iDRY Vacuum Kilns


stolen gas tank

Started by swampy, May 31, 2006, 10:40:04 PM

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Well it happened last nite. Some stupid ignoramous stole the gas tank off ole homey >:( >:(.  It only had less than a gallon of gas in it. If I ever get ahold of the booob that took it, he will be in a serious case of pain. Was going to sit over there and wait for him to come back and give him a case of lead poisoning, but I figured I would get in more trouble than I could handle. Everybody that has a mill, CHAIN and LOCK your fuel tanks to the mill or you just might find yours missing to. I was told by a police officer than happened by the shop that he could not do anything about. He said I should have put all the stuff in the shop so they could not steal things. I said why instead of protecting the doughnut shops they make sure that things don't get ripped off and he got  *pithed and told me to watch what I say. ::) ::) I saw on TV that they told farmers to lock up their tractors and thing so people don't steal the fuel. The farmers that don't have buildings to lock them in asked what they should do and the state cop told them to hire security guards. What is wrong with this picture? Just tired of paying for protection for the local police and getting nothing in return except excusses why they can't do anything about it.  Ed
It only takes a little sawdust to become addicted. It's even better when you build your own. (HOMEMIZER a.k.a. HOMEY)


Gosh Swampy, that's AWFUL news!!!

Do ya think they'll come back???

You must be superfrustrated.

Sure hope you aren't held up too long from getting Homey up and running again.

asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


Never a hold up on running homey. ;D Got extra gas tank. I went over to the shop before and took off the water tank and removed the batteries just in case they do come back. God help them if I find out who it was.
It only takes a little sawdust to become addicted. It's even better when you build your own. (HOMEMIZER a.k.a. HOMEY)


That is BAD. All that for less than a gallon of gas. ::) Fuel theft is becoming a real problem although in your case it was probably kids looking for a go kart tank.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


I don't guess it would bother me so much but not only did they steal the gas and the tank, but they stole the strap that held it to the mill too. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( They could have at least left the tank and strap.
It only takes a little sawdust to become addicted. It's even better when you build your own. (HOMEMIZER a.k.a. HOMEY)


More like a Boater looking for a spare boat tank.  

There is one community in S. Georgia where I would lose my 3 gallon tank off of my woodmizer every time I had a job there.  they would apparently take it right out from under my nose when I broke the mill down and left.


Sorry to hear about about that Ed.  I know how you feel but they didn't get any from me this time.  Somebody tried stealing gas out of my wood processor sometime in the last couple weeks.  I hadn't used it in about that long until yesterday.  As I was doing my pre start up check I see the gas cap was hanging off the tank by its chain.  I know I didn't leave it that way.  There's a screen in the filler that prevents a hose being inserted so they didn't get any gas.  I dumped in some dry gas to dry it out as  we've had a bunch of rain and I don't know how long the cap was off.  It ran fine no problems but it makes me nervous.  The machine is sitting in the barnyard a couple hundred feet from Grandma's house.  The best part is there was a FULL five gallon can sitting under the machine behind the toolbox.  If they would've looked at all they would've seen it.  It wasn't hidden but not in plain view.  They may have been scared off too who knows ???  We haven't had any gas siphoned out of any tractors YET but most gas thieves today probably think all tractors run on diesel 8)  One time Grandpa was making hay on the neighbors place and thought it'd be safer to park the tractor right under the security light.  Since they two hands to work with (no need to hold a flashlight) they drained the old girl dry.  It wouldn't even start the next day  ::)  From then on he parked them behind the barn in the dark and nobody bothered them  
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


It was a modified 5 gal gas can ( as was everything on ole homey Modified that is) :D  Boat tank will not fit the base we built for it.
It only takes a little sawdust to become addicted. It's even better when you build your own. (HOMEMIZER a.k.a. HOMEY)


I was going to find a used gas can and put about 1.5 gallons of gas and 5 lbs of sugar in it. I would find out who did it when I travel in about a 2 mile radius of the shop. That might deture some one from stealing from me again.
It only takes a little sawdust to become addicted. It's even better when you build your own. (HOMEMIZER a.k.a. HOMEY)


old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


Getting mad is not for me. Getting even is the best. 8) 8) 8) 8)
It only takes a little sawdust to become addicted. It's even better when you build your own. (HOMEMIZER a.k.a. HOMEY)


SOB's broke into two of the 3 vehicles in our drive on Monday night. I stayed up all night last night with my 36 inch logrite hookaroon but all I got was no sleep. If I catch em in a car again, I figure on burying that hookaroon in some part of thier anatomy to drag em out.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Hook the camera up and point it at the driveway.  Those things are supposed to be able to work with UV, aren't they?


I'd rolll them up on homey pinch them between the log stops and the clamp and fire that baby up.
It only takes a little sawdust to become addicted. It's even better when you build your own. (HOMEMIZER a.k.a. HOMEY)


Mix liquid corn syurp in gas leave it for them ???
Jim Holloway


Swampy, I like your idea of putting sugared gas in a tank and leave it there at night for them to steal. The only problem I see with it might make 'em mad and they might come back with sawmill destruction in mind.

I have yet to see any police department look for thieves or stolen goods. They'll fill out a report and if they happen to stumble on the goods when arresting someone for something, they'll either give it back or sell it at their auction.  I reckon they are too busy with all the other crimes to worry about theft. >:(

Back in 1967, I was working for the Fort Pierce Power Plant.  A contractor was losing gas out of a huge gas tank he had on site. One day he drained the gas out and put in a few gallons of diesel.  The following day the 3rd shift Power Plant Operator was mad as He!!.  He had filled his tank up with that diesel and didn't even make it home.  He didn't think it was right that the contractor switched fuels. It didn't seem to bother him that he was stealing.  But he got fired anyway. :)
"Everybody was gone when I arrived but I decided to stick around until I could figure out why I was there !"


It's not about the other crimes. It is that they don't want to do the paper work or do the job of looking for the thief. There is not that much going on around here to take up that much of their time. But roll thru a stop sign or not wear a seat belt and they are right there to jump all over you.  ??? ???::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
It only takes a little sawdust to become addicted. It's even better when you build your own. (HOMEMIZER a.k.a. HOMEY)


It pays better than stopping crooks.


You are right!!!!  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
It only takes a little sawdust to become addicted. It's even better when you build your own. (HOMEMIZER a.k.a. HOMEY)


a friend of mine gave me several motors before the victoria day weekend some 5hp sideshaft some lawnmower around 6hp i didnt get to test them so i brought the 5s in the shop and left the others in the back of the shop truck ...Gone... but at least the left my jackall and a duck decoy .


I was waiting for the phone call saying you got him.

and I also had the bail money waiting,just in case!! ;)


A Dog is certainly a man's best friend. He sees and hears things around
the place when you sleep and at least the dogs we have had and the
one I do have, thinks that all the Stuff is his.

We have a business with alarms, cameras etc that got burglarized several
times until we put up bars, etc. No good to catch them, the damage is done.
Got reparations once from one.

Nobody wants to fool with a dog esp. at night. :o

I couldn't live in a place with leash laws. My closest neighbors are on good
terms with my dog. He helps us all out.
Looking for a slabber


The old sugar in the gas thing really doesn't work.  They actually did it on Myth busters.  Didn't do anything.  I'd put a can of diesel out though and see who's car is parked on the side of the road the next day!!!  Even better, i'd buy 4.5 gallons of gas and get some 2 stroke oil and mix it up.  Try to make it inconspicuous and then the next day you'll see whats smoking.  maybe find some oil that's not green, some red or something.  you'll see who steals your gas real quick.
108 ARW   NKAWTG...N      Jersey Thunder


In the area around here, 8 out of every 10 cars smoke so that would not work. They do keep the skeeters away. ;D ;D ;D ;D
It only takes a little sawdust to become addicted. It's even better when you build your own. (HOMEMIZER a.k.a. HOMEY)


  Problem is, the shop is in the low life section of Florida. Actually, it's ALL becoming low life in that area.   Why y'all think I left??

  Rent is sky high anywhere else, so, this is barely affordable.  ::) ::)

  Anybody got an old Model "T" coil  ;D ;D ;D 8) 8) 8)

  Re: sugar in the gas---  Don't believe everything you see on TV. Just gotta wait a couple days for it to crystalize. Wanna get some REAL power to your engine ???  Try moth balls 8) 8) 8) 8)   Don't plan on starting it again, after you shut it off for the night, though  8) ;D ;D :D :D
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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