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My cancer journey

Started by Ed_K, July 11, 2016, 07:34:39 PM

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I am not a regular poster, but i feel like it would be good to tell you too keep your hopes up, no matter what. Despite being diffrent kinds of cancer (stomach and lung), my grandfather was diagnosed a little under 20 years before he ultimately passed away. The first time it appeared he was given a few months to live (at most), the second a few weeks, and the third and final was a few days, to a few weeks. One can never be certain, and you should always keep up your hope (and faith), in-front of any situation.

Stephen Alford

   Ed when I went through it I parked my woods tractor at the back door, looked out the window at it every day.  Finally made it into the seat and eventually back to the woods.  The number they gave me was 18 months. I have always run detroits and my hearing is not so good. The issue is it has been slightly over 18 years... hope I did not hear him wrong.   :D    Hang in there buddy it gets better.   :)


 Thanks everyone, liked the joke  :D . I will not give up believing I'll get to cut again. Rita was shocked driving in last night, I got the pole saw out and trimmed branches off the driveway so I can sit on the deck and see who drives by  ;D . 1/2 hr to walk down and back cutting small branches. They didn't tell me not to walk around, after loosing all my muscle's and strength in 95 from disk op, I'm not standing around this time. All the positives of time you all have spoken have really helped.
Ed K


So happy to hear you are staying positive!   8)
Say when


And happy to hear your moving around and got the branches cleared. 8) 
I've met Vets who have lived but still lost their lives... Thank a Vet

Family man and loving it :)


Jump in your car and head for Chesterville,ME. Pole saw too!!!  ;D  I have limbs on the edge of the woods that are hanging down in the field. I own one side of the field,but the longer one is not mind. I just cut of what over hangs. Seems like the more I trim,the more I need to trim. The lower ones hold up the ones above it. They sure do reach for the sun light.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Hope your felling OK. If not running the equipment for awhile, moth balls,full tank of fuel,not shure what else to do for short term storage but might be something to think about. If you need help just let us know. Keep strong and you are in our prays.
I've met Vets who have lived but still lost their lives... Thank a Vet

Family man and loving it :)


 It doesn't take much to wear me out, kinda over did it again yesterday, now I'm extra sore and real tired. I'm thinking that 2 days after a shot, is when it gets to me. I have this week off from the shots then we start 2nd series Aug 2. It's a awful way to take a vac. I haven't had vacation's since I quite working in a machine shop in 99. Forestry expos were my vacations  ;D .
Ed K


Will be praying Bro , I feel your pain .


I had a second consultation with the specialist today, he wants to add another month to the chemo treatments. He feels I'm responding good to it. It's supposed to work on reducing the pain, which I feel is starting to work. I can get around the yard pretty good picked some raspberries, reworked the band mill, (making the tunnel more open for bigger logs) that would have taken couple hrs but took me 3 days. Also started pulling deck screws one board a day, it is real easy to wear out, but I don't want to lose all the muscles I have left.
The doc has a few different treatments that he explained could be used later on and it didn't scare me as much as when they took out some of my bone marrow and a bone chip for a base line of the treatment, that hurt more than when the spring pole whacked my nose and gave me a black eye and almost made me pass out.
Ed K


Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Nice to hear your getting some stuff done and the pain is getting a little better. Those raspberries sound good. digin1
I've met Vets who have lived but still lost their lives... Thank a Vet

Family man and loving it :)


Ed, I'm glad to hear your able to get out and do a few things and admire your fortitude. I was just visiting with a dear friend and neighbor who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Inoperable, untreatable, no good news :( She said she doesn't even want to go in for her appointments anymore, all they do is bring her down. People keep telling her she has to face reality. She said she doesn't want to, and now this is the point I want to share that is true no matter the situation- we have the present. Today. None of us are promised any more than that. We get down when a Dr. is telling us what is going to happen in a month, or 6, or a year. Her husband was diagnosed with ALS almost 25 years ago, and given 3 years tops. He kind of got sick of waiting to die after about 5 years I think ;) Ed, I am praying for a speedy and full recovery for you, and that you will feel well enough to enjoy every day going forward. God bless you!
Too many irons in the fire


Quote from: Ed_K on July 28, 2016, 08:00:25 PM
that hurt more than when the spring pole whacked my nose and gave me a black eye and almost made me pass out.

Ouch.. my goal for 2016 was to not have to visit the ER.. got 5 staples in my head in January.. so wasn't off to very good start.  Prayers and a God Bless you.. hope you are feeling better. 


Ed,good to see you posting on some other threads.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


 5 staples, ouch  :( . I'd rather have stitch's the staples hurt more when they pull them out.
I can't give up reading and posting on the logging and forestry topic, I really enjoy seeing what others are doing around the world.
Ed K


I got burned on my lower legs and they skin grafted with staples.  I was still having staples surface a year later.  I bought a little wire cutter and would chop them in half and twist them out.  I find all pain sucks and am a big baby even with just the flue.  Mostly in all things we just have to muddle through as well as we can.  Ed, as always, I am wishing you the best.


Sorry to hear about your difficult times. I wish you wellness .  I've found that a pole saw can be good medicine. Take your time and get the next 10,000 branches cut. That could take years or a weekend. :D Get well.  Dana
Think like a farmer.


 Last week the lab (blood test) #s were too low to finish round 2 so this week is catch up. There's nothing I can do to change the #s. I asked if eating or drinking something would help, but it's all to do with the drugs they use to kill the bad cells. Drinking lots of water does wash the bad cells out tho.
So far the side effects aren't to bad, I'm surprised after hearing other peoples stories.
Ed K

Chuck White

Glad to hear things are doing ok for you Ed.
~Chuck~  Cooks Cat Claw sharpener and single tooth setter.  2018 Chevy Silverado and 2021 Subaru Ascent.
With basic mechanical skills and the ability to read you can maintain a Woodmizer  LT40!


Reading this all just now-- praying for you, Ed!
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

Operating a 2020 Woodmizer LT35 hydraulic for Upcountry Sawmill, Dacusville, SC

Now selling Logrite tools!

Writing fiction and nonfiction! Check my website.


My Father went through that. He would have a treatment and I would be cutting wood. Than he would come and cut with me. Never know how it will affect you.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


 I felt really good yesterday and now I can hardly move. Told Rita that if I could feel like yesterday,every day, I'd go back to cutting  :D . Kinda over did it  :o .
Ed K


Maybe this afternoon you will feel better. Mornings can be tough. Your Job is to eat sleep and go fishing.
Honor the Fallen Thank the Living


 Went to my appointment today and the #s they go by from blood tests were lower than last friday, so I missed another treatment  :( . Way this is going it'll be dec before I get this first go round done  >:( . Kinda depressing, I'm not good at waiting.
I keep asking if there's a way to get the #s up and get told nope,just have to wait and rest.
Here's a picture of different Multipotential hematopoletic blood cell's to give someone an idea of which blood cells are affected by luekemia + other's in the left column  and cells affected by multiple myloma in the right column. As we understand it.



Ed K

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