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most worthy charity.

Started by doc henderson, January 08, 2022, 09:53:28 AM

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doc henderson

It by all accounts has been a tough couple of years.  People are tired of politics, mandates, and being sick.  many have lost loved ones.  people with a difference of opinion have become enemies.  Kids home instead of school, and a parent not able to work so financial issues.   suicide rates up.  I was taught by my dad, to not just give money to people.  family get togethers canceled.  elders dying alone in a hospital bed as family is not allowed to visit.  We do not donate randomly, but when a need is seen.  We have donated to military memorials.  Tunnel to towers and wounded Warrior.  
My dad was a truck driver in the 60s and 70s.  He always carried a gun.  he had been an MP in the army.  If at a truck stop, someone claimed to need something to eat he would buy the food and not give them money.  half would get *pithed and walk away as they really wanted the money for something else.  so, I am cursed with being wary of giving money that further harms the person and does not help.
We used to give to the police benevolent association.  used to get a call from an officer who would come by and pick up the envelope from the mailbox.  it devolved as it got bigger, to a salesperson calling from New Jersy with hard sales tactic guilting you into giving.  then two guys in an old car with everything they owned in the back (homeless) pull in the drive asking for the donation.  they were doing community service, and God bless them, but it made me nervous that strangers were showing up at my house.  I stopped giving, and they stopped calling.  
When I traveled, I carried spam singles, and if a guy at a stop sign said he needed food, he got two packs.  The next time I stopped, I looked to see if the packs were on the round, and they were not.  I gave money to a guy at WM with my daughter there when he claimed to be out of gas.  He asked again 3 weeks later, and got his ass chewed, he jumped in his car and left, so I guess he was not out of gas ... again.
we are involved with BSA.  We gave to the Wesley Children's Hospital when it was founded.  We have made things for the Reno County Cancer Council.  so, all this having been said, and with need at an all-time high, my question is "what are the worthiest charities you know of"?  I do not want to give to ones that use 60% of funds for administration.  some have volunteer boards, and all the money is used for the entity.  
What charities are in need, and worthy of my donation?  thanks.

corn hole game for cancer charity in General Woodworking (

Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor


In the nearby town where we used to work, the same pro panhandlers are outside the big box stores always. By my observation they do well.
In Lexington, KY people are either ticked off by them or trying to save them from themselves. The city tried running a so-called work van than picked them up from street corners then taken to day jobs if sober, etc. for real work. That paid more than regular day labor places which wasn't real cool IMO. That lasted about as long as you'd guess. They are now back begging and certain people "own" certain corners there.
We choose our donations by use of charity rating websites as one main aspect of our decision. Some highly worthy sounding charities are not so efficient and often top heavy as well. The best of those sites tells you what things they do well with money and whats not so good. Not all charities make their information so available for perusal! Just for personal notions- The Red Cross I find far too top heavy. Locally two places that collect blood-red cross is not the one I'll give blood to at all, I go with Central KY Blood Center. I've seen them up close and personal and charging for what other organizations give away. BSA seems to have gone by the wayside since the legal issues they suffered? 
The military charities are all not equal in how they use money. TV ads are not the best device to choose IMO. 
In my rural area United Way doesn't exist period. When we used to go to FB games in the city they'd collect at games and I gave nothing because the money didn't follow me back to Eastern KY-it stayed in those more wealthy areas where services abound. 
We lean toward military charities (lifes experiences talk to us) and those that service the publics greater needs, not narrow stuff. Bluntly I'll say that I place human needs over animals which I'm sure is less popular than once was.   
Only recently The Salvation Army was severely affected in donations by one of their own people having made some statements that were regarded in the press & public as bad talk. Given my wife's time as a social worker we know full well that the recent fiasco doesn't apply to that entire organization and they remain as one of the most efficient users of money for social good that we know of. Fischer House is another of our choices that's very efficient.
Some highly deserving care providers are also flush with money. One of my SIL's worked many years for Shriners but says they have more money than "carters got pills" so we throw ours elsewhere on her advice. St.Judes might be that way too-only a guess though?
Check out the websites rating charities, at the very least it's useful to see what matters overall to rate them. We also alternate our giving from year to year. 

Kan=Kansas;tuck=Kentucky;kid=what I'm not

WV Sawmiller

  Back in the day I worked with a guy who got tire of people bumming a cigarette off him so he started carrying a can of PA and a pack of cigarette papers and when someone would ask him for a cigarette he'd hand them the makings. Usually they gave them back. As often as not they'd reach around and pull out a pack they had hidden. They would mooch but would not roll their own cigarette.

   We get calls every day from people supposedly soliciting money for what sounds like very worthwhile causes like Police, Fire Dept, Breast Cancer, etc. I hang up immediately now. A very high percentage, if not all, of any money you do give to these leeches goes for their fund raising and not to the actual purpose cited.

    As I remember the benevolent organization with the best track record of use for intended purposes was the Salvation Army. I think 95% of every dollar they got went to the needy with only 5% used for admin purposes.

    The USO is another good one to remember. They do great work for the troops here in the USA and overseas.

    I agree with Doc, people beg for money for food but get mad when you offer to feed them. They just want the money for drugs or booze.
Howard Green
WM LT35HDG25(2015) , 2011 4WD F150 Ford Lariat PU, Kawasaki 650 ATV, Stihl 440 Chainsaw, homemade logging arch (w/custom built rear log dolly), JD 750 w/4' wide Bushhog brand FEL

Dad always said "You can shear a sheep a bunch of times but you can only skin him once


We help out our local cancer funds, money stays local and helps local folks. Also local fire victims that have lost their homes. These needs are obvious.
I am a true TREE HUGGER, if I didnt I would fall out!  chet the RETIRED arborist


Salvation Army 
St. Jude's Children's Hospital 

I give money to panhandlers because I would rather make the mistake of giving money to someone that doesn't need it, than to withhold it from someone that does. 

Say when

doc henderson

My Dad told me at a young age (16) not to and it stuck.  I know that not all fatherly advice is profound, but I have made several mistakes based on that.  like giving a ride to two strangers because I did not want to give money based on my dad's comments.  he also told me not to use the big cuss words that start with an F, never out cuss a woman (only go to the level she does), do not get tattoos, do not drink and drive.  I do not ever cuss in anger.  an occasional Sh.. word.  @Roxie I respect your choice.  
Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor

doc henderson

We have a homeless shelter.  you have to be sober and go out during the day to work or look for a job.  you do get food there.  we have a homeless vet in a wheelchair missing a leg.  he will not go to a shelter as he had an infestation, and they threw his prosthetic leg away.  so now he is seen all over town in his chair, day and night.  he has rounds and gets fed.  if it is really cold, he comes to the ED.  we feed him.  he refuses to go to the VA for help as well.  we have tried.  He really does not need money.  He is my age.
Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor


   We live by the rule that God commands the first 10% of your blessings/earnings whatever, be divested immediately. Deny yourself a portion.. The best portion in the case of meat sacrifices, is Gods true mandate to obey there.

In the old testament spotless juicy little lambs were burned on alters.  This is so you cant be using it to gain favor or buy or trade with it under the guise of being generous and letting your "generosity" go to your head. It was literally discard the most desireable thing to demonstrate your obedience and i think the spirit of this giving needs to be recalled.  It has nothing to do with whether they immediately shoot it in their arm but that you denied yourself.  God doesnt need our tips or scraps or burnt meat.  

The tithe is a minimum and the offering is what comes after the minimum.  The more we give the more we receive.  Gave $150 at a church a few months ago when we only 'owed' $100 (and we barely ever get by and never ever ask for anything no matter what)  next day i get a check in the mail for $5k from massachusetts suing the company that used dirty tricks to foreclose on my house.  I knew nothing about the suit and never told mass where i was going.  No 5k doesnt make up for the 100 grand i lost but i find God gives you what you need when you need it, and i needed to be shoved out of that state. I have many many of these sorts of stories but thats the one thatll wow the most.

I insist on looking the person im giving to in the eyes and saying God Bless or this is from the Lord etc because thats what its about for me and i want them to know that. I dont care at all whether they like it or not. An atheist is happy to take Gods cash trust me. The atheist is who i want to give to the most in fact. I walk up to sketchy people in bad situations and give it them.  could be cash, food, socks, a towel, an old sweatshirt whatever. People asking or panhandling i go case by case.  Its easier to fake it on a sunny day than in the freezing cold or rain or with a limb missing.

Burgerking cards or walmart cards or even truckstop gift cards ($12 for an awesome shower at pilot.  There is nothing to lift the spirits of a family living in a car in winter like an unlimited hot shower) and stuff like that are a very good way to go about this.  Most addicts really are starving too.  Its their life to throw away, if they wanna pawn the gift card for a small fractional value in drugs theyre gonna and you cant change that so let it go.

I actually own and its sad that the entire world tallied up the value of the savior's name and the most common prayer ending known to man, at $2.99 a year. Just like judas calculated that 30 pieces of silver was enough to betray the living God.  what fools.

So anyway its just a parked domain, but part of my lifes work/ministry is developing it into a charitable organization. I still need to incorporate a 501C3 and develop a site.  The idea is visa gift cards that just say In Jesus Name across the front of a blank white card.  Its purpose is to encourage people to 1) increase their obedience by tithing like they should for their own benefit 2) get them interacting with the downtrodden more 3) to show the homeless and the cashiers of the world how generous christians are and mostly 4) to bring glory to the kingdom. A cash card with his name on it is like a billboard on the interstate of the recipients mind that says "jesus" on it. The homeless addict doesnt need preaching, hes already thrown out all the tracts and said god aint helpin me.  But if i put a 50 in his hand that says "love, God" on it..  Oh yeah?  You sure he didnt orchestrate our meeting?  You sure he aint helped you?  A few in a row might jar that junkie into a change.  I know i was headed to prison when he snatched me up.

No one is all bad, and everyones gotta eat.  Not just "good people."   God says very clearly he has measured all hearts and there aint a one so we have to be careful not to judge in our attempts to be generous.
Praise The Lord


 :) some of us had/have  pretty similar fathers.  I try and help some neighbors raising a grandson. I have two foster daughters. I help 4-H/FFA  any kid selling raffle tickets, band candy etc.  I help  locally as much as possible. Phone solicitations and mailings hit the trash..
PETA, HSUS, and their ilk are vile and corrupt. (Animals are a huge part of my life).  Mike sometimes what you write reminds me, (even though I try )
to humble myself and count my blessings. :) I will just leave it at that. 
I hope your lessons reach others as well.

WV Sawmiller

   Cyber space got my last reply again I see. ::)

   My old CG in USMC once said about Navy Relief - give people a hand up not a hand out.

   On a project in Cameroon my roommate talked with the lady Wachenhut guard downstairs. She worked 6 days a week, 12 hours per day for 50,000 cfa or about $80/month back then. Jack asked her what she wanted to do in life and she said she wanted to be a hair dresser but she could never save enough money to buy a hand held hair dryer to start. Jack bought her one for about $25. She quit her job with Wachenhut, set up a hairdressing business (Might have been a straight chair on a street corner which was common over there) and immediately started making 50K to 60K per week while working 30-40 hours per week so she cut her hours in half and quadrupled her income doing what she wanted to do in her life.

   Our old security manager and his wife on that project tried to help the people there. She gave needles and thread and cloth to the local prison inmates and they learned to embroider napkins and tablecloths and did amazing work. They were learning a skill. She and her friends would wash and sell the sets for big money. The work was so fine the thread never showed on the back side. Steve was looking at providing manual sewing machines so people could make and sell clothes and such. If you gave them money others would steal or con them out of it. 

   Remember the old saying "Feed a man a fish you feed him for the day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." The problem is finding a way to help a man become self-sufficient.
Howard Green
WM LT35HDG25(2015) , 2011 4WD F150 Ford Lariat PU, Kawasaki 650 ATV, Stihl 440 Chainsaw, homemade logging arch (w/custom built rear log dolly), JD 750 w/4' wide Bushhog brand FEL

Dad always said "You can shear a sheep a bunch of times but you can only skin him once

doc henderson

Mike that is a great way to look at it.  I do give money to established charities, and on a case-by-case basis.  the prof. panhandlers are the same at out WM, and have a cooler and folding chair, and a dog with a cute bandana scarf on its neck.  I try to vet folks a bit and give to entities that vet for us.  most free clinics require tax info to confine the users to the needy, as not to use up the time volunteered by health care folks.  We had a mom with a very ill child.  the car was out of gas, and dad just got out of jail.  she wanted to take her infant home and take it to the big hospital after they got a paycheck and could drive.  3 of us put together 40 bucks so the child would not be taken home and die.  This sounded almost unbelievable, but the welfare of the child was at stake, mom never asked us for help, and the child went to the Childrens hospital.
Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor


There is a saying in the south i heard many times when i was stranded with broken truck or desperate for $20 to put in the truck and slaved to get it.  "Always help a man who is trying to help himself." I helped get a meth head criminals "log truck" unstuck who is probably occasionally stealing logs.  1.. He is workin his butt off.  2. If i help him i can influence him. Ive already made it clear snatchin any timber here is gonna be noticed by all of us so helping the criminal has also helped the potential theft victims not get robbed.  The suspect has been warned in advance.  Ive developed a knaack for saying dangerous things to dangerous people that i think are more helpful than "get a job you lousy bum." 

Things like son you need to stop bringin all your money here to the pill pushers, they dont need it as much as your baby needs diapers, i hope to see you here a lot less.  No one ever gets mad at this.. They get ashamed.  And i think that is the start of turning people back on the right path.  Youve gotta position yourself in the gutter to steer folks out of it.  

I dont see the professional charity crowd gettin in the gutter with any tough love. 

Praise The Lord

Raider Bill

I give to 
I also give to locals that lose their home to fire.
Couple bills in the hand helps when you just lost everything.
The First 70 years of childhood is always the hardest.
My advice on aging gracefully... ride fast bikes and date faster women, drink good tequila, practice your draw daily, be honest and fair in your dealings, but suffer not fools. Eat a hearty breakfast, and remember, ALL politicians are crooks.


Quote from: Raider Bill on January 08, 2022, 11:44:07 AMI also give to locals that lose their home to fire.
On December 4th, a sweet lady in our community had a total loss due to fire. 

The next morning PatD and I decided that instead of exchanging Christmas Gifts, we would give it all to her which we did.  It was the best Christmas Gift that I ever did not get.

St Judes or the Shriner's Hospital gets my vote for worthy charities.
Knothole Sawmill, LLC     '98 Wood-Mizer LT40SuperHydraulic   WM Million BF Club Member   WM Pro Sawyer Network

It's Weird being the Same Age as Old People

Never allow your "need" to make money to exceed your "desire" to provide quality service.....The Magicman


What is a worthy charity to me may not be the best for you. There is no "one size fits all". To me, one of the most worthy is a neighbor in need who is willing to help himself. We do support a couple of the large organized charities based on personal experience of myself and some close friends. I am fortunate to be associated with a church whose un-official motto is "love thy neighbor as thyself". I could write a large book, but that's maybe food for another post or two. :)
1995 Wood Mizer LT 40, Liquid cooled kawasaki,homebuilt hydraulics. Homebuilt solar dry kiln.  Woodmaster 718 planner, Kubota M4700 with homemade forks and winch, stihl  028, 029, Ms390
100k bd ft club.Charter member of The Grumpy old Men


Thanks guys. 

 while im ranting about perspectives.. Suffering isnt always bad, and "wealth" isnt always good.  I can give a lifetime of examples of well off people living in misery, and lowly people living in harmony.  

In my own life, one of my worst years as a family i made almost 100k with complete misery and dysfunction in the home.  

We are 5 years in a camper and my 4th furnace blower is the final straw, im not buying any more of them.  We are in a cold spell and my 4th revision of the outdoor forced hydronic system is still not on line so i think its 5 days of one electric heater and 50s inside. We do have a wood stove in a shack without plumbing so no one is gonna freeze and squatting on a thunderbucket never killed anyone.  Look how many orphans came out of the great depression.  An hour ago my kids were looking at older family pictures on moms old phone and absolutely cackling in joyous laughter that almost brought me and mom to tears.  Id give up a lot of heat for more of that and money cant buy what hardship has provided. Our souls are satisfied and the rest is just stuff. 

I dont worry so much for my kids if the system collapses, theyve gotten plenty of thrift training.  Its those with good incomes whos lives will fall apart and have no idea what to do if the cash flow stops. 

When a house burns down nearby we go see what they might need. Its usually someone fooling with meth but theyre still in need so we do what we can.  
Praise The Lord


Its been said "Givers have to have limits because Takers have none".
I get the feeling that if you give to an outfit that they use their givers list as an income source, and your information ends up on a "suckers list" and you are considered easy prey.
To minimize the number of calls for donations I get I quit giving to organized organizations.
W-M LT40HDD34, SLR, JD 420, JD 950w/loader and Woods backhoe, V3507 Fransguard winch, Cordwood Saw, 18' flat bed trailer, and other toys.


I knew you all had Big Hearts. God Bless you all for the help that you give others.
Since I have a Bible- based hesitation to acknowledge my own giving, I'll speak to areas where I've witnessed some great opportunities...
While I feel it's my duty to help a neighbor who expresses a need (requests help), I think it's a servant's duty to help when a need is seen.

  • I know a guy that purchases a couple hundred $ worth of $25.00 Gift Cards at Meijer and will stand by the Turkey Cooler before Thanksgiving and hand them out to folks picking up groceries for Thanksgiving Dinner. If they decline, he won't take it back, but encourages them to gift it to someone else as they see fit. It warms 2 or three hearts that way...
  • He will also have some of those in his Truck Glove Box and give one to a Panhandler. That way, if the Panhandler needs gas or Groceries, they can get those, but would have to "sell" the card for something less if they intend to procure something else. BTW; this person will not spend one second with doubts about the Gift's use. If the person asking says it's for Family, and the giver gives- he did his duty. Any lying or fraud involved is the recipient's sin, not the Giver's.
  • He will also take a handful of those cards and give them to the cashiers and ask them to give them to the next Veteran, Family, or any person that looks like they could use it. He's been told that many times, the Vet will turn it over to the next person in line....
  • He'll randomly pick a "Victim" in the Check- out line and ask them if he can cover their purchase. He was pretty surprised once when the person also presented a ticket for a Big Screen TV (In for a Penny, in for a Pound....) to the Cashier. It's still giving.
  • He was in Salvation Army one time picking up Silverware for his Welding Art, and witnessed a Vet loading up on Insulated Hunting Suits and Boots. What got to my friend was that the Vet also had a couple of Suit cases to pack the stuff in. He asked the guy if he could cover, and they began chatting. The Vet asked my friend if he is a real Cowboy (noticing the hat...), to which the reply was in the affirmative. It turns out that they had Cowboyed within 40 miles of each other in Northeast Montana in the mid '70's. The Vet was only a year or two out of Vietnam then. My friend had hitchhiked out west to learn how real Cowboys did it. The Vet was homeless with his wife. The Salvation Army bill was $84.00, and my friend also gave the Vet the rest of his Pocket folding money.
  • This same guy will leave money at the register at Secondhand stores and tell them to let it ride for the following customers until it's gone. Two weeks ago, one cashier told him that the previous week, the next 5 people did the same thing..... If giving anonymously is a disease, then it's contagious.  
For many of us, Giving and Serving make us closer to the Savior who came for us without being asked. There are gifts that make both parties "richer".
Great topic, Doc...
Olcowhand's Workshop, LLC

They say the mind is the first to go; I'm glad it's something I don't use!

Ezekiel 36:26-27


Going forward, I'm thinking the spirit of this topic was not intended for the negativity type posts, as it spawns more. Think about it before you engage your typing fingers. I'm tired of negative everywhere.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


WV Sawmiller

   When I worked in Saudi there were various beggers - some legit, some not. At the time, long before we got involved with Afghanistan, there were many Afghani refugees in the area. Many filled the niche as street cobblers. A new refugee would make his way to Jeddah and the other, more settled refugees would set him up in in business with one of the shoe dogs/anvils and probably a tack hammer, thread, brushes and needles, etc,

  There were lots of Afghani kids hanging out in the main Souq and such. They would walk up and try to sell you a face cloth or chewing gum. I never saw one beg. They would hang out by the car park and when you paid your parking fee and got your change they would place a little pack of gum on your window hoping you'd buy it. Most of the time I did not want the gum but I'd buy it even if sometimes gave it right back. Another thing I noted about them was their faces were always clean while many other nationalities were not anywhere near as diligent about their personal hygiene. I always respected the Afghani kids I saw there.

  There was a little beggar girl in Cameroon who sat at an intersection with her blind father. She had the sweetest smile and sometimes I'd see her dancing and playing. I doubt she was over 10 years old. Often I'd come back from the market and have some fresh produce and I'd give her an orange or tangerine or such. One year at Christmas I brought her back a bunch of coloring books and crayons. I don't know if she was able to keep them or had to give them away or sell them or such. Mostly I wanted her to be able to enjoy something for herself.

  I remember buying a coffee cup sized ceramic/clay brazier from a lady in Guinea. I understood it was 10,000 Guineas ($1.40) and I paid her that and walked off. That lady went and got change and chased me for 2 blocks to give me my 9,000 Guinea change. She had told me 1,000 cfa (14 cents) and I misunderstood. When she tried to hand it to me I looked at it and told her to keep it for her honesty. The money was insignificant to me but I will always treasure the fact she tried to return it.

  Kids in Cameroon used to chase me down and want to be my porter and carry my veggies and such I bought. I'd pick out the smallest kid in the bunch and hire him just to get the rest to leave me alone. The other, larger kids would follow and watch. When we were nearly done and out of sight for a minute or so I'd slip him a 500 or 1,000 cfa note ($2-$3 as I remember) and he'd jam it in his clothes somewhere to hide then and the end of my shopping I'd pull out a 25 -50 cfa coin and give him. I figured if the big kids shook him down all they'd know was he had the coin. I once started to a crowded area and he pulled me back and said "Ali baba" and pointed ahead meaning they were pick pockets so we by passed them. He was good security and well worth his pay.
Howard Green
WM LT35HDG25(2015) , 2011 4WD F150 Ford Lariat PU, Kawasaki 650 ATV, Stihl 440 Chainsaw, homemade logging arch (w/custom built rear log dolly), JD 750 w/4' wide Bushhog brand FEL

Dad always said "You can shear a sheep a bunch of times but you can only skin him once


Feel free to delete my last post as it's got plenty of negativity in it and I have no desire to rile anyone. 
Kan=Kansas;tuck=Kentucky;kid=what I'm not


My wife was paying a random christmas layaway bill at walmart as a tithe, and while she was there someone else was doing the same thing, $500 at a wack.. Multiples of them.  She is also one to pay someones bill behind her in line at a drive thru, stuff like that.   She will give money we doesnt even have and i have to remember generosity is one of her best traits once in a while.  

Im not big on giving to churches.  We do it all the time but i know the money is often just going into a paycheck or building fund or utility and not going anywhere that reduces human suffering directly. We go to different churches all the time now and it has cut out the church politics issues that came with belonging to just one. Or we do church at home. 

Im terms of giving i want the most bang for the buck.  If someone has shoes all taped together and ive got a pair i dont wear often in the truck id rather give them my shoes or hoodie as i know its an immediate asset that cant really be abused. But anyway i really do try to cut the middle man out and help face to face.  A lot of good things have come of it. 

My online persona is not often a ray of sunshine but i cant tell you how many great people have come to my aid when ive been down and out.  It makes it easier to reach in my pocket when i remember that.  The Lord was generous with me so i can afford to be so with others.  Tithing can be as simple as a big tip for a stressed looking waitress.  Everyone needs a boost now and then and youre eyes are just as good at identifying that person on the fly as some big corporate service agency. 
Praise The Lord


For the tramping panhandlers outside walmart, two times ive offered a bag of apples or loaf of bread.. And had it turned down!  The person living in their car in the parking lot never does.

For a while last winter a methodist church was doling out semi loads of trump administration boxed food for covid relief and my 83 yr old buddy up the road would bring a truckload. As the weather heated up it became a mad dash to get rid of the stuff before the milk and sour cream etc spoiled.  I doled out hundreds of boxes over a few months.. At first mostly to the welfare class until i had to put one inside a fridge for the granny who had a broken ankle.  I could not fit one gallon of milk in that fridge.. Thats 3 checks under one roof and all they could cram in.  After that i targetted just normal working poor slaves particularly with kids. Normal people are always choosing between food or gas or mortgage every week and always were happy to get 40 lbs of free stuff.  I met a whole lotta people doing that.. Just driving down the road looking for someone outside. If it was too sunny id bang on doors, try to get rid of it fast yet spread it around to different people.  

Folks get used to free stuff real fast and take on new debts with the savings from the freebie so it was good that the program ended.  
Praise The Lord


I am not much on giving money.

I do help people that are willing to give back or work for it. I don't know how much firewood I've given away.

One organization I know of but not much about is Hiefer International.
What I have seen is they do not give food to needy people. instead they give them an animal that they can get food from.
Ex. if the give a family chickens the eat the eggs not the chicken.

I mentioned it to my Mom's minister some years back and he didn't seem to think much of them so I didn't look deeper.
Dave, Woodmizer LT15, Husqvarna 460 and Stihl 180, Bobcat 751, David Brown 770, New Holland TN60A

Thank You Sponsors!