iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Well i guess i did it now!! UPDATE with MRI report

Started by Woodhauler, March 07, 2017, 07:53:47 AM

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Trying to load a tire and rim into my 3/4 ton 4x4 gmc this morning and I slipped on ice when it was almost in body. Came down hard on my right arm. Think its broken. It was one of those 425 wide base tires on rim. I tried to roll out of way but it got me hard. waiting for ride to hospital.
2013 westernstar tri-axle with 2015 rotobec elite 80 loader!Sold 2000 westernstar tractor with stairs air ride trailer and a 1985 huskybrute 175 T/L loader!

petefrom bearswamp

Kubota 8540 tractor, FEL bucket and forks, Farmi winch
Kubota 900 RTV
Polaris 570 Sportsman ATV
3 Huskies 1 gas Echo 1 cordless Echo vintage Homelite super xl12
57 acres of woodland


Wow, It just hasn't been your year.

Good luck
Imagine, Me a Tree Farmer.
Jon, Appalachian American Wannabe.


still setting here, thinking about going to hospital , waiting to see if I can bend my shoulder. I can bend arm at elbow now but shoyulder is not giving in yet.
2013 westernstar tri-axle with 2015 rotobec elite 80 loader!Sold 2000 westernstar tractor with stairs air ride trailer and a 1985 huskybrute 175 T/L loader!


You stubborn cuss, get that arm looked at. At least to get painkillers if nothing else. If it is damaged and doesn't heal properly you will really pay.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


I'm in total agreement with sawguy, get it looked at!  I hope it turns out fine but I came off a horse hard on my right shoulder 7 or 8 years ago and never went in, it's never worked right since then.


Well my happy pills are wearing off! I am heading to er now. Severe swelling and pain at a 8 on a scale of 1-10!!!
2013 westernstar tri-axle with 2015 rotobec elite 80 loader!Sold 2000 westernstar tractor with stairs air ride trailer and a 1985 huskybrute 175 T/L loader!


I am back, severe bruising of elbow and upper arm/ bone. Some damage to shoulder, nothing broke!!! on more happy pills and anti inflamitory pills. in a sling, sleep in recliner chair , don't work for seven days, like that's going to happen! out come could have been worse.
2013 westernstar tri-axle with 2015 rotobec elite 80 loader!Sold 2000 westernstar tractor with stairs air ride trailer and a 1985 huskybrute 175 T/L loader!


Be careful climbing the ladder that's going to be tuff with 1 arm . Heal quick move the recliner to the sugar shack .
A bunch of chainsaws a BT6870 processer , TC 5 International track skidder and not near enough time


well it was a long night! tried sleeping in recliner, that didn't work . Tossed and turned till midnight, took a happy pill and muscle relaxer and got into bed. Slept till 6;30. Seems alittle better today. Having breakfast and trying to get dressed one armed. I have a truck driver coming after lunch.
2013 westernstar tri-axle with 2015 rotobec elite 80 loader!Sold 2000 westernstar tractor with stairs air ride trailer and a 1985 huskybrute 175 T/L loader!

Don P

Shoulders are one of those things that don't heal. There are 4 muscles and tendons that hold the rotator cuff together. Working folk tend to tear them out one fiber at a time. Without an MRI you can completely tear out one and fool the docs push and pull tests. When you tear out the second one the arm goes down and cannot be lifted by itself. If you don't get that fixed promptly it will never raise again. That surgery is no picnic and takes a couple of years to get over. Not meaning to pile it on but do take care of it and listen to the docs. When you push into the pain you're tearing it. If you feel barbed wire around your bicep where the kids get that barb wire tattoo that is your bicep tendons chafing through the joint, they can also disconnect. If a doc ever prescribes Cipro antibiotic, read the fine print. It can cause tendon rupture. You got 2 more hours than I did last nite. Take it easy buddy!


I had a full tendon tear in my right shoulder. I had an operation two
years ago. I still have pain. It take forever to get back to normal.
Nothing I want to do again.

Collector and builder of many things.
Love machine shop work
and Wood work shop work
And now a saw mill work

petefrom bearswamp

Glad to hear nothing broken.
Rest that sucker.
I have had both rotator cuff tendons detach and repaired  first one 1997, next 2000.
Cant lift anything with my arms extended, bot not too much pain.
The joints sound like rice crispies whe I move em.
Kubota 8540 tractor, FEL bucket and forks, Farmi winch
Kubota 900 RTV
Polaris 570 Sportsman ATV
3 Huskies 1 gas Echo 1 cordless Echo vintage Homelite super xl12
57 acres of woodland


Hope you heal quickly. Smashed shoulder years ago, have most of my collar bone in a jar (got to keep up with your parts, even if they are not attached anymore)
Great injury for letting you know when the weather is about to change. As others said, take time to heal, hope it was not your dominate side, makes things awkward if it was.
I've always said I would give my right arm to be ambidexterous... ;D
Old doesn't bother me, its the ugly that's a real bummer.


Quote from: tree-farmer on March 08, 2017, 06:50:13 PM
Hope you heal quickly. Smashed shoulder years ago, have most of my collar bone in a jar (got to keep up with your parts, even if they are not attached anymore)
Great injury for letting you know when the weather is about to change. As others said, take time to heal, hope it was not your dominate side, makes things awkward if it was.
I've always said I would give my right arm to be ambidexterous... ;D
It is my dominate side, finding lots of every day things hard to do!!
2013 westernstar tri-axle with 2015 rotobec elite 80 loader!Sold 2000 westernstar tractor with stairs air ride trailer and a 1985 huskybrute 175 T/L loader!


My neighbor broke his wrist on his dominate arm a few winters back, he thought he was going to starve to death before he could hit his mouth with a fork full of food, I'd laugh but that's about how ambidextrous I am also  ::)


Quote from: Woodhauler on March 08, 2017, 08:22:27 PM
Quote from: tree-farmer on March 08, 2017, 06:50:13 PM
Hope you heal quickly. Smashed shoulder years ago, have most of my collar bone in a jar (got to keep up with your parts, even if they are not attached anymore)
Great injury for letting you know when the weather is about to change. As others said, take time to heal, hope it was not your dominate side, makes things awkward if it was.
I've always said I would give my right arm to be ambidexterous... ;D
It is my dominate side, finding lots of every day things hard to do!!

Like taking your tee shirt off. Or zipping your fly...
Collector and builder of many things.
Love machine shop work
and Wood work shop work
And now a saw mill work

Don P

I hope you got a little more rest last nite Woodhauler. When all that stuff is swollen and the bursa (You know water on the knee, you got water on the shoulder right now) is puffed up it doesn't pass through the space between the top of the ball on your arm and your collar bone. The more you can keep it quiet the sooner the swelling goes down and it'll pass through the gap again easier. Keep that elbow pinned to your side for now. When you push that pillow of flesh through the joint it stays swollen and chafes, so there's why the R&R right now. How you hold yourself when you use it makes a little difference in the amount of space is there, that isn't this week but keep it in mind from here out. "Glass full" is how you lift, hold your hand like you are picking up a glass full of water, see how that rolls the upper arm and that ball at the top of it, there's the most gap going up. The flesh is now through the joint. Pour it out on the way down, see how that rolls the ball a little and helps let that pillow slip out easier. Don't practice now, you need to let that pillow deflate. In work you'll see how rarely you get to hold yourself "right" but keep it in mind and do it when you can.  If they have to go in they'll port and polish that gap as much as they can. Even if you aren't sleeping there is good in just resting.  Take it easy  :).


I feel you pain Woodhauler, as to the awkwardness lets just say you will find out who your real friends are when you need help cleaning your  of those european rigs, a bidet I think they are called would be handy.  Hang in there buddy.
Old doesn't bother me, its the ugly that's a real bummer.

Don P

When I was in school I fell and broke both wrists. As the doc was putting on the casts he said "I'd be thinking about that next dump about now". That was a reality check! When I got back to the dorm the guys decided, yup, I was gonna die. They were pretty good though, I'd get back from class and there would be a few new empty bread bags to suit up with. The next time I broke one my sweet wife took me down to the farm store and got me some long cattle gloves. Now that my friend arthur lives there one of those fancy French short drinking fountains is on the wish list  :D.


Hope you get to feeling better. Seems like we can get hurt doing the simplest things. I was out on a job back in September for a company I do some work for. Banged my elbow but not bad. Two weeks later after some pain finally went to DR. Nothing broke. That was on a Thursday. They did give me an antibiotic because it was red and slightly swollen. By Sunday you would have thought my arm would bust open it was swelled so bad. More weekly trips to Dr. {nurse practioner} MRI. Couldn't find anything wrong and she said maybe the MRI was read wrong. Quit going. Odd thing it was just barely a bump but I did have ahold of a heavy cabinet.
Give me a new saw chain and I can find you a rock in a heartbeat.


Don P, another friend of ours also broke both wrists at once, he said he never knew his wife loved him that much  :).
My bil dropped a tele handler bucket on his foot last week and broke it, was scheduled for surgery last Monday but of course infection set in he goes back to see Doc today to find out when it can happen, mega doses of IV and oral antibiotics.  Take care of that shoulder Woodhauler and take it easy for a while.


Quote from: luvmexfood on March 09, 2017, 08:12:13 PM
Hope you get to feeling better. Seems like we can get hurt doing the simplest things. I was out on a job back in September for a company I do some work for. Banged my elbow but not bad. Two weeks later after some pain finally went to DR. Nothing broke. That was on a Thursday. They did give me an antibiotic because it was red and slightly swollen. By Sunday you would have thought my arm would bust open it was swelled so bad. More weekly trips to Dr. {nurse practioner} MRI. Couldn't find anything wrong and she said maybe the MRI was read wrong. Quit going. Odd thing it was just barely a bump but I did have ahold of a heavy cabinet.
I did the same thing to my elbow about 3 months ago but it never swelled never went to the doc and now I have trouble gripping something it hurts so bad and now it looks like I'm growing a second elbow when my fore arm is bent in to my chest if I hold the phone to long I have to take it out of my hand with my other hand and the tiers will dribble down my face when I try to straighten out my fore arm my wife says I'm an ars for not going to the doc some day ill go most likely when its to late


Still no movement at shoulder! When I try the pain says no. Can use arm from elbow down with minimal pain there.
2013 westernstar tri-axle with 2015 rotobec elite 80 loader!Sold 2000 westernstar tractor with stairs air ride trailer and a 1985 huskybrute 175 T/L loader!


Might put some heat on it.. nice hot shower help you sleep good.  Yep your gonna have to take it easy for a bit.. hope you heal fast. 

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