iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Physical Exams

Started by Tom, June 26, 2001, 04:41:21 PM

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I was cleaning out a closet today and ran into a bag of antique tools I purchased from a friend/acquaintance woodworker friend 6 or 7 years ago.  It made me remember the occasion and I will pass it on.

This fellow stood up in front of our woodworkers club one meeting day to announce that he was selling all of his wood tools.  He wanted us to buy them because he knew they would find a good home.

He had been to his doctor for a physical that last month and found that he had prostate cancer.  He urged us in his little speech to make sure we got a physical every year.

"It's so easy to pass on this", he said.

"I should have gotten one and didn't". "I went for 5 years without going to a doctor". "I was just too busy and couldn't be bothered".

"Now, I find that it's too late."  "It's time to get my things in order."  If I had just gotten an exam earlier I could have been treated and enjoyed a lots of more years with you guys."  "In a few weeks, it will be all over."

He looked healthy enough to me, but I went to his house and helped him organize a big "garage" sale.  Several other members of the club were there too.  He wanted to make sure that some of his "special" tools were taken care of so we were given the opportunity to purchase them for next to nothing.  It made him happy and us guilty but we decided that it was better this way.  

In about 4 months he died.


Good advice,  Tom,  and a fine gent he was to bring this subject up,  leave his tools to pals,  and in this way,  leave more of a legacy behind.  A tip of the hat from me to this fine gentleman.
Where the heck is my axe???

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