iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Engine swap / Motor austausch

Started by Wolfgang Rother, December 31, 2024, 08:02:37 AM

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Wolfgang Rother

Hi i want the swap the engine on my Woodmizer LT 40 ,,,
and here the problems bein...
How to buy this engin...german pulition law..
If the is someone here in Eu that can help me.
THX Wolfgang
Ich will den Motor austauschen, aber wo bekomme ich einen geeignteten Motor her??
Wenn mir jemand helfen kann, ich würde mich extrem freuen.
Grüße Wolfgang
Oder ruf mal an
015125950130 :thumbsup:


Hello, did you try to look online for such marketplaces like Amazon or eBay


I have no idea how to work around any of those laws Wolfgang. Good luck in your search!
Too many irons in the fire

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