iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Solved: Virginia Meadow Beauty

Started by Tom, June 26, 2001, 10:34:38 AM

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I've seen this flower most everywhere I've gone.  It stands singly in a field or sometimes covers it in purple.
It stands on a stalk about 12"-18" tall, leaves opposed and the seed pods are unique to the species.
The flowers are 1 to 1 1/2 inches across.

Identified by Swampwhiteoak  Virginia Meadow Beauty


allright, here is what it looks like. Clematis Jackmanii Superba. It also looks like, Rhododendron augustinii.

Of course these aren't the correct answers but at least I'm guessing.



No Gordon,

but I'm going to look up the two you suggested to see what they are. hmmmm

This is common in areas of most of our members....except for maybe Kiwi Charlie. :)


G'day Tom,

I can always post some pics of trees that all you wont be familiar with......
Would probably be an exercise in research rather than knowledge of trees! :)
Walk tall and carry a big Stihl.


Meadow beauty, Rhexia sp.


Good Mornin' Kiwi,
I bet you could put some stuff on here that would have us scratching our heads for a long time.  Where would we even find a book? :D

It might be interesting to try, that's how we learn.

We have lots of stuff in the bottom of the USA that that is difficult for those in the top half to ID and the guys in the top half of the continent can throw us all for a loop.  Kevin could probably put stuff on here from Canada that I don't know exists.
If you do, be gentle, start us out slowly and let us find some books. :)

G'day     (he hee I like that)


You got it Swampwhiteoak,

There are several Meadow Beauty's, most are purple/pink in color. One is yellow and we have it here too.  I started to hold out for the specific ID but decided it may be too difficult.  Way to go Greg.  You did good!


This is the Yellow Meadow Beauty.



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