iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Pressure Treated wood

Started by DonT, April 25, 2002, 06:19:00 AM

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Good Morning, I just heard that the city of Ottawa has passed a resolution banning the use of pressure treated lumber in all new construction within the city limits.Is this something that is common elsewhere?I guess the price of cedar in the area just went up.  DonT


Funny thing about that. CCA treated wood is being banned, but is still required for certain parts of new construction, around here. Anybody know if they've come up with a substitute?

Speakin' of construction delimnas: My Brother's new house underwent "final" inspection this week. It flunked because he doesn't have a doorbell. Just why in blazes do they care whether he has a doorbell, or not!? ::)
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


That's important to those city dwellers in town who make all the rules.  They want to know somebody is on the door stoop so they can use their peep hole in the door. (probably also required}

Visitors at our house can be seen coming down the driveway.  If the vehicle isn't recognized, my wife meets them with the shotgun.........before they leave the car.   I wonder if shotguns are necessary for final inspections here...hmmmm.....I'll have to check. ;D


Bro' needs to put his on the gate, out by the road. No one can see his house except from the air, or by trespassing. He don't take real kindly to trespassers, neither. :o
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."

Ron Wenrich

Is that Ottawa's reply to the timber tariff?  Or is there pressure treating plants in Canada?

They are replacing CCA wood with another type of treatment, which is more expensive.  The problem with treated wood is the addition of arsenic to the indoor environment.  With tighter houses, it could develop into a problem.

The advantage of having a long lane is no solicitors.  Our doorbell usually barks when there is someone at the door. :D
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


They made the snowmobile clubs rip out all the new pressure treated bridges they built over the river systems that their trails cross, probably hundreds across the province.
I don`t know about the rest of the country but Ontario has ruled that it's environmentally unfriendly.


 Ha haaaa, barking doorbells.  I love it.   That's what your brother-in-law needs, Dan, a barking doorbell. .....or maybe just a button.  Did the Stoop Gestapo say that it had to work?

Did you know that in our city/county you can be fined for not putting your lawnmower up when you get through with it?  The council has approved "yard police" and their job is to roam the neigborhood and write citations to anyone who they consider to have an unkept place. You would think that it would be for lots that were allowed to grow up, but, noo-o-o-o, they write citations for lawnmowers, cars parked in the yard, sofas on the porch, paint not sufficient, fence bent or broken, etc, etc.  And the judgement as to what's "out of line" is left up to the "yard police".

Kevin, you said  "
.....but Ontario has ruled that it's environmentally unfriendly. "

I haven't heard a thing down here of this new ruling of Ontario being environmentally unfriendly. It must be something they are keeping tight lipped about. :D :D :D :D :D :D ::) 8)

Ron Wenrich

Your yard police would have loved my lawnmowers.  I used to have goats.  Anywhere from 5-15.  Since I don't have any neighbors and goats are hard to keep in a fence, I just let them roam.  I still had to mow.

The only problem is that they don't know where the yard ends and the landscape begins.  They killed nearly every bush or tree we tried to plant.  They also would clean out the bird feeders when they walked past. :D

On the upside, they cleared an entire field of multiflora rose and any other type of bush.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

L. Wakefield

   O my word- I am so glad my driveway is as long as it is.. 'unkempt-r-us' is the motto of my place. it's not long enough to satisfy the neighbors who have just left me a note about my own barking doorbells becoming a problem what with their habit of bringing home the neighbors trash to sort through for goodies- and crossing the road to do it.. I shall have to move deeper into the swamp..DanG doorbells have a taste for trash :(  lw
L. Wakefield, owner and operator of the beastly truck Heretik, that refuses to stay between the lines when parking


Hmmm, uh, what was I going to say? Oh, yeah, licking PTW.  I don't lick, uh, ......what was that? oh yeah, PTW.  I make toothpicks out of it.  Doesn't hurt me.   I been chewing it for years.   What was i saying?  Oh yeah, PTW , licking, uh, don't lick that stuff Kevin, I hear it affects your memory. :P

Not long ago there was a fellow that showed up on the forums that was adament about CCA not breaking loose from tne wood.  He said he used to sell it and gave seminars on its use.  One of the things he would do during the seminar would be to chew on a sliver of the prove it wouldn't hurt you.

It reminds me of a joke.

A newpaper reporter was in North Carolina to interview folks on their longivity because he had heard that North Carolinians lived a long time.

He found an old fella rocking on the front porch of his mountain cabin and asked him what he attributed his longivity too.

"I don't know, never gave it much thought", said the highlander.  "I eat lots of salt cured pork, sweet tea, smoke a box of cigars a week, smoke a pipe in town, smoke cigarettes at work, dip snuff, chew tobacco and don't let a day go by without a quart of liqour".  I been chasing women all my life and don't sleep more'n about 2 maybe 3 hours a night.

"My God !, Just how old are you", asked the reporter".

"Be, nineteen next month", said the hillbilly.


Pressure treated wood makes me ill.  Just walking past it in Home Depot gives me a headache and nausea :o.  Actually working with it is almost impossible.  The facia on my house is pressure treated and just making a few cuts with the skilsaw about did me in :(.  Bad stuff.  I sure as h#*& wouldn't want a basement made with it.
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


  So why do you need a door bell?  
Jim Cripanuk


Woodman, the reason the city requires a doorbell on homes in DanG's brother's city is probably pretty simple.  You see, the DanG Chairman of the City Council owns stock in a DanG doorbell manufacturing company.  :o   DonT ever think that DanG politicians do things that DonT benefit themselves first and the most.  :-/

It's gotten so that there are only about 2 honest businesses out there......Pro Wrestling and Roller Derby.....and I ain't so sure about Roller Derby anymore. ::)
"Everybody was gone when I arrived but I decided to stick around until I could figure out why I was there !"


I know this is off of the CCA issue.  My doorbell is a 200lb. St. Bernard.   Even the Cougars and elk stay out of the yeard when he is around. 8)  The only thing he cannot control are the frogs that hang around the pool and work very hard at keeping him awake at night.  In my county court house there is a flag in every dept. that says you must call before coming onto my place unless you are in "persute" of a fellon.   If they are an insp[ector for some reason they must make an appointment or have a court order to be here.  One inspector showed on a neighbors place for no major or minor reason and began going through their garage as the main big door was open.   The inspector ended on the floor, spread eagle waiting for a deputy come and get him.  They call him now, in advance.   ;)  One inspector was so concerned about coming on my place after I told him to get a court order, that he brought 3 deputies to watch me.  I just kept saying lumber after the court order ended in the sawdust pile and he went about his misguided business.   His behavior cost him his job, eventually. >:(  
Frank Pender

Ron Wenrich

Okay, I have a question about these environmental hazards.  I've seen a lot written about what they might cause.  But, every one of them have a laboratory where we can see what happens with mega-doses of the stuff.

How are workers effected by CCA?  This stuff is manufactured and used by people on a daily basis.  There exposure rate is a lot higher than the normal public.  If there is a problem, it should show up in the workers long before the general public.

I know asbestos had that problem, as well as coal dirt.  I remember how they said elector-magnetic fields (EMF) were supposed to be cancer causing.  But, I didn't know of a higher incidence of cancer among linemen.  

My wife's uncle died from brown lung disease.  Comes from working in a textile plant where there is a lot of cotton fibers floating in the air.  Maybe cotton clothing will be banned.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Ron, I try to remember, when I hear of these alarms, that more and more people in our society are looking for a "cause".  It's the "correct" thing to do and allows the, otherwise, insignificant to exhibit control over those they have determined to be in power.  Because of this, we appear to be a nation of subserviant, minorities who are in a constant battle for survival.

We have tree sitters and resturant suers, building opponents, building proponents, water pollution factions, anti-fire groups, anti-arms groups, anti.....etc, etc,,..

There is a cause for everyone out there and a media network that will initiate and help the 'alarm' for the sake of market share.

I feel this has led to a failure of the population to retain it's independence and has caused us, as a society, to forget what "living" is all about.

Facts and figures of things like treated wood harming the invironment are generally not produced from valid facts resulting from long studies.  They seem to almost always be some "new found", "alarming", life threatening discovery.

My opinion is that life, in itself. is dangerous. Even locking ones self up in a closed room to escape the world, leads to lack of sunlight and muscle tone which will cause a shortened life.  

I don't eat CCA.  I use the recommended rules for handling it. Not being a chemist or a Forensics Dr., I have to depend on the word of people trained in determining the safety of these products.  Asbestos was a good thing until it was discovered to be a bad thing. Perhaps CCA and existing treated building products will follow suite; but until those we have put into position to determine its safety make a decision, I favor my judgement about its effect on my body over the "alarmist joiners of causes."  In a milder way perhaps, I feel that many of these "alarmists" are doing the same thing as yelling "fire" in a theater.

I don't saw treated wood on my sawmill because it "may" affect my health and there are other, and better, ways of obtaining treated wood for projects.(ie. treat what is sawed)
These are my rules for my own well being.  If I use a treated product I use it as regulated.  When the proper authorities determine it is hazardous I will quit using it but I fear that these authorities are driven by fringe groups who are looking for utopia, many of whom don't consider the human race a critical  part of the "existance" equation.


We do not have doorbell police in my municipality yet,we do have weed cops,the weed cops circle the country side looking for overgrown fields filled with weeds.They then have the weeds erradicated and send the bill to the landowner.  DonT


When I lived in town, I was on the "Weed Cop Hot-List."  I also got nailed by the "Dog-Doo Detectives" once. This was complements of a neighbor who sent his own dog outside of his fenced yard, to do his business.

Where I live, now, I'm known to the unknowns as, "That crazy old bastard with the gun."  This notoriety has been carefully cultivated, by Yours Truly, and seems to be working well. My favorite perch, at night, is anywhere that is not under a roof. Sometimes, I can be found sitting out in the moonlight, at the strangest of hours. If anyone should be so foolish as to drive too slowly by my place, they will get a Q-Beam in their mirror till they're out of sight. I'm gonna make a sign that says, "Forget the dog, BEWARE OF THE OWNER!"
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


DanG , if I am not just like you. 8)  As the meanest teacher in the county, it has carried over to the Tree Farm, too.  ;)  Sometimes in the Summer I just carry my sidearm around to help remind some. :P
Frank Pender


I think this is hilarious.  Neighbors know me but those who haven't taken the time think I'm the crazy old white headed guy back in the swamp.  My "planned" activity has been to, occassionaly, but fairly frequently, go out on the property somewhere, night or day, (I favor night) and run around yelling and screaming at the top of my lungs like I'm chasing someone,  and shoot the 12 guage a couple of times. Sound carries pretty good after the sun goes down and and when I do this, the Boom Boxes up in the trailer court all shut down.


I hate to be the one to tell you this but you are the crazy old white headed guy back in the swamp.


My reputation precedes me.  I'm even known in Canada now Yee Hi-i--i---i :D


 I hate those boom boxes too. Sane man around here .I use a mac 90 !!!
Jim Holloway


Mini-14 Ranch with forty round mags 8).  The house infection that sprung up next to me is also on the verge of having a hog barn to look at and smell ;D.  Don't get on the bad side of the crazy farmer next door :o.  The little land pimp already has.  Just one more time and his resale value goes down the crapper :D :D ;D 8)
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom

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