iDRY Vacuum Kilns


That Paul Bunyon Show

Started by Bro. Noble, October 03, 2004, 08:08:29 AM

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Seriously have you tried a good chiropractor. Workmate has back problems and normal docs will give anti-inflamatories and pain killers. Only treating the symptoms.
A good chiro should be able to x-ray your spine, show what vertabrae are out of line and pinching, and then beat them back into shape. Mate actually found where he had broken his back in a sking accident several years ago.
Things like chairs can also agravate the situation for sure. A different chair with your back in another position can also help

Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


I do see a Chiropractor, and I am planning on calling him today. This episode started two days before we left for Paul Bunyan. I lived with it the first day cause it started out tolerable. The next day of course when I tried to call was his day off. :-/ Then it was time to leave for Paul Bunyan. A 1000 miles later I am in pretty rough shape. I need to get straightened out some how this week because a week from today I have shoulder surgery and I dont know how I'll be able to function.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


yeah.. 1000 miles on the road .. last straw for a bad back  :(

Come and visit NZ and you can check out the thermal hot pools down the road from the Peterson factory  ;)
Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


Yep, got a big invite from Chris Brown but I think I want to be fit BEFORE a trip like that. Dont know if I'll ever be able to swing 5 grand for air fare, but its a dream.  Chris told me abour catching trout and burying them in the sand on a certain beach where the sand cooks them?
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Yeah.. I can believe the trout cooking story, there is a beach up north that you can walk out at low tide and dig a hole and it fills up with hot water for an instant hot tub.
In the usual NZ way it's imaginatively called Hot Water Beach  ::)
Work on at least a month to see NZ, I did the South Island in 2 weeks, different motel every night and we were never bored.
At least when you get here your $1 will be worth $1:80 if that helps ::)

Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


btw Jeff
If you book ahead....
I put LA to Auckland return into the Air NZ site for tomorrow... NZ$ 7000  :o
I put in early December, cheap book ahead fares.. $2042 NZ
Shop around  ;)

Of course thats 10,000 km in economy class... so get your back sorted 1st

Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


Boy I sympathize with ya Jeff, I suffered with lower back pain for years. Our family doc gave pills which didn't help a bit, best relief I ever got was from moist heat. What finally got rid of it was a different job, all those years I was on the road driving 5-6 days a week or stuck on long plane trips. Now I walk to work and if the weather permits take long ones during the weekend, that and not doing the same repetitive motion got rid of it for the last several years.

I'll bet sitting in a sawbooth has taken it's toll on you also, hope you get feeling better. :)


Another thing you can try and it is cheap.
I carry a business card magnet in my hip pocket.
I have no proof that is why my knees don't bother me anymore but I won't leave home without it.


My wife has a couple of the rice bags in the freezer and one in the dresser drawer.


A long term approach would be a smaller tool shed roof.  I know the one I am packing is killing my back.


Bruce, I am sure that would help. I gained over 80 lbs in the last 5 years after I quit smoking. I really need to find the will power to just say no to cookies. :D

And Ice cream.

And Lasagna.

and... ;)

Ian, was that price for 2?  No way I would go without the Wildflower. :) (L.A. is a whole country away from me)
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Give some thought to an inversion table!  Does wonders in realigning the ole back bone. Almost as good as a chiro.and cheaper too!

I use one for my aches an pains and it sure does help!

Just a note of caution, have a spotter the first couple times you use one in case you pass out from being inverted  :o.
WMLT40HDG35, Nyle L-150 DH Kiln, now all I need is some logs and someone to do the work :)


Here's my personal physical therapist.  It has been a lifesave at times.  

It measures 6" dia x 3' and made from a hard foam.

I got it from my physical therapist after I got rear ended.  The wreck wasn't so bad but my driver's seat frame buckled half way up my back.  Tried a couple different chiropractors, and a couple physical therapists.  I swear by a good physical therapist and swear at the bad ones.  Anyways, a quick roll on this once I get a little back pain and it's gone within minutes. It works really well when when you do a, "uh oh" when you lift something incorrectly and get that quick little sharp pain.

To use it you lay on it lengthwise under your spine and relax.  I takes some experience to learn to relax a painful back.  After (or before) that, you turn it 90 degrees and roll back and forth over the knotted up muscles.  Repeat as needed.

DISCLAIMER: Doesn't fix broken backs  ;)
WM LT70, WM 40 Super, WM  '89 40HD
Cat throwing champion 1996, 1997, 1999. (retired)


When we worked in BC, in Douglas Channel area, we stayed on a  motor yacht and anchored in hotsprings cove. What it was,  is an area where a bunch of loggers had set up camp. They discovered some hotsprings along the coastline and decided to construct a shelter and make some hot tubs with cement works. There was the main tub which overflowed into a smaller wash tub, with a drain hole. The water was around 100-110 F, I couldn't sit in it long but it was a nice spot to come to after a long day climbing through brush and rocks and boulders. I have pictures, but I don't think anyone wants to see a bunch of hairy strangers sitten around the hot tub. :D :D

Near where Percy lives in Terrace, are also hot tubs, that's only about 1800 miles away Jeff. :D There are also float planes leaving Prince Rupert to hot spring houses along Douglas Channel, they are near a reservation at Hartley Bay and maintained by the BC Ministry of Forests. There are also hot springs on the Queen Charlottes maintained by the native Haida. These areas are remote. ;)
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


QuoteIan, was that price for 2?  No way I would go without the Wildflower.  (L.A. is a whole country away from me)
No.. unfortunately that was just one seat return, but at least it was NZ dollars  ::)
and I guess it's a fair bit for ya to get to LA in the first place :(
Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


 Jeff this one sounds crazy but I found it works if you can stand to do it you lay on the floor and pull your knees up and rock on your back it seems to straighten out your back  I had an old Dr. tell me to try it 30 or more years ago  I have a small curvature (sp) in my back and it has always cause me a little pain but this help as much as anything
hope you fell better soon


Jeff;  Febuary was five years of no smoking for me and I added over fifty lbs.  I now notice that everything seems to be better in sixes. Six popsicles, six scoops of ice cream, six pack of beer. etc.  Sometimes all on the same day.  I have cut the time  it takes to eat this amount down to about 3 hours.  Usually between dinner and bed time.


Some of these have been mentioned, but as a person that crawls off a roof with a lot of aches and pains here's what I do.

You ever seen them vibrating heating pads like they make now.  You can get em that you can lay on yer bed, or that you can put in your chair and sit down and lean back on.  You can set the better ones for different heat, and more or less vibration and in different areas.

Mild  stretching excerises are good.

And Jeff, when it gets a bit better start walking every day, and 'push yerself back from the table'.  Losing pounds will make a difference.  'tryin to sneak that one in'

Epsom salt baths will make ya feel real good.  Use LOTS of epsom salt.

Muscle relaxers will help relieve tight muscles.  

My last secret weapon is what I call ET.  It's a fairly heavy massager with a long curved handle and a funny looking head and two vibrating balls.  It will either take two soft ones, two hard ones, or two that will heat up. The best thing I've ever seen for 'spot massage'.  Looks almost exactly like ET.

Also I got me one of them electrical things that shock like the chiropractors use.  I don't break that one out too often. :)

Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


4 years ago, I had sciatic nerve problems. I kept going to the docs, and they too just wanted to give me pain killers. After 3 long months with terrible pain, I found a chiroractor who helped me out.
My right leg was completely numb.When I started to get the feeling back, it was like a sunburn on the inside of my leg.
However, since it took so long to get cured, I now have permanent nerve damage to my right leg. I also get terrible leg cramps frequently. I take magnesium tablets every day. They help some, but not enough.
Husky 345, Husky 55 rancher, Husky 372xp, Husky 288, Husky 395xp


Well, one trip to the chiropractor today and I have been pain free most of the day. I gotta go to have pre-op tests tomorrow but after that I am going to come back and see him again for another adjustment before he leaves for elk hunting and I get my shoulder autopsied. I sure hope I stay straight because I cant imagine being like that once they got my wing pinned back on Monday. I would be totally useless instead of just virtually useless.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Jeff, hope you get straightened up before your operation. Chiropractors have been a life-saver for me, I wouldn't be able to keep working without one.
If you're not broke down once in a while, you're not working hard enough

I'm not a hillbilly. I'm an "Appalachian American"

Retired  Conventional hand-felling logging operation with cable skidder and forwarder, Frick 01 handset sawmill

Pretend farmer when I have the time


A little soreness has returned tonight, and I have to drive clear to grayling and back tomorrow which i know is going to aggravate it, but the cracker said he will be waiting for me when I get home to give me another twist. :)
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


A hot compress of 2 cups Epsom Salt per gallon of hot water for your back after the autopsie might be the ticket.

Or maybe right now!!
"And if we live, we shall go again, for the enchantment which falls upon those who have gone into the woodland is never broken."

"Down the Allagash."  by; Henry Withee


Jeff;  If you drink that epsom salts, you won't have to worry about driving.


 :D :D

That the antidote for them little yellow pills. :D :D
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


It can be used for a laxative -- read the box

maybe some members could use it  :D :D :D :D :D :D
"And if we live, we shall go again, for the enchantment which falls upon those who have gone into the woodland is never broken."

"Down the Allagash."  by; Henry Withee

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