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Now thems some EGGS!!!!

Started by Paschale, May 04, 2005, 11:14:58 PM

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Well Norm and Patty, those eggs are finally gone.    :-\  They were DanG tasty, and I sure enjoyed 'em tons!  I had six left, and figured I needed to do something appropriate for them.  I took your recommendation Norm, and made some frozen vanilla bean custard with the remainder:  four of them were duck eggs, and the other three were chicken eggs (one of 'em was a blue shelled egg!   8)).  That was the richest ice cream I've ever had, and was a really rich, golden color.  With the egg whites, well I sorta took Sprucebunny's recommendation and made some meringue with it.  But I made this meringue cake, I guess it's called a dacquoise (I don't know how to pronounce that--I should ask Marcel I guess!).  Anyway, it's three discs of meringue cooked up nice and slow.  You then make an egg based coffee flavored buttercream, and then layer that in between the meringues, coat the outsides with crushed almonds, let it chill for a couple of hours, and you have yourself a tasty dessert!  I took the ice cream and the cake over to some friends tonight and we had a good ole time!

Thanks again for the eggs, Norm and Patty.  Trust me:  I enjoyed EVERY bite!    8)
Y'all can pronounce it "puh-SKOLLY"

Rockn H

When I was younger and we'd go camping, one of the things we always did was go turtle egg hunting.  They were awfully good for breakfast. ;D
Anyone interested, Marti Poultry Farm has got a good special if you want eggs and some good friers.  Heavy breed assorted chicks  White Rocks, Cornish, Production Reds, etc.  $29.00 for 100.  That's a lot of chicken for the buck. ;D

Rockn H

Marti's also offers Khaki and Rouens which are really good layers.  They only offer ducks through June though.  We've always had excellent results with them and of course they send a few extras just in case.


Boy that does sound good Paschale, I grabed a couple of duck eggs last night and made some homemade salad dressing. First I made mayonnaise, added some of Mary's famous jalepeno mustard, some ketchup, pinch of sugar, and a little water. Shook up in a mason jar this was sooooo good I am almost thinkin of turning vegetarian. NOT! :D


  I just finished supper and reading this you guys are making me hungry again ... ;D
Norm thaat really sounds good to the pallet  ;)
A man does not always grow wise as he grows old , but he always grows old as he grows wise .



Send me your address and I'll send you a goose egg. :D I get 1-5 a week.Never know how this one will lay.We have musgovies ducks too.I'm waiting for her to start to lay again.Last year she hatched out 9 ducklings.We have about 20 layers and 5 geunia hens.These are nosiey critters,but let us know when we have company.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


HEH I just had farm fresh aggs and hash for supper, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good
Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!

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