iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Sawing in the heat today

Started by Snag, August 01, 2006, 12:06:24 PM

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Tom,  Sorry to hear about Straight. I read your story about losing him shortly after posting here last night.  I lost a favorite cat a few years ago ( PAWS). He passed away in Shirley's lap while we were watching TV one evening. It was a Saturday, and we had just been discussing that we would probably need to have him put down at the vet on Monday because he was suddenly showing signs of his old age.  Shirley was petting him and said that he was getting cold in the hindquarters. He  was still doing a quiet purr and slightly moving his head when she scratched his ears. About ten minutes later he was gone.  He was the first cat I actually liked. Acted more like a dog at times as he was raised by our Sheltie. Reading about Straight last night really made me think about Paws again.  Thanks for posting about him.

To the others,
Thanks for the condolences. I will miss Pepper, but I won't miss watching her suffering in the heat. I would try to keep her in the A/C cooled bedroom during the hottest part of the day, but she really prefered to be outside, and sometimes wouldn't come in when called. That is what happened the morning she got hit.  Well, life goes on. We have a German Shepard and a small Bulldog still with us, and they are both fairly young. Hopefully they will be around for quite a while longer.


Guys and Gals,
I am really sorry for all this heat.  If I did not have a deadline to meet I most certainly would not have been sawing these past few days  ::)
Cheer up though.  Next week we are scheduled to place the water bars I am fabricating and the ground needs to be fairly dry.  I am sure this will bring on the rain!  :D
The water facilities I am under contract to finish by September also require realitively dry weather so count on a wetter than normal August  :-\
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln



Our heat is gone, gone, gone - low 80's now, d.p. 60 - Tonight will drop into the 50's -  8)  I don't know how you guys down south can stand it - hazy, hot & humid for months on end - Bless you all - I hope a cold fronts in your near future -  :)
I was the smartest 16 year old I ever knew.


icetea cronbread greens fatback an you good to go  two hrs in the river helps


My mill is in an open shed under a shade tree, but it's still too hot to stay at it. I cut up one log early in the morning, load another on the mill, and go sit under the AC  till late evening, even finish up after dark. I have a fan riged up on the saw head so it blows down my back, that helps some.
1995 Wood Mizer LT 40, Liquid cooled kawasaki,homebuilt hydraulics. Homebuilt solar dry kiln.  Woodmaster 718 planner, Kubota M4700 with homemade forks and winch, stihl  028, 029, Ms390
100k bd ft club.Charter member of The Grumpy old Men


I installed one of these in the sawmill shed this weekend, I also located one of the nozzles in front of an industrial fan mounted on the wall, it help out alot for cooling, well worth the $18.

Bro. Noble

Well I guess this heat is something you get used to.  It's supposed to get to 105 today and looks about the same for the next week.  We were sawing this morning when  around 11:30 two guys walked through the mill yard :o :o  They were wearing hardhats,  long coveralls,  bandanas tucked under the back of their hardhats and were wearing rubber gloves and carrying large backpack sprayers.  They waved and just kept walkiing.

About a month ago our electric co-op sent out letters saying that they would be spraying the right of way (by vehicle where possible and by foot were necessary). 

Well these guys had just covered some pretty rough territory and were heading for some that was worse.  I didn't give them much more thought after being thankful that I wasn't on that job, and we took a break for lunch.

About 1:30 I saw my son Tom jerk his head up and give kind of a startled look.  I looked to see what he was staring at and there were the two spray guys heading off down a lane that went to our bottom fields.  There are no electrid lines,  public roads,  or anything else that they would be needing in that direction.  I hollered at them and walked over to see what was going on.  Turned out to be two very lost,  and hot,  and thirsty,  Mexicans that didn't understand a word of English.  They had a walkie-talkie,  but it was worthless unless the other party was on a nearby hill and they had no idea where they were or where they were supposed to be.  I got them some water ( they didn't have any food or drink with them but had got a drink out of the river)  and took them to an intersection of the main highway in our area and the nearest county road.  It's on a hill,  so maybe their radio woill eventually get someone.  When we quit a while ago,  I checked and they were gone.

I asked Tom if they were taking away jobs from anyone he knew-----he said he didn't believe so ::)
milking and logging and sawing and milking

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