then the medical services, then another favor for the Governor...etc...etc...etc. Nevermind what would get it done the fastest for everybody !
Your plan might be smarter, but it would never be allowed to happen....Politics !
The bottom line  remains the same. We have to be better prepared. We can't count on others in a disaster.

November is coming.... I'm so happy I could just S***   :D



It figures... after I posted the one above, I read FDH's response over on the "DanGit, Here we go again" thread . Sorry man, I realize now that you were aware of the politics... that was your real gripe wasn't it ?  On that point we both agree ! The really bad part is that there is so little we can actually do about it.   >:(


Underground lines are code for new developments here in AR since twisters are fairly common.   The old developments have all the pole lines and through backyards and so on.  It's gonna be a mess if one hits downtown.  
"There is much that I need to do, even more that I want to do, and even less that I can do."

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