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Dumb Laws In Your State

Started by GF, April 29, 2005, 04:42:28 PM

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Found this website that have listed the dumb laws in each state.  There are some real  winners in there.   :D :D :D


I'm glad you linked to this site, I'm gonna have to stop sleeping on my fridge outside or I'll get arrested :o


And I'll have to go to a tropical fish store in Liverpool more often :D ;D :D    You'll have to look this one up yourselves!!...International..UK..Liverpool

Sense is not common


Well, I haven't looked................I live in Pa. need I say more! Now I'll go see, I bet we are #1, .................I grew up in Ohio, about three miles from Quartlow's farm, just up stream now that I think of it.    Anyhow Pa. has some whoppers!!!!!! REID
There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love to do, there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.- Wayne Dyer


Is it still considered a bathtub if you're taking a shower  ???  :D

I especially like the law in Danville, PA  ::)


Quote from: Reid Crosby on April 29, 2005, 09:17:51 PM
Well, I haven't looked................I live in Pa. need I say more! Now I'll go see, I bet we are #1, .................I grew up in Ohio, about three miles from Quartlow's farm, just up stream now that I think of it.    Anyhow Pa. has some whoppers!!!!!! REID

Actually I think you where down stream, either way ohio has a few whoppers also.
Who would have ever guessed it's illegal to ride on top a taxi in youngstown!!  :D :D There goes my friday night fun
Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!


I live in maryland, almost all of our laws are stupid.  At least I don't live in the socialist parts of the state  ::)
Woodmizer LT40HDG25 / Stihl 066 alaskan
lots of dull bands and chains

There's a fine line between turning firewood into beautiful things and beautiful things into firewood.


Louisiana has some good ones but I don't see why this one is listed as dumb, people should honor their word.

"One could land in jail for up to a year for making a false promise"  ??? 
There's men who drink Guinness, and there's men who drink what's left when we're done with it.

* Note to Democrats, yes please flee to Canada!


Connecticut unwritten dumb law " IF IT`S FUN IT`S ILEGAL"


No one in Canada may watch or listen to an encrypted broadcast which is not licensed by the Canadian government. This means using US satellite systems such as "DirecTV" is illegal

The feds have a lot of fun enforcing this one ::) Now that they are iillegal, there is a big market for grey market satellite receivers. Who wudda thunk?
I don't know if it is still on the books but it was illegal  in Alberta to marry the sibling of a deceased or divorced spouse. Must have been a biggie in some communities :D
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm



White Mountain National Forest Laws
If a person is caught raking the beaches, picking up litter, hauling away trash, building a bench for the park, or many other kind things without a permit, he/she may be fined $150 for ''maintaining the national forest without a permit''. 

I wish this one was a joke.  It's not.  I remember a story in the paper within the past couple of years about somebody who was busted under this law.  Some union must have dreamed this one up.
Grandchildren, Bluegrass music, old tractors, trees and sawmills.  It don't get no better'n that!


There is, or was,  a law in one prominent Florida city that forbade dropping ping-pong balls from an airplane.  They didn't say nuthin about bowling balls, though. ??? ::)
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


In Marshalltown IA it is illeagal for the horses to eat the fire hydrants.  :o

Great, another town where I can't take Becky .  ::)
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


hehe good one Patty...

Roxie, you best be careful, you're not allowed to let a Cannon off at a wedding...

Also, you best be careful about cleaning under your rugs.

Oh, and Roxie, you are hereby restricted from entering Allentown, else there could be problems.

asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


QuoteMaine Laws

Shotguns are required to be taken to church in the event of a Native American attack.

::) ::) ::)
"And if we live, we shall go again, for the enchantment which falls upon those who have gone into the woodland is never broken."

"Down the Allagash."  by; Henry Withee


Yeah, Allentown could be a problem!    ;)
As for the cannon at the wedding, I think I can pull that off.  Here's my plan.....if I were ever to get married again, I would aim the cannon at myself and yell "FIRE"!!!!!!!!!  They can't arrest me if they can't find me!!   :)
Say when


 :D :D :D :D :D :D You sound like the bride that claimed she had been kidnapped. Turns out she got cold feet. Now she is facing charges for making false statements to police  ::)
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


That story is just strange!   :D
It turns out that she bought her bus ticket on April 19th for the April 26th escape date.  That shows she was thinking ahead.....wonder why she couldn't think ahead to at least mention to her prospective husband that she wouldn't be attending the wedding!  Did you hear that 600 guests were invited to that wedding?
I have a theory....wanna hear it?
I've watched a lot of weddings take place, and I've noticed over the years that weddings are becoming like prom night to some people.  They talk and plan and it's all about the wedding.  The wedding becomes the event, not the marriage.  Some folks get so caught up in the flowers and the dress and the favors for the guests at the reception that the actual MARRIAGE never even gets mentioned.
Folks wonder why so many marriages break up.....if they'd quit treating the joining of two people like Mardi Gras, maybe the couples would take marriage seriously. 
Say when


Roxie, I agree with you. I heard today that this is the second time she has walked out before the "big day".  I think someone needs to talk to this gal and try to put her head back on straight.  ::)

I don't think I'd be as understanding as the fiance is claiming to be. She pretty much publicly humiliated him and jilted all her  guests. Not a very nice thing to do, I don't care how stressed out you are.
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


Stress!!   :D  What is gonna happen to this woman when she REALLY has to stand up to stress in her life?  When she has children?  When her husband loses his job?  She hasn't even seen stress yet!!   :D :D
I'm with ya all the way on this one Patty....if I was that guy....
she'd be GONE!! 
Say when


I have deleted items from above that are not topics I care to see on the general board of the forestry forum. Keep this thread on the lighter side.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

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