iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Saturday puttering about

Started by DanG, May 21, 2005, 03:00:39 PM

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Last Saturday I didn't feel like doing anything serious, so I set about putting life into an idea.  The idea weren't mine, but rather belonged to my Darlin' Bride, Linda.  She says "Ya know, ya could make one of these here outta one of them there," or something to that effect.  Here's what happened.

I throwed this little 10"x10' Juniper log on the mill and cut away everything that didn't look like a plant stand.

Then I took it to the back-end of my trailer/workbench and did some further whacking on it with the chainsaw.

That whacking being done, I struck a few lines with the speed square and made handy with the framing nailer.

Total time expended, to this point, was about an hour and a half, from log to finished project.  Next one should go faster. :)

I set back and had a few cold ones, once I was through with the chainsaw and nailer, then just before dark I took it over to the house and put it in its permanent home.  It didn't take Linda long to put it to use. ;D 8)

"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Dan watch out there ya might end  manufacturing and sell them  :D does look real good there  hope pat dont see it  i'd have ta come down there and get her some. ;D


And they are so easy with as Mobile Dimension Mill.  Great idea, DanG. 8) 8) 8)
Frank Pender


That's down right ingenious, DanG.



 Dan .. how about taking smaller logs and a longer ones and cutting me some rain gutters for my new house that I am planning , would go real good with the sawed dovetail walls ...  ;D
   those really really look good ...  The flowers that is   ;D ;) ;) ;)
A man does not always grow wise as he grows old , but he always grows old as he grows wise .



BE careful! Great ideas like that can make you retire early. If the wordd gets out it will be like the internet commercail where the counter starts to climb, there are excited as it hits the roof they become very serious and scared in the office. REID
There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love to do, there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.- Wayne Dyer



I know a Linda that would like that. ;D ;D
Wood-Mizer 2012 LT50HDE25


I'd better hide this thread from Jan :D :D
A very wise man once told me . Grand children are great, we should have had them first


Thats one thing I can't do with my saw. :( That  looks cool. Glad my wife doesn't look at this site. ;)
Things turn out best for people who make the best of how things turn out.


Ernie, don't you have a multi-blade mill?  This is SOOOO easy it is sickening.  You could really score some points with the better half with this idea.  Of course, at your age, that's probably the last thing you would want to do. ;) :D :D :D

Reid, I remember that commercial! :D :D  It was like "HOLY CRAP!!"  If they put half as much thought into the programming as they do into ads, TV might be worth watching. ::)

Marcel, I can do that. ;D  You'll have to get in line behind the hog trough customers, though.

Tnlogger and E-Al, bring Pat and Linda on down here. We can sit in some lawn chairs and point, while they build the things. ;D

Pigman, ya just gotta get a better saw!  Bring her on down. I got plenty of lawn chairs. ;D
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Hey DanG , Its too big... Now shes gonna spend money on more plants... probly find a good deal and buy even more than the stand can hold.. then ya gotta build another :D  I was wonderin.. How tall are those MD log dogs? How thick is the bottom slab usually , when your not makin plant stands and other fine furniture ???
Heritage Horselogging & Lumber Co.
"Surgical removal of standing timber, Leaving a Heritage of timber for tommorow. "


Not to worry.  It ain't too big by any means.  She just hadn't finished loading it yet. :D  I could make a dozen of'em and not hold all the plants she has. ::)

I haven't ever measured, but the bottom slab is about 5/4 from the sawn surface to the apex of the curve described by the outer diameter of the log. ::).  (Sometimes my BS amazes even me :D :D)  If I have a fat log that is really straight, I'll flip the slab over and shim it up to get that last inch of goody out of it.  On smaller or crooked logs, it just ain't worth the effort.
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Ifn the outer diameter of a log is describin something to ya... You might want to take a break and get out of the sun for awhile :)
Heritage Horselogging & Lumber Co.
"Surgical removal of standing timber, Leaving a Heritage of timber for tommorow. "


Good idea, HL.  A week or so ago, I was listening to this news broadcast about some town learning to communicate with the military.  The term "acronymical linguistics" came up, and I've been a little crazy ever since. ::)

BTW, that shoulda been "outer circumference."  They's different, ya know.  Outer diameter would be a real trick. ::) :D :D :D :D
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


That looks really nice DanG , to the arts & crafts show you go !   ;D
UNCLEBUCK    bridge burner/bridge mender


Waayyy back yonder, in the 70's, I met a guy in Arkansas that moved in with one a them MD's.

  He would take a Red Oak Log, about 18-20" dia. and saw it until he had the "L" shaped slab thingy. He would leave the bottom slab a little thicker and the back slab a little thicker.

  THEN, he would un-clamp, and rotate the slab, so that he could take a tapered cut off the Back slab. That would create a Bench Seat w/ leaning back support. Stick some kinda legs on the bottom side, and saw out some designs in the back slab, and ya got one a them "Lovers seats".

  He made several, then got lazy. He had some really good ideas, but, lacked follow through.
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)



Great idea on kickin' back and letting Linda and Pat saw out their own projects ;D

Pigman and Ernie......having your wife hang out on the FF is not so bad ;D

I'd rather have her here with friends getting ideas than on  :o
Linda and I custom saw NHLA Grade Lumber, do retail sales, and provide Kiln Services full time.


DnaG i'm not sure if i want pat near a mill she might just like it too much and i'd have to tail all the time :D but then it would warrant getting a mill wouldn't it  ;)
Oh yeh before i forget Pat said that you did a real fine job on the stand and that i better tell ya she said it or else.  :)


And now I'm tellin' ya that you better tell her I said, "thanks."

Better yet, put her on here and I'll tell her myself.

"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."



One of the first things I did when playing with the new mill was

Very versatile these twin blade machines
A very wise man once told me . Grand children are great, we should have had them first


Pretty cool, Dan.  8)

That project definately deserved the cool ones  smiley_beertoast
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln

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