iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Another interesting article

Started by Patty, June 28, 2005, 03:35:03 PM

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I'll have to be honest that I might be upset in that situation, but, it would remain to be proven what "neglect" was.  I might just have to be upset and plant some more trees.  Another's management policies might not agree with mine, but, that doesn't make them wrong.  If I sense danger, I should be allowed to protect myself from it.   ie. firelines, and I would hope to have a rapport with the owner of the big property that would allow me to discuss my concerns with him.  If lightning hits his land and mine gets burned as a result, it isn't necessarily a fault of his.

Now, if I were the owner of 2500 acres and decided that I wanted a thinning, a burn, a clear-cut and a planting; and some busy body, who owned nothing and lived in an apartment complex took me to court for killing a tree, ruining his view and releasing CO2 into the air and explained to the judge how I was a destroyer of worlds, I would be miffed to say the least.  If he took it upon himself to burn my tractor, slit my tires and camp in my tree,  I might have to go squirrel hunting. 

After using the word repoire most of my life, I decided to look it up and make sure that I was spelling it correctly.  Does the word exist?    It certainly is used a lot for a word that doesn't exist.   Well, I ended up substitutin "rapport" but I sure like "repoire" better.  :D


You know Tom, I suspect you and me would be good neighbors!

Because I am involved in reforestation I get the purist at times, like this weekend. My response is very very simple (no - I don't swear at them) I ask them how much they have invested in reforestation. So far, NONE of them have invested a penny.

I really feel the world runs best when those who feel strongly about an issue do something about it. I decided to do something about trees in the tropics. Cool - it is none of my business what others do - within reason.

I can share with people how I feel and what I am doing - but that is where it stops in my opinion. If I can't convince someone by reason - I can't go any further. Otherwise I am no better than a terrorist.

The last thing I want is more laws.


So, how did I end up here anyway?

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