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Started by Stump Jumper, December 04, 2006, 04:12:29 PM

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Stump Jumper

To all of you that purchase licenses (hunting, fishing, trapping etc.) the Natural Resource Commission wants to raise the rates on licenses some of them are doubled. This has to go through legislature and be passed through the House and Senate.  Here are 2 links.  If you do a Google Search you will come up with more articles.

page 8 list the fee changes

This one has a comment section

We do not support these kind of license increases.

You need to contact you local Senator and State Representative.

West Michigan
Michelle McManus

Darwin  Booher

May God Bless.
WM LT 40 SuperHDD42 HP Kubota walk & ride, WM Edger, JD Skidsteer 250, Farmi winch, Bri-Mar Dump Box Trailer, Black Powder


Such an action will NOT result in any increase in revenues.  It will simply eliminate the purchase of a lot of licenses. Young people that cant afford it may drop out of the sports or not take them up, some older hunters on fixed income will be priced out, some will hunt without buying a license at all.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Your politicians must be related to our governor. He proposed that the tax for the unconstitutional firearms owner identification card go from 5.oo too $500.oo
Frick saw mill  '58   820 John Deere power. Diamond T trucks

Ron Scott

That's an excessive fee increase when they are trying to attract young people to hunting and retain existing ones. If they want to encourage young people to hunting I would think that they would be better off getting 30 hunters at $1.00 each rather than one hunter at $30.00.

DNR also needs to account for where the existing fees are going as it doesn't seem to be in any improved timber and wildlife management lately.



Just for comparison how much do resident deer licenses cost in other states ???  I feel this increase is way too much for us to swallow all at once and I'm one of those 66 laid off seasonal employees >:(  Wildlife Div has been "top heavy" for a long time now and it appears from the planned new employees on page 19 of the state website that's the continued plan.  They want to hire high dollar biologists and ecologists without any thought as to who is going to carry out the actual work in field >:( >:(  Private land biologists shouldn't be funded with hunter dollars anyway and the Wildlife Div has done fine without them or ecologists planners.  I would like to have my job back but not this way.  I've been told that Missouri funds their DNR through a 1/8 of one percent sales tax.  Sounds like a better way to me.  Nuff said by me  >:( >:( >:( ;) ;D
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


I have an idea on how to make millions. MILLIONS  Give away enough licenses to kill every wolf in the U.P. and make things right with the world again.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


A hunting licence in BC costs $25 + $7 to the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund (HCTF)
and a Deer tag is an additional $12 + another $3 to the HCTF.
Science isn't meant to be trusted it's to be tested


Make it a personal rule.  Don't ever vote for a tax increase, a new tax, a constitutional amendment or more government control.

If those things are necessary, they will have argued and debated them in public for years and you will know what you should do rather than just picking a box on the ballot.  When they try to slip something to you from the back without it being knocked about in public for years, it doesn't deserve to win a vote.

Florida has Salt water fishing licenses and fishing restrictions, placed on recreational fishermen that were unneccesary.  It stopped youngsters and hard-up adults from being able to use their hook and line to pay their electric bill when destitute.  It stopped citizens from being able to stock their freezer in days of plenty to hold them over in days of slim pickens. 

The Government continues to take away every means of support a man can do on his own.   Don't let the Desk Jockies do it.  It's got to stop somewhere.  People have to have room to live.


I think it was Jefferson who said that "If your local polititian gets out of line it is your duty to take your pitch fork to his backside. "    ;D :D ;D :
The polititans have countered with laws that make it a felony to cause them harm. :o :(
Frick saw mill  '58   820 John Deere power. Diamond T trucks


 I THINK when I left Jersey, in '73, all the license money was diverted to the "General Fund", where it got put out for "Social" programs. Knew a couple Game Wardens REAL well, and there was NEVER extra money field support for them. Even wore civilian clothes, no uniforms.  ::) ::)

 Floridas laws went REAL screwy. If you fish with a cane pole, nolicense necessary. If you fish from land, no salt water license necessary. If you fish from a Boat, license necessary, and you are subject to stoppages and searches at any time, even every day, by the same officers.

 Lobster season, the Marine Police would go out into the ocean, and lift divers off the bottom, by pulling up the dive flags, to check for short lobsters.  ::) ::) ::)

 Never had one do that to me, but, welcomed the chance to take one to the bottom, and stuff him under a reef.  >:( >:(
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Watch out for those "special referendums" they like around here so much, especially the school board. They will hold one of these referendums just a few weeks before a regular election. The reasoning is (and seems to be correctly so) that not many people will come out for a special referendum while they will show up for a regular election. Then they can get the supporters for a tax increase to come out and vote for more taxes and the rest of the lazy people will not come out to vote but will have to pay the taxes anyway. I make it a point to vote in every special referendum and the vote is almost always NO.


I 've been reading/rereading some stuff that said one of the anti's tactics was to raise the cost of ammo, licenses, permits, fees and such till there wouldn't be an affordable box of ammo or place to use it - DanG.

Just to rub it in they closed the rifle ranges at the nearby state game lands - not that anyone would want to use them in Aug/Sept/Oct.  :(       Bah   Humbug

They get coal for Christmas - and no raises !


A deer tag is $25 but we get the pleasure of kicking in $2 for a hush fund (help us stop hunger). It pays for people that want to shot deer but don't want the meat. They take it to a locker that accepts this, it's processed and sent to places that feed the needy.

I just love it when I get them to pick my charities.

These laws and fees are made and passed by a bunch of city kids that don't have a clue. Iowa voted in the most liberal state gov in years. If you took out how the big cities voted it would have been the most conservative in years.


 Hunting license in MO is $19. Deer tags go for $17(buck) $7(doe). I won't even get started on what they use the money for. :-X >:( And yes, they also get 1/8 of 1% sales tax.


Land owner in Missouri the tag is priced at Zero.  Not for sure of the exact rules but iffen ya own 5 to 80 acres one tag.  Over 80 acres and ya get more tags.  Non landowner has to buy tags...but anymore if ya got money no limit on doe tags for most of the state. 

We have a tremendous deer herd here due to management.  I don't deer hunt much anymore because it became more like "deer killing".  Our state, like many more has started "QDM"...Quality Deer Management in some areas.  So...when there is a reasonable chance of bagging the "30 Point Buck" think I'll get interested again.

Larry, making useful and beautiful things out of the most environmental friendly material on the planet.

We need to insure our customers understand the importance of our craft.


Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

Ron Scott

This one wasn't "turty points", but it's size wasn't bad at 412 lbs.



Thats a buckzilla!  Any story on that monster?
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

Ron Scott

One of my client Hunt Club members emailed me several photos of it, but I don't have the story behind it yet. My deer management plans must be working.  ;)


If that had've been a Florida deer, it would have been four of'em. :D


It would have been 4 of them almost anywhere.   :D
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

Stump Jumper

May God Bless.
WM LT 40 SuperHDD42 HP Kubota walk & ride, WM Edger, JD Skidsteer 250, Farmi winch, Bri-Mar Dump Box Trailer, Black Powder


Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Unless the deer is bigger that one that I don't shoot them.  I haven't shot any yet. ;)

Things turn out best for people who make the best of how things turn out.


I see deer that big all the time.  They just don't come in range.
I am in the pink when sawing cedar.

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