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Started by Noble_Ma, November 05, 2002, 07:45:38 AM

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I hope everyone went out and voted today.  


I sure did. I met one of our gubernatorial candidates in September. Dick Posthumus, and a representative of the other candidate Jennifer Granholm. Lt. Gov Posthumus is a farmer and a woodsman and outdoors man. He will look out for us. The other? I gotta say she was poorly represented at that meeting in my mind.  I hope Mr. Posthumus can pull this one off. He trailed in all the polls going in.

Here is one for you guys.

Running for Michigan Attorney General:
Mike Cox versus Larry Peters   Say HuH?  :-X  No matter what the outcome we end up with a **** for attornery general. :)
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

Ron Wenrich

Posthumus - is that something you get when a post rots?  Who is Prehumus?

I voted.  We had 2 incumbents run for the House seat, thanks to redistricting.  Man, did the parties ever bombard us with ads.  Bush even came in to give his guy a push.  I'm not sure it will work.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Posthumus ran posthumously (?)  a name like that is scarey :D

Yep, I voted and stood in amazement as the tallying machine sucked my hand marked ballot in.   Doesn't matter right side up, backwards or upside down, it is supposed to read the marks.  I'm impressed.  Actually there is something self gratifying to marking your choice with a pen rather than pullng a handle, turning a switch or punching a "chad".

While I was sitting in my booth, an elderly lady yelled. "What am I supposed to do"?  Her son said "can I help her"?  the pollsters said "no', stay away. y'all can't talk".  They wouldn't go help the lady though.  Finally the son yelled from outside of the front door, "Just put a mark beside the name you want to vote for". then he ran to the car.  There were a lot of blank stares but he was gone.  :D :D


Grandholm is the current attorney general. What is scarey is electing a lawyer thats backed by lawyers. (American Trial Lawyers.)

I will take the farmer and hunter.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


I think I would feel a little more comfortable with someone that was close to the out-of-doors rather than someone who lived in a 10x10 room, had pastey skin and no understanding of what the "real" world was like, too.


I hate to sound cynical, but most politicians promise you the world and give you nothing.  In Mass we had a blood bath for Governor.  Republican businessman and long time politician Democrate.  We didn't hear much about issues just mud slinging.  


I must say, I had a rather pleasant surprise at our polling place. I had not voted since redistricting had plunked us into the Gretna precinct. Gretna is a virtual ghetto, a small city that sprung up from a crossroad community. It's only reason for existance is to pull in Government grants, so it's "Founding Fathers" can grow wealthy at the expense of the rest of us. However, I was greeted by helpful poll workers, who ran the whole show with precision. There were a lot of people, but I was in and out in less than 15 minutes, and that was less than an hour before the polls closed. I won't go into the details of what and who I voted for, but I will admit to voting against the CONSTITUTIONAL AMMENDMENT that regulates the size of pig farrowing cages. Really, now, does this sort of thing belong in the Constitution?
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Yeah, I voted against that too. I'm not in favor of amendments to the constitution.  If I ever vote "for" one it will not only be needed but will be debated in public for an extended time....maybe years.  I vote for nothing nor anybody who proposes encreased taxes or new taxes.  I also don't see the necessity of free preschooling of 4 year olds.  Just a baby sitting service that takes kids out of a home situation and inhibits their being kids.  Kids don't get much of a chance to be Kinds anymore anyway.  Before long the government will just take the kid from the mom after delivery and put it in a home.   Parents don't seem to want to be bothered with children anymore anyway.  grrrrr


The big question here was English immersion.  There's a lot of folks here that believe that foreign students should be taught in their native language and we should pay for the teachers to do that!  In the mean time, our English speaking kids are losing classes because we don't have money to pay for the teachesr.  Go figure!  As I type, the English immersion question has  received 75% yes.  Now we just need to enforce it so they will be forced to learn English.


I don't think it is our responsibility to educate the world.  I think we can provide education for the world but it is the worlds responsibility to come learn.  To do that they need to learn the language of this country.  That is still English, contrary to popular belief.


"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Noble MA,
Are you sure your your ads for governor were not our ads governor.  Same here career Democrat politician incumbant (quite possibly the single worst govenor in the country) against a Republican business man.  Nothing but mudslinging, I heard it works so thats why they do it.

I said NO on everything and voted Libertarian ;D now I can complain about who ever wins. ;D  They were trying to float something like 13 billion in bonds, the state is already 23 billion in debt in just two years coming off a surplus.  The residents of LA want the rest of the state to pay for their school upgrades....jerks.
Making Tillamook Bay safe for bait; one salmon at a time.


Well the Republican businessman won in our state.  I think most of us are a little concerned about state government or the lack of it.  Education reform was the hot issue in Mass even though the candidates forgot to talk about it much!  We did learn how the governor elect bought companies and laid people off.  The loser was a great soccer player.  All stuff you need to know to make an informed decision ???  Anyway, it should be good to see how much he can get done.

Texas Ranger

Noble, will Callahans defeat help Missouri?
The Ranger, home of Texas Forestry



I'm not sure if you posted that question to me or not?  I'm the other Noble ;D


I don't know how much Carnahan's defeat will help Missouri but it will give Tom Daschle a new job in the Senate. 8)

Now maybe G.W.'s judge nominations will get out of committee and onto the floor for a vote.

Thankfully,  Jean Carnahan gracefully conceded the contest and I've not heard of any blatant voting mess-ups like in the last election.
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94

Ron Wenrich

Well, the 2 incumbent race for House was really tight.  51% went for the Democrat and 49% went for the Republican.  Less than 6,000 votes seperate the two.  The Republican will not concede defeat.  He has never lost a race in the past 20 years.

He lost in spite of having both Bush and Cheyney show up and campaign for him and spending $5 million.  His voting record is very conservative.  But, the Democrat is also a conservative, just younger and a different party.

It was interesting to see where the candidates had their evening celebrations.  The Republican had his at the Four Star Restaurant in the Hilton Hotel in Harrisburg.  The Democrat had his at the St. Clair Rod and Gun Club.  Which seems to be more in line with the people?

On the national scene, the Republicans will have to produce, or they will be gone.  The court backlog occured when the Republicans had the Senate and Clinton was in the White House.  It will be an interesting 2 years.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Update on Michigan Attorney General race.

Cox supporters as well as Peters supporters were up all night with thier man. Not sure of the outcome yet but on the late news last night they quoted Peters as saying that Cox was to close for comfort.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Cox and Peters ::)  We did end up with the Democrat, former attorney gen, CANADIAN BORN Jenny Granholm as our Gov. Elect.  It's gonna be an interesting four years :-/ :-/
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom

L. Wakefield

   Most of the races in Maine went to the Democrats. I hate to see Angus King go. I hope he reincarnates just as much as Jimmy Carter- I feel he has a lot more to offer.   lw
L. Wakefield, owner and operator of the beastly truck Heretik, that refuses to stay between the lines when parking


Jimmy Carter - now there is a real human being.  We sure could use a few dozen more like him!
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln


I voted!

In Arkansas the Democrats had a injunction to keep the polls open, Arkansas Superpreme court said close them.should be an interesting couple months.


I'm just relieved that the elections(and their constant barrage of bogus advertisements) are over, and that Michigan was able to keep it's Peters supporters up all night.
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."

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