iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Timber Harvest Methods & Equipment

Started by Ron Scott, March 24, 2002, 02:14:52 PM

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Got to the woods today, trying to knock this lot out.

This came in the mail, they must like my picture.  :D



    theres a bunch of wood up in the corner of this woodlot, didnt pay to track the Timbco up there, its so tight. 



Not a bad pile for 3 days. Wood orders coming in every day, hopefully I dont get to this pile this year. 

    the day didnt end to well for him.  :D


I hate when this thread goes dormant so will bump it back to the top.  I should not have mentioned that last week was my best.  This one not so much.  This is how the week started and it did not get much better.

Lots of toys for working in the bush


Yikes !! Is there a matching new sneaker for the other side too ?


That rubber looks like some serious $$$$ to me.
I know one day it will me my turn again  ;D
Make sure you know how to fall properly when you fall and as to not hurt anyone around you.
Also remember, it's not the fall what hurts, its the sudden stop. !!



M Cook
I hear you on finding good help.. We would like to get another processor but just can't find anyone that can take care of the machine and get production..
I'm Duane's kid Brian ( Leonard forest products) and I wish we were getting what the UP guys were for our pulp that would sure help.. At least log prices are coming up..


 Figured I would post some pictures from today, 

    had 8 of these like that today, cleaning up the wood on the edges of this woodlot, about 3 good days left. 


   I bought that 3120xp about 1yr ago, first time im using it and im kinda impressed. Wont carry it to far but she gets the job done.  :D

   the 2 sticks of hemlock sitting on my loader are around 200-220yrs old, the rings are so tight its hard to tell, its a shame they are full of shake. 


    not a bad pile of wood for 3 very long days... 7 in the morning till 7pm..  :D   thank god its going to be "tugboat monday" soon


How many guys are you working with ?   That's a lot of equipment to run for one guy. ;)
Make sure you know how to fall properly when you fall and as to not hurt anyone around you.
Also remember, it's not the fall what hurts, its the sudden stop. !!


 8)Uhm... ive had 1 guy help me the last 2 days to skid. Other than that im the only one, i normally dont have much help.  Cut a bit, skid, slash. Repeat.  :D   the help just isnt out there, and the cost of comp in NY just makes me more determined to not hire anyone. My stuff gets parked while im gone on the boat, got a whopping 600 hrs on my Timbco in 3.5 yrs.  :D

M Cook


This labor situation is costing everyone money, the markets are the best they have been in years and the help isn't out there to take advantage of it.  I have more than enough equipment to run a second flail chip crew but don't have enough people to run it full-time.  Meanwhile the markets are putting pressure on us to do more.

Things never stay the same for a long time, so when the economy slows down  there'll be lots of help but probably won't need it.  Such is the wood business, where else can a person have so much fun.

Mike Cook
Mike Cook


Bargemonkey, if my piles looked like yours the truck drivers would get together and lynch me ;D
Too many irons in the fire


Quote from: barbender on October 12, 2014, 11:14:36 AM
Bargemonkey, if my piles looked like yours the truck drivers would get together and lynch me ;D
Normally I would truck some out before it becomes a mess, and this header is on a postage stamp. The sawmill is only 3 miles up the road and I have to go over the landowners lawn so I only wanna go when its super dry.


barge monkey that soft maple looks good the hearts anyway ;D     if that was by me they would have holes half the size of the tree ;D       where do you sell your soft wood      what mill is up the road from you              how long are you on the boat for this time


Quote from: BargeMonkey on October 12, 2014, 01:15:34 PM
Quote from: barbender on October 12, 2014, 11:14:36 AM
Bargemonkey, if my piles looked like yours the truck drivers would get together and lynch me ;D
Normally I would truck some out before it becomes a mess, and this header is on a postage stamp. The sawmill is only 3 miles up the road and I have to go over the landowners lawn so I only wanna go when its super dry.
I'm just ribbing you, you can pile your wood any way you want ;)
Too many irons in the fire


M Cook

I don't know how Chris Muma and Lutke find the help...
And ur right it sure would be a lot better if the markets would stay this good forever.

What do you get per pulp cord for oak firewood?

M Cook

Lumber tick

Chris, Shawn, and Jason struggle to find good help also.   

We don't sell any 8 ft firewood only cut and split, prices for 8 ft oak firewood is $90 & up for green and $100 & up for seasoned around here.  Chris told me in September that Shawn and him were not taking any more orders because they were already booked through April of next year.

Mike Cook
Mike Cook


Quote from: coxy on October 12, 2014, 06:30:19 PM
barge monkey that soft maple looks good the hearts anyway ;D     if that was by me they would have holes half the size of the tree ;D       where do you sell your soft wood      what mill is up the road from you              how long are you on the boat for this time
The firewood on this job didnt turn out to bad, the logs where kinda so so. Our sawmill is about 3 miles up the road from the job, we saw 99% of the softwood we cut,  or ship the hemlock for pulp. The mill im selling to now for good logs is about 15 miles away. Go back for 7-10 days this time, hard to get much done on short trips home.


M Cook

We are getting 100 for green oak and 120 for seasoned.. 90 for mixed hardwood.
We are just putting people on a list got a good 40 orders right now.. Crazy how people wait till last minute

M Cook


I think we could see even higher prices before spring, there isn't going to be enough firewood for the demand.  The last time I remember anything like this was the  early eighties, that was when Leonard Forest got started hauling firewood 24/7.  Hope it will continue but odds are it won't, gotta get all you can while you can.

Mike Cook
Mike Cook


M Cook

Ya we still have a ton of those old customers..
We have turned down over half of them we don't go any further down then birch run now.
You buy alit of ur own sales or just so a lot for pca?

M Cook

We buy all our own wood, were also hauling to DPI in Alpena.  A couple times a year we chip plantation aspen for PCA on their land.

Mike Cook
Mike Cook


M Cook

I see you guys must get pretty good money per ton out of those clean chips?

M Cook


We get more than pulpwood prices and can produce a lot more tons, but it is an expensive investment.
We are closely monitored on bark content and chip size, and need to feed decent wood to chipper so we don't pull any scrag logs. 

Someday when you have time get a hold of me and I'll take you out to job and show you what we're doing, right now we're around 10 miles from Tobie's mill. Tobie has my number.

Mike Cook
Mike Cook


M Cook

Sounds good.. I would like to see one of those work

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