iDRY Vacuum Kilns



Started by HiTech, June 12, 2016, 02:33:55 PM

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have a crystal ball? Was just sitting here wondering what will become of the world. Everything is either more or bigger. More people everyday, bigger buildings and cities. Bigger trucks. Bigger forestry equipment. 20 plus ton forwarders. Huge skidders. Bigger farms and farm equipment. No matter what it is it has gotten bigger. The Infrastructure has pretty much remained the same. Highway systems, water systems, sewer systems and the electrical grid. Trying to figure out where to make the next dollar is sometimes like playing Russian Roulette.


The calibration sticker on my crystal ball ran out.  If you know of an accredited operation to get mine recalibrated please let me know.
W-M LT40HDD34, SLR, JD 420, JD 950w/loader and Woods backhoe, V3507 Fransguard winch, Cordwood Saw, 18' flat bed trailer, and other toys.

Bandmill Bandit


The last time I had mine done took 2 years and it came back 2" inches in diameter and really funny looking.

All its good for now is casting zillions of little rainbows all over the living room when the sun hits it. Drives the dog nuts. BUT he wasn't far nuts any way.
Skilled Master Sawyer. "Skilled labour don't come cheap. Cheap labour dont come skilled!
2018 F150 FX4, Husqvarna 340, 2 Logright 36 inch cant hooks and a bunch of stuff I built myself


i never wanted one im scared of the way we are headed anyway and dont know if i could handle knowing the outcome in advance ;D  in some cases ignorance is bliss ;D :D :D :D   my worst fear is we shoot the big fuse and lose power for weeks or longer then NO FORESTRY FORUM :o  :D :D :D

but seriously i have wondered the same thing and wonder how long it can keep going before we end up were we started 200 years ago :-\
hudson 228, lucky knuckleboom,stihl 038 064 441 magnum


Quote from: sandsawmill14 on June 13, 2016, 05:14:49 AM
how long it can keep going before we end up were we started 200 years ago :-\

Aren't we already there? Didn't we steal this country from England because the rich had all the money, power and controlled the political system?
Gimpy old man
Lucky to have a great wife
John Deere 210LE tractor w/Gannon Box


maybe we would be better off? at least we have skills.


Quote from: treeslayer2003 on July 20, 2016, 07:35:12 PM
maybe we would be better off? at least we have skills.

If we are comparing the skills of the 1700s v today, in the SHTF scenario of us stealing this land from the prior owners, the skills of yesteryear would be more useful.
Gimpy old man
Lucky to have a great wife
John Deere 210LE tractor w/Gannon Box


Seem like the only skills a lot of these kids have is how to play video games.
I've met Vets who have lived but still lost their lives... Thank a Vet

Family man and loving it :)


Quote from: timberlinetree on July 22, 2016, 05:46:12 AM
Seem like the only skills a lot of these kids have is how to play video games.

No kidding , Iv'e tried to get some of my kids interested in taking over my businesses . Good luck on that . They learned good work ethics when they were younger , but after the computors were introduced in the school system , it's that or games now . They dont ride their dirt bikes etc or do anything outside any more . I just try too keep things going , till they figure out what they want to do . I have 6 children my 29 year old is doing well with a new baby and his own home . We are so much alike we don't really get along . LOL I also have 4 ,19 year olds , two of which or working full time and going to School . the other two well lets just say I worried . Then I have an autistic 16 year old daughter that is wonderful and does very well in a structured enviroment , she wants to own a bakery and she will . Just wondering if anyone has any ideas how too get the other ones moving . LOL  I still have'nt figured out where the drive went , their mother and I both had the drive to make a good living under our own terms , So what happened to them .

OH logger

Quote from: motohed on July 25, 2016, 09:29:26 AM
Quote from: timberlinetree on July 22, 2016, 05:46:12 AM
Seem like the only skills a lot of these kids have is how to play video games.

No kidding , Iv'e tried to get some of my kids interested in taking over my businesses . Good luck on that . They learned good work ethics when they were younger , but after the computors were introduced in the school system , it's that or games now . They dont ride their dirt bikes etc or do anything outside any more . I just try too keep things going , till they figure out what they want to do . I have 6 children my 29 year old is doing well with a new baby and his own home . We are so much alike we don't really get along . LOL I also have 4 ,19 year olds , two of which or working full time and going to School . the other two well lets just say I worried . Then I have an autistic 16 year old daughter that is wonderful and does very well in a structured enviroment , she wants to own a bakery and she will . Just wondering if anyone has any ideas how too get the other ones moving . LOL  I still have'nt figured out where the drive went , their mother and I both had the drive to make a good living under our own terms , So what happened to them .

4 19 year olds?? there has to be a story there! :D


 :D :D i thought the same but didnt reply. Maybe two times twins in the same year???  ??? ???
National Stihl Timbersports Champion Costa Rica 2018


not enough butt kicking? jk man, i have a grown son the same way........idk what we done wrong. bugs the heck outta me.


They are all very repectful and generally good kids , normal growing pains same as we all had growing up . Oh yeah , there is a story .


It's the day and age.  When I was growing up, video games and computer stuff was just starting out but kids still went outside and played with their imagination.  Now everything is handed to them.  They don't have to move at all to be entertained.  It's making a nation full of fat, out of shape pale kids who don't know anything about anything and all the while being told that they're precious and special just for being alive.  Hmm.  Doesn't sound like this ends well.  :-\
K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Stupid
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without
1989 GMC 3500 4x4 diesel dump and plow truck, 1964 Oliver 1600 Industrial with Parsons loader and backhoe, 1986 Zetor 5211, Cat's Claw sharpener, single tooth setter, homemade Linn Lumber 1900 style mill, old tools

edwin dirnbeck

Quote from: Ox on July 27, 2016, 09:56:52 PM
It's the day and age.  When I was growing up, video games and computer stuff was just starting out but kids still went outside and played with their imagination.  Now everything is handed to them.  They don't have to move at all to be entertained.  It's making a nation full of fat, out of shape pale kids who don't know anything about anything and all the while being told that they're precious and special just for being alive.  Hmm.  Doesn't sound like this ends well.  :-\
I am 75 years old,and have known generations of fine people thru the years. I have known just as many lazy ,drunk ,stupid deadbeats,People are people.Do you honestly think that in 20 years,when the current crop of yougsters are running things, the world will stop running?Dont look at the worst kids,look up to the best.Edwin Dirnbeck


Sometimes I think kids might get depressed or overwhelmed. It used to be simple. A car was a car and a truck was a truck. Now there's sports cars, minivans,crossovers,SUV,coup,sadans and,mini cars. A phone was a phone but now we have flip,slide,smart and ones you wear on your head. Tractors were simple: a being the smallest on up to m being the largest. Now I can't even tell what tractor has what for HP let alone the letters stand for. Now with this world wide web kids are seeing lots of stuff that is real bad( I've seen some stuff I wish I hadn't) and that can turn a joyous kid sad real quick!
Kids are like a skidder, once it is started it works. Example: I (we)had 3 of our own and 3 foster kids and the farmer was behind pulling plants in the greenhouse. None one was happy to go to work and had to almost pull one out of the truck. I got them started and within 10 mins they were joking and getting work done. I was even able to slip away for a little bit :D. When they finished some wanted to do more! ??? Give them love( a prize helps to) and show them the way and let them know when they do a good job. That's what worked for us.
I've met Vets who have lived but still lost their lives... Thank a Vet

Family man and loving it :)


Seem like years ago,most Fathers fixed things or made things from not much. I use to follow my Father around. Poor guy,I asked a million questions.  :D  But I know how to look at something and find a fix for it too. As long as it's not the inside of a $25,000 car.
One of my friends brings his Grandkids over here,most times there is a friend with a Grandchild too. A badminton game or a balsa glider will put a smile on thier face and make them loud,or if I'm in the woods the kids will get a chance to see how the woods grow. I've seen kids walk a tree that I had half limbed out. They thought it was great. Just last night I was riding down our road on a go cart ,with no motors,with two 14 years old girls, they had a blast.
I have Grandson that comes up with some great ideas about building stuff. He's almost 18 and when he gets his own place,we are going to do some building.  :D
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


This one was neat. A family got a new place scape for the kids and decided to have me cut down( just drop and leave) a huge oak that was next to it. It was neat to watch the kids bypass this really expensive swing set and play on the tree. They even sent a Christmas card of the family on the felled tree. They thought it was the coolest thing. :) and so did I :D
I've met Vets who have lived but still lost their lives... Thank a Vet

Family man and loving it :)


My neighbor cut down a pin oak out back when his daughter, an only child, was ten years old. Well, he didn't limb it right away, and when he did she was mighty upset. She had turned it into her jungle gym.

The kids that are born today come out of the womb no different then we did. Their upbringing is a lot different though.
If you're not broke down once in a while, you're not working hard enough

I'm not a hillbilly. I'm an "Appalachian American"

Retired  Conventional hand-felling logging operation with cable skidder and forwarder, Frick 01 handset sawmill

Pretend farmer when I have the time


Frickman....BINGO!!....It is the parenting.  Funny thing, to me anyway,  is our grandparents probably said the same thing about their children and on and on...  It is my opinion that "todays" generation is so accustomed to instant gratification.  Actually "putting their work in" seems less existent.  I'm thinkin a "work out" now days is how tough their fingers and thumbs are and how fast they can text.  Maybe the neext olympics will have compititions in "technology challenges"...don'y get me wrong...I appreciate technology...but when it is applied to pertinent and relevant, applications and NOT seeing how many POKEMON you can catch.
Let the Forest be salvation long before it needs to be


The thing that bugs me most , is they want the money , but getting some of them to work for it is hard . The money is available and this point , if they don't work , they don't get any , case closed . Though love .


We cut out allowances a long time ago. It's now an hourly wage that increases with every birthday.

Rules:  Show up on time or just go home (with no electronics)
            Lip and you're going home
            Do a good job or don't bother
            Learn and see how the theoretical translates to the practical
            Have fun!!!

I don't have to even wake them now. They're up with me and ready to work.  In fairness when it's 100F, I do call it a day and they're more than happy to be dropped off at the lake for a swim  8)

We're not perfect parents, but dang it all, they're great boys (11,13,16)
Case 75C, Case 1494, RangeRoad RR10T36, Igland 4001, Hardy 1400ST, WM LT40HD, WM Edger, ICS DH Kiln


Funny example.  Wouldn't let the youngest come to work cause he was a bit lippy.  He stayed back and while we were gone, he took himself to the workshop, got his powertools and proceeded to re-align and tighten the kitchen cabinet doors.  ALONE

;D ;D ;D ;D
Case 75C, Case 1494, RangeRoad RR10T36, Igland 4001, Hardy 1400ST, WM LT40HD, WM Edger, ICS DH Kiln


I'm in the same boat , my kids are very respectful , and have never , to the best of my knowledge been in any kind of trouble . I just don't get the gaming thing . Thay all have been in many outdoor activities , etc . It's just been like the last four or five months this has been going on . I fially took the power cords from the major affender . I told him when he starts making some money to contibute to the electric , he could have the cables back .


I want in on this thread. I maybe one of the younger ones on it thus far. I am 29. My kids are 5 and 6 1/2. I worry all the time am I doing this right am I going to raise kids that come out like me? That maybe the black sheep of their class at school that would rather hang out with old timers and learn street smarts learn skills, develop a heck of a good work ethic? My mom says when I was 7 she was taking me to the parts store to get stuff to repair an old garden tractor we had as a backup. I remember at around that age I was also interested in electricity, I had a small tackle box of electrical parts I toted around with me even to school, I would make a small fan out of cutting up a pop can for blades, some batteries, a switch and a small DC motor I had pulled from a remote control car. Or make a light out of batteries and a bulb. One day dad came home to find I had used his power tools and scrap lumber to build a cab for that garden tractor, haha, I never seriously hurt myself with power tools and the bug to build has gotten me a long way in life. It is my main hobby. Now I build some really cool stuff once in a while and I absolutely love my shop, tools and ability to be able to build whatever I want and learn about things I don't know everything about. Hydraulics and trees are a couple things I'm always learning more about lol. When i was 13 i apprenticed at a small engine repair shop helping and learning from an old timer. When I was 14 I got a part time job at a John Deere dealership mowing, cleaning inventory, showroom detailing etc. Got that job on my own will. Bought my first MIG welder at age 14 with my own money. Started a Lawn care business at age 15 and paid for all my equipment myself, bought my first truck paid for with cash before I even had my license. Worked in that industry for years then in a couple shops, automotive salvage, now I begrudgingly work in a factory so I have benefits. After work I'm either in the shop or out cutting wood. At my place I'm surrounded by things I've made or at very least heavily customized, and I love that. I don't have a computer, or even internet at my house. We have a tv i never watch. Sorry to ramble but I sure as hell hope my kids take after me and God grants me the patience to teach them. Their world is gonna need as many people like that as it can get. They always prefer to play outside, weather permitting. My younger brother got into computers and makes his living on them, was all he ever did then oddly enough he has also gotten into farming the last couple years helping his older friend. I'm glad to see him do that. Good for him to get outside haha.
This world is getting real scary especially for our kids. City people pith me off too... So ignorant of so many things that are the actual literal reality.  it's unreal. Glad i was raised the way i was. Momma taught me respect, work ethic and how to present myself politely and professionally. She also homeschooled me and my brothers from my 5th grade on. I'm not sure i even wanna know what goes on in public schools these days.
Lots of junk not enough time.. full time mechanic part time logger, firewood junkie, outside boiler owner, meat smoker enthusiast, fabricator, dad, husband

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