iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Signs of spring

Started by Sawyerfortyish, March 09, 2003, 05:00:18 AM

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Saw four chipmonks run across the snow this week a sure sign of spring. Haven,t seen any Robins yet tho. But my wife says that spring is here because the only sure sign is here Dairy Queen opened! :D


I thought I was seeing some signs of spring yesterday (sat.), temp. got up to 46.8 degrees F. ( first time its been that high since Nov.) and the sun was shinning ( at first I wasn't sure why it was so bright out ). Then there was a red wing black bird at the seed feeder, a sure sign of springs past. Later, I could of sworn I was hearing a male bluebird annoucing his early arrival but upon closer inspection the song was being mimicked by a dingy looking starling. I said to myself, I sez, I thinks winter is finally letting loose of it icy grip.

This morning (Sun) I get up and all the hopes of spring fled when I looked out the window and saw that it was snowing. Went and looked at the o/s temp. brrr  11.4 F.  Oh well,  there's always the 4th of july to look forward to.  It's been said that where I live we have two seasons, winter and the 4th of july.  Hope everyone has a great day  :)
WMLT40HDG35, Nyle L-150 DH Kiln, now all I need is some logs and someone to do the work :)


Yes spring is coming. It was 9 below not just 20 minutes ago and now its only 4 below! Whew who!
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


 Sure spring is just around the corner as i heard a flock
 of Ducks heading North yesterday. Is 18 deg here this
 morring so come on spring.

Norwood M4 manual mill, Solar Kiln, Woodmaster
18" planer/molder


The temperature got up to 70 yesterday but it was windy.  Tree frogs were signing like crazy. In the afternoon the wind shifted around to the north and buy sundown it was down to 40.  This morning it was 11.  We took our Sunday morning drive early this morning and noted about a half dozen skunks that failed to cross the road.  

Another week predicted of cold, rain/snow/ice predicted. DanG!  >:(
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94

Ron Wenrich

The ground must be warming up.  Last week I started to see groundhogs.  They probably had to dig through snow to get out.

Just think, when the snow melts, your grass will probably be long enough to mow.   :D
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


It must be getting close I saw 6 robins in my yard this morning, just 1 day after the snow melted a place big enough for them to see the ground.


Hey! Our Dairy Queen just opened this past weekend!

Spring must be coming!

Now, if someone would just do something about the thermometer...


L. Wakefield

   8* and biting wind last night- but it's supposed to get better each day this week.  The plan is to take the new moms and baby calves down to the main barn this weekend- we might hit almost 50* for a few minutes on Sunday, they are telling us- probably be -10 the day after again- but they are growing and it is time..  lw
L. Wakefield, owner and operator of the beastly truck Heretik, that refuses to stay between the lines when parking



Mid 60's here today and low 70's tomorrow.

Life is good.......finally.


Bro. Noble

Dad plowed and manured our gardens yesterday.  I've got part of my seeds and am raring to go. 8)

milking and logging and sawing and milking


Could someone explain this spring thing to me?It was -21 last night with a wind chill of -28.I was grooming our ski trails yesterday with my snowmobile.I got off to answer the call of nature and immediatly went to my waist in snow.made it very hard to finish the job at hand.We are expecting more snow tonight(5-10cm).The robins have been around all winter so they can no longer be trusted as an indicator of warmer weather appproaching.My youngest daughter and i had lunch at DQ last week so maybe spring is coming,oh well I am off to go tobogganing with the kids.   DonT


The sure-fire sign of spring, around here, is pecan trees leafing out. Haven't seen any leaves, yet, but the buds are beginning to swell. 8) 8)
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Never realized snow came in cm.  ;D


I guess it is better that snow come in cm(centimetres) rather than in m (metres).  DonT


I'm just glad it came in some other part of the country.  ;D  

We've had very little snow this winter.  I only bladed the drive twice and it wasn't needed either time.
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94

Bro. Noble

Today the air is full of smoke.  Unfortunately there are still enough people that burn the woods that makes this a sign of spring in the Ozarks.  If they would stick to only burning their own woods it wouldn't be so bad.  

We started getting Volunteer Fire Depts about 10 or 15 years ago.  This has really helped.  They not only put out the fires,  but have done a good job of making indescriminate burning less acceptable in the public opinion.


milking and logging and sawing and milking

Texas Ranger

Hmmm, 75 degrees, blue skies, robins, mocking birds, every thing that has wings right now.  Cooked on the grill this weekend, took my lady to Houston on Monday for a chest thumping and drove with the windows down, smelled to good outside to breath air-conditioning.

Course us Texans think spring is Gods reward for our summers.

Life is good.
The Ranger, home of Texas Forestry


Our DQ open up  8), then burnt down  :-/.


Well it,s been 6 weeks since the groundhog saw his shadow and he stuck his head out today to take another peek but there was a car coming and he didn,t make it. :'( I spotted him in the road to bad 6 more months of winter ;D

Bud Man

Seven day forecast calls for seven straight days with the highs in the low to mid seventies and the lows in the lower fifties !   Maples, Dogwoods, Birches, Elms, Jonquills, Buckeyes, etc........all blooming and the Robins as well as all birds and critters have a gleaming eye towards each other  :)   "Spring Is Here In the Midsouth"   Hope It lasts for about three months before the heat and humidity take over !!  :o
The groves were God's first temples.. " A Forest Hymn"  by.. William Cullen Bryant


Yep, it's spring up north too.  The temperature yesterday got into the upper teens to low twenties and the weather man forecast overnight lows in the teens.  He forgot to mention the teens were the below zero kind.  Actually -10 here now.

Really tough to forecast this time of year as the weather has such wide temperature swings and  the amount of precipitation is wildly different from what is forecast.
I eat a high-fiber diet.  Lots of sawdust!


The weather channel shows Bemidji at 18* right now. By this rate,  later this afternoon you could be in the high 70's or low 80's.   ;D
I am a true TREE HUGGER, if I didnt I would fall out!  chet the RETIRED arborist


The mobile homes migration has begun.  They are on the move again.  Like birds flying north, always a sure sign.

So many trees, so little money, even less time.

Stihl 066, Husky 262, Husky 350 (warmed over), Homelite Super XL, Homelite 150A


Yea,  we call them "snow birds".  The start heading north and east to Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio about this time of year.
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94

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