iDRY Vacuum Kilns



Started by Magicman, July 24, 2012, 02:15:32 PM

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go-lightly,, ha ha, that's an understatement, it takes lots of imagination to slam that stuff down, by the time they rolled me in I couldn't care any less,
only have a few chain saws I'm not suppose to use, but will at times, one dog Dolly, pretty good dog, just not sure what for yet,  working on getting the gardening back in order, and kinda thinking on maybe a small bbq bizz,  thinking about it,


Well, I'll be setting up an appointment with the scope man. Some weird bowel things going on, so better get it checked.  ;)
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))

Texas Ranger

Quote from: Raider Bill on February 11, 2016, 12:00:40 PM
Well I'm back. March 8th is the day. Met the new assistant, has a beard, mustache and looks like a power lifter. No idea what the Doc looks like. electricuted-smiley

Had fingers like a hoe handle.
The Ranger, home of Texas Forestry


I had a colonoscopy last Wednesday and everything went fine. They removed a few minor polyps while I watched on the monitor. I wasn't out completely but did not feel anything. Worst thing about the whole episode was it was really cold outside that day and those OR's are always cold but I had a hot air hose plugged into my gown so it wasn't too bad.

This week I got a thank you card from my Doc and his staff for allowing them to look.  :D
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

Chuck White

Good to hear the hot air hose was plugged into your gown!   ;D :D ;D :D

Seriously though, that hot air does make it a lot more comfortable!   :)
~Chuck~  Cooks Cat Claw sharpener and single tooth setter.  2018 Chevy Silverado and 2021 Subaru Ascent.
With basic mechanical skills and the ability to read you can maintain a Woodmizer  LT40!


Well, the 3 day prep begins today, going in Monday morning.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


Well, bottoms up to you.  :-X  

Actually I wish you the best outcome.  :-X

I hope everything comes out OK.   :-X

Well it seems that everything I say sounds crappy.   :-X

Anyway, you know what I mean.   :D
Knothole Sawmill, LLC     '98 Wood-Mizer LT40SuperHydraulic   WM Million BF Club Member   WM Pro Sawyer Network

It's Weird being the Same Age as Old People

Never allow your "need" to make money to exceed your "desire" to provide quality service.....The Magicman


Yup, both ends in the middle. :D ;D
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


Colonoscopy certainly isnt my favorite thing.   But you could say its loosely a #2. 


The best part is what it might do to save your life.  The second best part is that concoction of drugs they give you, that stuff is as close to the after effect of..... as you will ever find.  'La Petite Mort' - the little death.


Everything went well. No troubles at all. Didn't even know it had happened. No discomfort of any sort after. That's the way to have it. :)
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


Good news and thanks for the report.  smiley_roller
Knothole Sawmill, LLC     '98 Wood-Mizer LT40SuperHydraulic   WM Million BF Club Member   WM Pro Sawyer Network

It's Weird being the Same Age as Old People

Never allow your "need" to make money to exceed your "desire" to provide quality service.....The Magicman


Hope they used 2 diffeant ones. :D
Glad all is well.
The Doctor did that to me many years ago. He met in the middle.
I only had a little 8 oz bottle for the cleaning part. The cleaning happened quick and often. ;D Years ago,I think it was a gallon jug. :o
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


They use Pico-Salax mixed in 150 ml water here (9 hrs apart), and 500 ml of clear fluid an hour for 16 hrs. After awhile you wonder where your bladder is, I think it moved. ;D
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


Members, friends, colleagues.

PLEASE take care of this health related exam sooner than later,
My friend & neighbor succumb to colon cancer because he waited too long.



My bil did the same thing but the cancer was caught in time, he is a stubborn cuss. Doc told him that his beer and burgers diet had a lot to do with it, almost no vegetables or fruit so he forced himself to change.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


I had mine about 3 weeks ago, I think that's the 5th one for me, my mom had colon cancer and lost a section of her colon plus it had spread to another organ, but between the surgery and chemo she survived for another 20 years.
Stihl 041, 044 & 261, Kubota 400 RTV, Kubota BX 2670, Ferris Zero turn


I had my 5th 2 weeks ago, 3 small polyps removed and sent to the lab for testing as they are the type to turn cancerous.
On my 1st trip, 15 years ago, they found a tumour that was 9 years old and was the type that turns cancerous. The Dr said at the time ' I saved your life' it would have turned cancerous at year 10
IDRY Vacum Kiln, LT40HDWide, BMS250 sharpener/setter 742b Bobcat, TCM forklift, Sthil 026,038, 461. 1952 TEA Fergusan Tractor


I expect I'm headed for another one. My PSA doubled since last year. My Doc referred me to a urologist.   Couldn't get an appointment until November. 
Together we got this !


Quote from: dgdrls on September 05, 2020, 12:15:37 PM
Members, friends, colleagues.

PLEASE take care of this health related exam sooner than later,
My friend & neighbor succumb to colon cancer because he waited too long.


Sorry you lost your friend and neighbor.  This is something that should not be put off.  I have a friend that waited till he was 55.  Had to have some of his colon removed due to cancer.  He regrets not just doing it.

10 years ago had first and no issues.  Due this year but believe I'll wait till next year versus going in during this time of Corona concern.


My dad is currently in middle of chemo for stage 4 colon cancer :(.  If chemo works to reduce the cancer, he will have his second surgery hopefully to remove the rest but he will have a bag for rest of his life.

He got checked 2 years ago, but had to go in due to having problems and found the cancer.

I just had mine done again after finding out, now I am on 3 year schedule due to having it in the family, and one possible cancerous polyp.

I cannot believe how expensive it is now due to Affordable Care Act (ACA).   It seems like everybody involved has sent me a bill, even for 2 full price 'office visits' though it was just a 10 minute phone call with a medical assistant..
Instead of 'screening' it is now 'diagnostic' due to previously finding a polyp and now having family history.

When its screening insurance covers it near 100% but diagnostic not.

Not trying to scare anyone away from having it done, I will be back in '23.



Sorry to hear about your dad.  Half of my siblings (2 of us) have genetic defect called Lynch Syndrome.  We have a 100% chance of colon cancer (and a really high % of other cancers) so we are screened every year for colon and stomach.  As such, it is 100% covered because it is a screening.  

Just a heads up, genetic testing can be very illuminating.  At this point my brother has had colon cancer surgery (the reason we are checked for genetic issues) and I've had polyps taken out every year, 52 and had 8 colonoscopies to this point.  

I avoid sun, wear long sleeves and sun screen.  I eat lots of veggies, etc etc.  I'm living on borrowed time so do all I can to prevent it.  In any country other than the USA this would be a trivial $ issue, only the USA has such a screwed up health care system, we  spend 2x any other developed nation (per person) and have the shortest life expectancy of any developed nation.  

Liking Walnut


Here in NB it is free and they send us screening notifications.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


February 2012 (I was 47) I had bad abdominal pain. Went to the doc and he felt it was diverticulitis but wanted me to get a CT scan to rule out other potential issues. His diagnosis was correct and after a round of antibiotics all was good.
He wanted me to get a colonoscopy to determine the extent of diverticulosis so I scheduled one in May of 2012 with a now very good friend of mine that is a colorectal surgeon. My wife sat in on the procedure (she worked at the hospital and knew him also) and he explained everything. He found one very small polyp and had difficulty removing it but finally got it. Told my wife no indication of any concern but would send it to the lab anyhow. 
2 days later they called me at work and said "We need to see you tomorrow". I asked the nurse if there was a problem and she said "I don't know ".
So next day I leave work early and go see the doc. I told him "Don't beat around the bush, just spill the beans". His reply was cancer. My heart never beat so hard as it did at that moment. I was scared to death. 
Had surgery on the 21st of June (I remember every date of this ordeal) and they removed 18" of my colon. Doc initially removed 10" but had a lack of blood supply and was concerned the connection wouldn't survive so he ended up taking another 8" and felt comfortable that it would be ok. I woke up from surgery and the first words out of my mouth was "Do I have a bag on my belly?" My wife said yes and I just cried. I was bitter like never before. Doc promised me it would be gone in 3 months. I had it for 3 years.
Colon died due to lack of blood flow. I got really sick and my surgeon got deployed to Afghanistan. Full bird Colonel. I needed help. Ended up at Cleveland Clinic. 
July 26th of 2013 I had another surgery to remove dead section of colon and reconnect. One of the best colorectal surgeons in the nation and she had the same issue, lack of blood flow but felt it would be ok. It died again and 2 weeks later she opened me back up to remove all the necrotic tissue. At that point I gave up and told my wife I was done and who to carry the casket. I've never felt pain like that and never want to again.
To make a long story longer I had another surgery on December 9th of 2014 and she completely removed all of my colon and formed a "J" pouch and on March 19th of 2015 she did a reversal and the bag was finally gone. I have good days and bad days. Sometimes bad enough I wish I had the bag back but that wish goes away pretty quick. I put an airpack on and fought house fires with that Dang thing on my belly. They told me I could dive with it. I opted not to though.
My point to this long winded story is DON'T put it off. Had I not had the colonoscopy to see how bad the diverticulosis was I may not be here today typing this reply.
I have Blue Diamond Habanero BBQ Almonds to thank for all of this as that's what I had ate the night before I started feeling bad. And boy they were good!
Don't mess around with this. I had no indication of the cancer, just the diverticulitis. It'll sneak up on you if you're not vigilant. 
Please, if not for yourself, do it for your loved ones.
Sorry for such a long post but I'm passionate about this. There's so much more to this story but I don't want to remember all of it. Make me want to eat Xanax like Chiclets.
Thanks you for reading,


Walnut Beast

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