iDRY Vacuum Kilns



Started by mike_belben, August 12, 2020, 03:39:13 PM

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Im not looking forward to the bill on this one.  

I guess this about my 6th day of laying around wallowing in consistent pulses of upper stomach pain that defies rhyme or reason still.  I havent seen a doctor since 2014 or so and wasnt about to ruin my winning streak now.   Appendicitis fears caused my medically educated wife to pretty much say get in the car or i call the ambulance.  The shrewd saver in me complied. 

I had 1 bag of saline, Xray, ultrasound, EKG and 4 vials for bloodwork plus urinalysis.  They said my everything wasnt just good, its great.  Good BP, resting heartrate as low as 49, all tests look great.  Still waiting on tick panel results as ive been bitten by probably 100 lonestars in 4 yrs. I know we had 32 of em in a ziplock bag from year 1. 

Soon we will have insurance and i suppose at 40 its time for cancer screening and such.  Ive been having my arms go numb lately and tons of wrist/elbow pain.  

Anyways, my sympathy to all of you older old farts im joining up with.  I was so sure the years would never catch up to me.  Just a week in and im going stir crazy with the sitting still of it all.  Id hate to think of enduring long term illness.

Im blessed to have a wife who loves paying my bills!
Praise The Lord


I lovingly refer to my gal as my 'PayPal'. 😉
Here's hoping the experts figure it out soon - uncertainty like that messes up even the strongest person's thinking.
Ford 545D loader
Stihl chainsaws

alan gage

Well that's no fun at all. Hope they either find something they can fix or you magically get better and it never returns. Being laid up is no fun at all.

I used to hear people talk abut their aches, pains, bad backs, etc and how it kept them from doing this and that and, while I felt bad for them, there was also a part of me that couldn't help but think, "just man up and get it done."

Then I got back problems of my own and suddenly realized what chronic pain feels like and how bad it can be and no matter how much you try to "man up" you just can't get it done. Was never happier than to put all that behind me.

I'm pulling for ya.

Let the doctors do what doctors do. Sometimes I was frustrated by the slow pace and them wanting to try things that I didn't think would work (and only delay the final fix) but then I realized they're going through a diagnostic process and you can't always have a crystal ball that allows you to jump to the correct conclusion. Barring something obvious they need to eliminate the simple/common problems before they can lock in on the obscure. And hopefully they find something else before they get to the obscure stuff.

Timberking B-16, a few chainsaws from small to large, and a Bobcat 873 Skidloader.


Hope you bounce back in a hurry.  The VA down that way worth using? 
Franklin buncher and skidder
JD Processor
Woodmizer LT Super 70 and LT35 sawmill, KD250 kiln, BMS 250 sharpener and setter
Riehl Edger
Woodmaster 725 and 4000 planner and moulder
Enough cows to ensure there is no spare time.
White Oak Meadows


I had upper chest pain, was constant and creeped up on me, then I had pounding severe pain after eating lunch.
Was at work, and thought I was having a heart attack so went to hospital.

First thing they said, was if you think you are having a heart attack, call ambulance or have somebody drive, don't drive yourself.

anyway EKG was negative, so they gave me a prescription for nexium and I could not believe how much it helped; and how much chronic pain I was in until it went away.  Huge black cloud lifted that I did not realize fully that was even there..

Mike, I hope for similar positive outcome for you, and is only acid reflux..



Well this is a bummer!  Who's gonna help the kids with the wood?   Get well quick.


Get well soon, Mike! I've heard it said that after 40 you can expect the check engine light to start coming on😁😊
Too many irons in the fire


Good luck to ya!!!
I went through a lot about 2 months ago. A fist full of pills each morning a couple huffs in the morning and a couple at night and I feel fantastic. Mighty fantastic.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Thanks gang, i appreciate it.  

My check engine lights been on for a while, but ive been trying not to let anyone near my ol OBD port if ya know what i mean. 

I used to have VA medical up in mass in the 2000s [and they could be butchers i'll tell ya] but had BCBS for a decade then moved here and just never registered. My wife has used it and its got its glitches but oh well. I called few days ago about enrollment but i need a 2019 tax return.  Well i always do mine in october at end of extension to have funds going into winter.   

So i hobble over and start trying to sort out the taxes and wife says "you HATE taxes.  This must be serious."  

Praise The Lord


And praise the Lord for answered prayers.. I always ask Him to let it be me who suffers instead of them.  Theyre all home from the first day of school, safe n sound. 
Praise The Lord


Good luck to you.  I too have acid reflux or G.E.R.D. is what the doctor calls it.  I had the same symptoms as you upper stomach pain like you read about.  There are foods and life styles that trigger the attacks. My triggers are coffee and or cigarettes to excess.  No coffee for over six months now, smokes I am doing better, but can't say I have quit, it's a day by day deal. But feeling good again.
Hope it's the same for you, not a big deal once you know what it is. Be positive, don't sit around and over think it like I did.


I havent had any vomit, burping or acid reflux.  Just tons of stomach pain, lots of gasses painfully working through every nook and cranny of my intestines and stinkin up the house.  Have to make myself eat.

Starting to consider perhaps a peptic ulcer.  Ive been under maximum stress since about 9/11, and used to heavily rely on naprosyn and naproxyn for shoulder pain. Two major contributors.  Also curious if too much vinegar could have exacerbated something.  I have been making a lot of refrigerator pickles since the garden is producing.. And i love vinegar.   

But ive cut that and coffee off all week.  I dont smoke drink or drug.  Not much junkfood in our house either even though i have a sweet tooth if provoked. Splenda and walmart sugar free drink powder that goes in filtered water (todays kool-aid) is probably the worst stuff i regularly consume.  We are pretty decent about fruits and veggies, dont buy doritos cookies or soda etc

Praise The Lord

Walnut Beast

I hope you get to feeling better Mike 👍


I hope you get to feeling better.  Getting old is a pain, but it's part of life.

Take steps to save steps.

If it won't roll, its not a log; it's still a tree.  Sawmills cut logs, not trees.

Kiln drying wood: When the cookies are burned, they're burned, and you can't fix them.

Sawing is fun for the first couple million boards.

Be smarter than the sawdust

WV Sawmiller

    Hope you recover soon and completely.

Quote from: Southside on August 12, 2020, 06:17:02 PM
Hope you bounce back in a hurry.  The VA down that way worth using?
Our then 99 (now 101) y/o neighbor got out baling hay and got too hot and was feeling unwell so he called the VA. He said "That woman sure talked a lot. I didn't think she was ever going to hang up." Finally an ambulance got there and they checked him out and decided he had gotten too hot and told him to stay inside where it was cool for a few days. Of course the next day he was out baling hay again.

   Anyway his granddaughter found the card with the VA phone number he had called - it was their suicide prevention number. I think he is our oldest surviving WWII (and only 2nd one I have heard about) veteran in our county.
Howard Green
WM LT35HDG25(2015) , 2011 4WD F150 Ford Lariat PU, Kawasaki 650 ATV, Stihl 440 Chainsaw, homemade logging arch (w/custom built rear log dolly), JD 750 w/4' wide Bushhog brand FEL

Dad always said "You can shear a sheep a bunch of times but you can only skin him once


Yes, getting old is not for sissies. The alternative to not getting old is also undesirable. 

Keep us posted on your progress. Hugs. 
Say when


 Hope by now your feeling better Mike. Yrs ago up at the farm we put up a keg of hard cider well around sugaring time we opened it up and by the time sugaring was over I had a bleeding ulcer. Lot of it tasted like vinager but everyone gathered sap on the quick.
Ed K


This sentence you wrote caught my attention: Just a week in and im going stir crazy with the sitting still of it all.  Id hate to think of enduring long term illness.   
As a suggestion you could assist your little ones with their homework.  It would give you something to do, and possibly help you remember your younger days, however when the first report cards get home you just might get fired.
W-M LT40HDD34, SLR, JD 420, JD 950w/loader and Woods backhoe, V3507 Fransguard winch, Cordwood Saw, 18' flat bed trailer, and other toys.


Thanks gang.  

Im not rolling in pain anymore but still not back to normal.  Its saving a lot on groceries!  Nearly everything that goes through my GI tract hurts about the same as anything else, and i can basically eat whatever i want.  Taco bell spicy has about the same effects as saltines or vanilla ice cream.   Suddenly i dont want to eat much of anything until hunger pain exceeds eating pain.
Praise The Lord


well that just plain sucks donkey dice........ Pullin fur ya. It's all attitude. Lemons, make lemonade and boy, let me tell ya, i've made lot's of lemonade lately.....
Necessity is the engine of drive


Yeah it could be worse.  Not accomplishing anything is eating me most.  Work is my joy. 
Praise The Lord


Had a neighbor who drank a lot of diet coke, the chemicals in that sweetener built up on him and caused problems. Funny how everything fun to me turns out to be work.
Most everything I enjoy doing turns out to be work


Well im mowing the lawn pouring sweat and wondering if its better to stay sick and let the wife do it.  

But i think she'd remarry before it was ever cut again. 


Praise The Lord


Sorry to hear that Mike, i hope you get better quick.

I also hate being inactive, i almost went nuts when i broke my leg in 2007 and was laying around for 3 month.

you guys surely make me nervous with all your "after 40" comments, look at my age 

be better mike!

National Stihl Timbersports Champion Costa Rica 2018


40 has walked all over me so far.  The new pains are making my old chronic pains seem like loyal pals.

Grass is mowed, wife is taking a nap. Maybe move up to firewood tmrw. Feeling human again. 
Praise The Lord

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