iDRY Vacuum Kilns


new novice

Started by pifan, January 19, 2005, 07:21:58 AM

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hello I am new to this forum I have been reading it for a while there is allot of good info here now i am scared to even cut wood ha.  what are some of the biggest mistakes a novice firewood cutter makes?


Well, as my wife would say, "You began cutting wood." :D

    Welcome to the Forum.  You hang around here much you will soon become a non-novice.
Frank Pender


welcome to the forum, pifan.

If there was ever a single, most dangerous thing, it is "complacency".   When we think we know it all and get careless, it increases the natural dangers of working with heavy items and sharp tools a thousand fold.

Don't ever stop studying and don't get in such a hurry that you quit thinking.   :)

Ron Scott

A big mistake is to not wear PPE, especially chaps, safety glasses/face shield, gloves, and hard hat. Also don't forget to read the Owner's Manual  ;).


Welcome to the forum!

What type of wood do you expect to be cutting?  What are the primary uses for the firewood?  Are you cutting for your own consumption? woodstove? fireplace? Or are you thinking of a commercial venture?  What is the source of the wood you intend to cut?

Ron's advice is the most important without a doubt.
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln


Welcome to the forum Pifan!  8)
Very nice to meet ya!
Say when


I have been heating with wood for about 4 years and cutting for about the same but most of the wood i've gotten is downed or fence row wood so i'm not a complete novice but after reading this forum there is allot to learn i use a MS 310 and an O- 11 by stihl  I try to go slow and think about what I am doing but sometimes Im get in a hurry I dont think I could afford to sell any wood after the time I spend cutting and handeling it I'd have to charge way to much for it that's what i tell people anyways. i prety much doo it for fun , exersise and to save allitle money on the heating bill my wife says i dont save any money because i have to buy toys to help, truck saws splitter gas oil ',loader tractor  :D


So you have found the true joys of cutting wood!  One toy begats another toy, and on, and on . . . 8)

What volume do you cut in a year?
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln


about 18 face cord or whatever I have acess to


too add to everyone else's advice:

keep your back straight
lift with your legs
handle the wood as few times as possible
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln


Hi Pifan

I agree with what the others say, wear safety gear and allways take a minute to study what you are going to do. 9 times out of 10 it's straight foward to fell a tree. But look for the traps... leaners, entangled branches, dead tops, rotten trunks etc. If you spot them you can then plan how to deal with them ( walk away quickly is sometimes a valid option )  ;) Dont work when you are tired, you will make mistakes then and end up squashed and / or bleeding  :o

Dont be scared... be cautious and smart... there is a difference  ;)

Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


Here is a fine webpage from the department of labor with several pictorial type presentations on logging, and woodcutting safety.  If you are not felling, but only bucking there are still dangers and hazards to be aware of, such as an example, spring poles

Logging eTool:
Slide Presentation

Closely related, the sawmill etool
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


All the safety issues are a must. But you need to know the difference between firewood logs and saw logs. You could be throwing away alot of easy money if you turn everything into firewood...... Know the wood buisness not just the firewood buisness....


Welcome to the forum pifan !  I cant find thumb ,mi . on my streets and trips map so I looked on the member map and couldnt believe how many members there are in michigan . This is great to know if I ever have car trouble . Do you have a heated garage?   ;D  My big thing with sawing firewood is when my arms start getting tired I quit  !  Wish I could find safety chaps for big guys because I would never take them off.
UNCLEBUCK    bridge burner/bridge mender


yes i have a heated garage my wood furnace is in my garage and ducted into the house i also preheat my water that feeds my water heater


thank you all for replying I guess safety is the first concideration I am even thinking  about getting some safety chaps or pants anyone know where to get them and are there difterent kinds

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