iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Some people

Started by Quartlow, March 09, 2005, 01:04:56 PM

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I was dooing some cleanup around the mill this morning, finished off sawing up some cherry and a few other things. This guy wonders in and wants some slabs for firewood. Tells me how he and his wife just moved out here,are down on their luck, out of fuel almost out of wood. I pointed him in the right direction and said help yourself. Well he puts some on the truck all skinny ones. He comes over to me and asks if I could saw them in half for him since he doesn't have a way to split the stuff thats too wide. I tell him, you help me with the sawing of them and clean up the small stuff around the slabpile. (its not that big maybe 1/4 pickup load) He can have it all. 

He loooked at me like I was on drugs!!  ::)  He actually asked if I thought he was slave labor. I pretty much pointed to the road and said see ya later pal.I figure your cold and out of fuel you should burn whatever you can get your hands on. Guess he would rather be cold than do a little work.
Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!


Terrible the way some people think.Guess he thought you was with the walfare people.I sit on my ass and draw a check each month.I have it made.I don't have to work at all.He got a woke up call from you. You was trying to help him,he just couldn't see it.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


I think that guy is about a quart low :D :D :D :D
When Buzz is cold or hungry he gets stuff to be warm and full.......I guess that dude aint learned that? :o


I'de keep my eye on the mill and the woodpile for awhile.  ::)
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


Well a little update, About 10 minutes after I went back outside after lunch he comes back, well actually his wife showed up with him in tow.  :D And she wasn't happy with him. He apologized for his rude behavior and wanted to know if there was someway we could work things out. I told him sure same deal as before. He asked me what time to be here in the morning since his wife had to go to work, I told him 8 would be just fine. 

Went out on a limb, well not that I'm out much and had him load up some stuff I had cut for heating the shop. While he was loading it his wife filled me in a bit. Apparently Daddy has money.  ::) Daddy forbid him to marry this young lady who was pregnant with his baby. well he married her anyway and Daddy cut him off and fired him to boot. Wasn't a very good life lesson, he does the right thing and Daddy punishes him.

I guess I'll see what happens tomorrow.
Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!


Sounds like the dad needs a trip to the woodshed himself....

at least he did the right thing with the lady...

Warminster PA, not quite hell, but it is a local phone call. SUPPORT THE TROOPS!


Quoteshe wasn't happy with him. He apologized for his rude behavior and wanted to know if there was someway we could work things out.

Perhaps just maybe dad wants him to learn to stand on his own two feet. From the first story sounds like he needs to.  Maybe there's more there than just the girl. Maybe not. Lots of stories get twisted when you only hear one side.

Apologizing is at least a step in the right direction. If they's anyhing to him he'll be there tomorrow, on time and ready to go.
Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


 well now it would seam that between the wife and you that boy just might get lessons in
respect and in how to work to provide what is needed for his family.
if he shows up in the morning make sure and have him a pr of gloves he might need um :D
If we as inderviduals help our fellow man. In return we will reap far greater rewards from our
maker in the end.



It sounds to me that between your guidance and his wife's common sense,there might be hope for him.
Science isn't meant to be trusted it's to be tested


QuoteThe kid was a mess.  His name was Jay.  His father was over quality control for three different factories, same company. Jay was really really smart, big tall guy.  Straight A type guy, first year of college.  Never worked manually a day in his life, but supposed to be going places.  As many others he made a mistake.  He fell in love, got his girlfriend pregnant, got married, dropped out of school. Both familys were mad, no one would help.  He had to support the wife and kid so as a last, or lost resort he applied for a job in one of the factories.  His dad saw to it that he got oee of the worst jobs available.  Doing manual labor building furniture on a production line, the worst line in all of the plants.

You gotta go here to read the whole story. Starts with  Reply #474 on the page I'm sending you to.  Once it starts skip through the blather and it'll pick back up a couple of times.  Some kids you can't help.  Most kids you can't help.  But somethimes, once in a blue moon, maybe.......
Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


cktate,you should be a writer.You sure did help Jay out.I hope he thinks of you.You did a great thing helping him out like that.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Well make sure you give us an update Quartlow on how the fella did.

Like's been said before I bet he does some good work when he comes back.
Always willing to help - Allan


Quote from: Paul_H on March 09, 2005, 04:33:27 PM

It sounds to me that between your guidance and his wife's common sense,there might be hope for him.

My guidence? lord help us all because that young man is in trouble!! :D :D :D

your an inspiration man

Now as for the update, he actually showed up  :o and on time.
First thing right off we got a fire going in the woodshop had some coffee and talked a bit and it's no wonder his dad is so fired up. Seems he met Nancy 4 years ago, in a strip club during his 21st birthday party his buddies threw for him. Well Jon was instantly infatuated with this young lady. Took him almost a year to wrangle a date with her. Took him another month to get her to go out a second time. and another month for a third date. If nothing else he is persistant. After the third date they started dating regular. At this point mom and dad hand't met her yet.

He explained to her that if they knew where she worked they would be ballistic. So Nancy quit her job and went to work as a waitress at a local truckstop. Things where looking up, took her home to meet the parents and things didn't go all that well. His dad figured she was trash from the gitgo just because she was a waitress. He figured his son's infatuation would wear off and it would blow over.

Well it didn't and they decided to get married a little over a year ago. well that went over like a lead balloon. So Dad being the nosy man that he is gets the local police chief to run a background check on her and thats when things really went downhill. About this time is when Nancy got pregnant. Well he kept that tidbit of information from his parents and got her a nicer apartment and started taking serious care of her. Paid all her medical bills made sure she went to the DR the whole nine yards.

They got married a week before the baby was born and daddy fired him the next day. He's been doing some work through a temp agenecy and staying home a caring for the baby. They moved out here a couple weeks ago since a small house in the country was cheaper than the apartment. And here he is on my doorstep.

now for his abilaties, he doesn't know anything. He bought a used echo 500 chainsaw, the chains so wore out I figure its dangerous to use.  ther bar is whipped and is has to be the hardest starting thing i've ever seen. I put my old 16 inch bar on it and and a new chain. Cleaned it up put a plug in it fresh gas and now its running a whole lot better.

We cleaned up around the mill got the buzz saw out and cut up some slabs. then came up for lunch. man eats like its been a week.

Well its time to get back to it. more later.

Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!


You can't help who you love, it seems that he is a least trying to get things together and may not be a bad sort.

His stuck up father is the one who needs to get counselling to get a life and be pleased that the kid has at least found love.

A very wise man once told me . Grand children are great, we should have had them first



You're a good man Chrlie Brown.

Tell that fella not to give up the faith.  I am hoping things work out for the better for him, his wife and child.  If nothing else, they got each other and that's all they really need.

10 Acers in the Blue Ridge Mountains


An intersting tale, he is lucky to meet up with a guy like quartlow....he has a buzz saw 8) 8)


You're doing good, quartlow.  These youngsters need all the help they can get.  We've got a screwed up world. 

I know you will, but, keep in mind that there are a lot of  "manipulators" in this younger generation.  We all had them but this generation seems to be breeding a lot more than I've ever seen.  You can get sucked into bad situation before you know it.   When one begins to tell me his hard luck story and 'nothing' is his fault and He is the  most genuine person one has ever met, then I step back about 3 steps and take a good hard look at what's going on.

Meaning well, a fellow can get involved in things that hurt his own family life. 

I'm sure proud of you for giving him a chance to see the "other side" and stand on his own two feet.


  Yep, gotta agree with everyone. Helping someone that TRIES to help himself, is all you can do. He might make someone a good hand. Just because he doesn't "Know" anything, doesn't make him bad. Sounds like "Dad" needs some parenting classes. HE's the one that doesn't "know" anything, in my book.  Good onya, Quartlow.  8) 8) 8) ;D
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


I gotta put my 2 cents worth. Having had experience with a nephew who believed the world, not to mention his family, "OWED HIM", we spent about 4 years trying to help him. Finaly the only option left was "tough love" We all let him know that he was on his own and if he started to help himself, we would pitch back in. He still doesn't get it.
Quartlow, It sounds like your guy was ready(or at least his wife convinced him he was). Either way, he was ready and you did the right thing. He may not know it yet, but he is a better man now that he met you. Maybe it's time for his father to meet you.

Woodmizer LT30, NHL785 skidsteer, IH 444 tractor


I'll reserve my judgement , court adjourned for recess. ;)
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


You have been doin good. Sometimes a youngster just needs a wakeup call which he certainly has had to set him right. His Dad ought to be big enough to look past the wifes previous life and see her for who she is now. A lot of fine folks have had some awful past lifestyles and turned themselves around. Judge not lest ye be judged!
Timberking B-20   Retired and enjoying every minute of it.
Former occupations Electrical Lineman, Airline Pilot, Owner operator of Machine Shop, Slot Machine Technician and Sawmill Operator.
I know its a long story!!!


Well we will see what happens to him, I did try to send him home shortley after lunch since his truck was loaded up but he stuck around and even helped out in the shop some cleaning up. For a young man thats been handed things most of his life he didn't slack off any today. He made me hustle enough i'm tired  :D
He sure isn't afraid to try anything I will give him that much. Oh though he did look at me like I was nuts when I fired up the buzz saw. I kind of get the impression that his Dad never taught him anything.

Maybe he was having a bad day yesterday, heck we all have those. I'm going to ride over htere this evening. I know the house he rented and it ain't no jewel. I also know the guy who owns it and he's not known for fixing things. If it needs anything I'll get on Harrys case to fix it up a bit. He can afford it.
Of course since the rents cheap it's had a series of lowlifes living in over the years and Harry has let it get rundown some.

Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!


Well Quartlow,

thanks for the update, and good on ya mate, for helpin out ya fellow man.

I had a thought this guy would be on time and work like dog, it seems as though he needed a little bit of boundaries shown to him and also a bit of kindness. His old man just sounds like he needs to be taken out the back and given some perspective, 4x2 style.

The young folkes of today seem to be more and more difficult to get some honest to goodness work done. Done under I feel we should have national service to give the youngsters a sense of duty, honour, self respect and understanding toward others.

Sorry to go on a bit - just my thoughts.

Keep updating us Quartlow.

Always willing to help - Allan


This young fella sounds like he's got potential but his father is a lost cause.  I doubt you could beat any sense into someone like that ::)
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


  Great response, Sigidi. Couldn't agree more. Ya done real good, Quartlow. Proud of ya.  8) 8) 8) ;) ;)
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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