iDRY Vacuum Kilns


The big 200

Started by pasbuild, December 19, 2004, 09:42:56 AM

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Well it took me about two years but I finale made it to post # 200, now this may seem like a small thing but if you take in to consideration my one finger typing style, POOR spelling and my total lack of knowledge of proper sentence structure you would no that this is something BIG ;D
WHEW glad to get that over with ;)  
If it can't be nailed or glued then screw it


That is to funny I was just thinking the same thing about me. This is number 100 for me


Keep practicing and soon "you will be jumping over tall buildings in a single bound, and be fast as a speeding bullet.  :) :)


  Yep, I'm clean up to using 4 fingers. ;D ;D
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Don't slow down now.  After  the first couple of hundred it gets easier with every post.  Keep it coming!
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln


I agree with Tom.  I've been practicing and now I can jump over a bullet and keep up with speeding tall buildings.
I eat a high-fiber diet.  Lots of sawdust!


Doubled my typen speed ...use two fingers now. Makes mistakes even faster... still worken on the sentence structure & grammer ::) Keep up the good work. ;D
just another beaver with a chainsaw &  it's never so bad that it couldn't get worse.


I will on occasion use two fingers, I will hit the shift button with my left index finger and hit another key with my right index finger AT THE SAME TIME  ;)  
If it can't be nailed or glued then screw it


Congrats on reaching a milestone, Pasbuild, but most of all, thanks for hanging in there. Hang in there some more, would ya?  I'm fixin' ta build a house, and I can use all the builder input I can get. ;D

I feel for you guys that are "typographically challenged."  I gotta thank ol' "Hopalong" Holloway for giving me a good background in typing. Mrs. Holloway was the typing teacher at my high school, and she walked with a serious limp. Being the unfeeling, callous brats that we were, we gave her an unwanted nickname. We saw her as one of the most disagreeable old bats we ever came across, but she really was a fine person and a great teacher; one of those old-fashioned, dedicated types.  I'm sure that I'm not the only one that silently thank's her from time to time, for giving us the skills to get along in this keyboard-oriented world. :)
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


I'm all most up there with leweee. Can use that second finger about every sixth letter. And I took a college writing course with this condition ;D :o One was more than enough !!!!
Wish I'd had a Mrs Holloway.  ::)
So if my posts seem a little clipped, it's cause I'm exhausted from trying to figure out where the letters are. I swear someone keeps movin them around....... :D
MS193, MS192 and an 026  Weeding and Thinning. Gilbert Champion sawmill


Know what you mean can't spell my name right sometimes.Mrs Holloway helps me sometimes but is now in bed so I am on my own now  ;D
Jim Holloway


 :D :D :D :D

Hope she wasn't yer aunt or sumpthin.  If she was, you was a lucky nephew, though. :)
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Lost track of the famley tree some how Dan I know i'm kin to all the poor Holloway's don't know much about the outher ones  ???
Jim Holloway


I needed an extra credit in high school and seemings since I was the only boy in the class it wasn't all bad. Miss Dirks thought I belonged in an industrial arts class and not her typing class but I signed up anyways.

One of the few things I learned in high school I still know. ;D


Never took typing in school and managed to avoid EVER typing a word until I relented and bought a family computer in 1997. Not that long ago. I still don't type real well, maybe 30 words a minute with mistakes when my arm is not bothering me so bad. Looks like I am coming up on 10,000 posts. A ridiculous number for somebody that may have only written 3 letters in his life before the computer came along.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


 I used a key board starting in 1978 on the newfangled metal lathes at work. But I didn't get a puter till a yr after Jeff. I still can't spell, and can't figure how to use the spell thing on here  ;D
Ed K


  Spell thing  ???  What spell thing ... Dang I've been  wracking my brain trying to write the correct way and you tell me that theres a spelling thing on hear somemurwhere, Where is the danfangle spelling thingy, does it do tanslation  ???
A man does not always grow wise as he grows old , but he always grows old as he grows wise .



I've got a spell checker but I have a BIG problem with it.  The dang thing don't even know how to spell Youster.  ???
Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


Download IESPELL from

It's FREE!

It allows you to spell check inside of most any Internet Exporer 'creation' window by placing the cursor inside of the window after you have typed your message and right clicking on the mouse.

That's what most of us are using.  The forum hasn't got a spell checker of its own.  This is pretty much the Forum Checker :)


Tom free is good but does it know anything about ck's youster ??? My wife has three yousters out side if I don't get off here and go get her some fire wood in I will be saying I youster sleep in the house  ;D
Jim Holloway


I'm not that worried about spelling something wrong I just figure you folks will think that its some kind of home grown word from Da Yooper dictionary  ;D
If it can't be nailed or glued then screw it


You can add your own dictionary and put words in it that aren't in the one that is supplied. :)

That oughter take care o' youster. ;D

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