iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Here's pics (Maybe)

Started by Dave_Fullmer, March 18, 2003, 06:07:30 PM

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I tried three different web cams from Wal-Mart and didn't like the resolution.  Thanks to their customer satisfaction policies, I was able to return them.  Then I found a Samsung Digital camera (2.1 Meg pixels) on sale and decided to try it.  This seems to be fine for my taste.

I went right out and took a couple of pics of the mill.  I am building it in my friends' shop so any compliments on the shop go to them.  Mine is a real mess.  These guys and I worked together as maintenance people at the local Murray Outdoor Products factory. (Closed plant and moved to China).
They have been doing right well fabricating, doing construction, etc.  My main man is Wendel, the guy you see welding on my mill.  His welds won't come apart like mine might. :D :D.  

The wheel is just sitting on the saw frame.  It will be mounted underneath.   We ran into a slight height problem and decided to build the deck so we could check out what the cad system thinks it's telling us.  

As you can see, I am recycling some steel.

If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.


Well, I tried that but didn't do something right.  Back to Tom's instructions that I printed out.
If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.


Ok, Tom,

I used my Photo Suite that came with the camera.  I then resized the photos to 350 which made the proportional height 263.  I then saved them in a resize folder under the sawmill folder that I had stored the origionals.  When I looked at the pics in the resize folder they all showed 15 Kb except one which was 14Kb.

 At the bottom of this the reply window I see an upload and attach images? question.  When I click on that it takes me to the browse and upload buttons.  I seem to get hung up once I do the upload of the pics from the resize folder.  It dosen't take me back to the post so I never see the red verbage and the top left ??? ??? ??? ???
If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.


The browse and upload should take you to a window that allows you to describe the photo.  After that you will have a window of your photo that has some verbage under it.  clicking on the line of verbage is the copy part of a copy and paste routine.  When you clickon it you put the link on your clipboard.

You must return to your posting window now and place the cursor where you want the pictue and click it.  then you click on the verbage under this window that says "insert image code".  Where the code is placed will be where the picture will be if you click preview or post.

If you have lost your place then you can go to the photo Gallery (upper right in banner) , find your picture, click on the verbage that says "add this image to post" and you have put the link on the clipboard again. Go back to your posting window and do as described above.


Here goes again.  I think I tried to name the picture rather than my name.  
If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.


Ye-e-e-e-e-e---a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a !


What happened to the description?  

Sorry guys, it takes an old guy like me time to learn these new tricks.

Now I'll see if I can put more than one on a reply.

Deck from front end

Deck from rear

If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.


Quit your laughing at me.  At least this is better.  Ain't got it all figured out yet, though.  I could have sworn I had that front view in correct.

If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.


Until you become really familiar with the layout of the screen,  make sure that the pictures are left justied and put the descriptions under them.  When they are placed in a sentence you lose control of where it will be placed on the post and if more than one pix is side by side it my corrupt the size of the screen and make it defficult to view.  When this happens it distorts the entire thread.

See all those %'s and 20's ?  that's what happens when you put spaces or special characters in your picture name.  You're better off when you name the picture to run words on and don't use spaces or special characters.  Some special characters even cause the picture to not show and causes all kinds of confusion.


It appears like any descriptions have to be typed in between the URL's.  The description boxes don't get posted?? ??? ???

At any rate, this is as far as we have gotten.  The Springs and axle parts came today.  I still have to order the hydraulics.

I am wondering how I am going to handle rotating the fork lift forks up on the deck for traveling.  Guess I need to go back and look at my buddy's WM again.

Any comments, constructive or otherwise are welcome.

If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.


When you are uploading, the descriptions are for the Photo Gallery not for the post.  Click on the Phot Gallery button at the top of the page and you will be able to find all of your pictures that you uploaded.  Click on the name of the picture and it will be displayed with your description/comments below.



Another question.  I just went to the Photo Gallery and noticed my pics were there.  That's why I had to rename them to get into my post?  Can I go to the gallery to plug a pic into my post?
If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.


Yep, you sure can.   That way you can use one of these pictures a month from now in another post without having to upload it again.  That saves you time and saves space on the forum too.  Duplicates get expensive space-wise.

I checked out why your first picture didn't display and it was because there was an extra space inserted in the name after the word "from".  I took it out and the link then matched the name on the Gallery.


Looks like an assortment of steel to me!! Didja get the sawhead from Linn, or is it yer own creation?? Hey, I never laugh at ANYONE that is just gettin started, either pitcher postin OR buildin.
  Like Tom said, go to the photo album and click on a pic. THEN, it will give ya a command box with text to add to yer post. Just click on that.
   Looks like yer doing fine, so far. One suggestion?? When you manipulate yer pic, before saving it, BRIGHTEN the sucker up a tad ?? ;) :D :D :D  Pics get easier every time ya mess up !! ;D
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Thanks Tom,

I know this thing doesn't look like much yet, but I thought I should get some of the kinks out of the way putting pics on the board.  Now If I weren't leaving the county for a couple of weeks, I could maybe show some progress.

I need the progress.  Sat I looked at 3 red oak trees that a tree service guy is cutting down.  The smallest is 10 ft around.  All three will have at least 2 good 8 ft logs each.  Thank goodness I have some smaller ones to tune up the saw with.

I am sure my WD Allis won't pick the logs up to load them.  I'll have to go back to the cable and roll them up the ramps again.

If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.


Now I was gonna do that and then old age crept in and I forgot.  I got so interested in getting the pics on that I forgot to brighten them up.

That's a Linn concept.  I bought some parts from them and got their video.  Then I proceeded to modify the width and height.  Messed up though and put one extra 2 in on the saw frame and also designed some adjustable feet to mount the wheels on.  When we assembled it we realized that the blade was not going to reach the bottom of the cant by  quite a bit.  (5 1/2 inches in fact).  That's when we started working on the deck.  I put the six in high bolsters on it to help make up the difference and then redesigned the feet to put the wheels higher.  I am quite sure we have it right now but I want to get the deck done first before we go any further on the carraige.

Most of my carreer has been as a maintenance technician.  I can see the actual part easier than I can see it on paper.  Once I see it, I can Auto cad it if it stays simple.  This project has challanged my Cad abilities, but I'm getting a nice set of prints put together.  Don't know if anyone else could make sense of them though.

If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.


I got a "mergency call from my puter guru today. He got a leak in last night's downpour, right on HIS puter. We got there and my son went up on the roof. 10 minutes later, he carries in a hunk of roof lookin like a sieve. It was rotted through in several places, so, we went and got a sheet of Galv. and some pop rivets and roofin dob and made a 2' X 6' patch, after we cut the rot away and let it dry.
  Ennyhoo, he has a beginners?? disk of auto-cad. He's gonna put it on my puter and see how cornfused I can get ??????  Might need some help????
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Hi Dave!
 I was wondering something.....How come your shop looks so nice and clean and organized? I work in my shop and it never looks as nice and neat as your shop :D.......Can ya tell me your secret as to how you keep your shop looking so nice!
  BTW your mill is looking good and please keep the pics posted as you progress. 8)



Boy, you ARE dizie, bizie!! :D :D He said in the first post that it was NOT his shop. This is someone else's shop. That's the way I keep mine clean too, use somebody else's. ;) :)
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Sometime I'll take a pic of mine from afar, real afar!  YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE IT!   :) :) :D

What I tried to did when mine got messed up real bad was to build a new one, bigger.  That worked real good till the wife said "Get all that mechanical and junk out of here, so I can park my car in the garage."  She expressly told me to leave the woodworking stuff there though, since she works with that.  There has always been a quarter of this garage where she has her scroll saw and workbench.  Woe on me if I leave something over there.  Now she has the whole garage.

The other building was 24' deep by 48' wide.  It used to be a horse barn with no cememt in it.  I decided to add 24' to the front with two 8x8 doors and one 12x12 door.  The idea was I needed to park the 32' motor home in it.  So far the motor home hasn't been in it yet

Someday I'm going to get organized.

The shop in the pictures is the guys business shop.  They try to keep it pretty clean.  Was until I put my steel in it.

If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.


Deadheader I was looking at the pretty pictures!........Nobody said nothing about reading the post! lol!

And Dave we do want to see your mill!



I see in one of your pictures of the saw carriage that you put the band wheel bearings on top of the frame. This will cut down on your throat size, they should hang down.


Hope you don't mind razzing a little but you must be just like Dizzie.  You only look at pictures and don't read.  The origional post stated that the wheel was just setting and would be mounted underneath.

However, that still didn't correct my small boo-boo when I put the cad drawings together.  We were going to be 5 1/2 inches too high if we hadn't caught the problem.  We caught the problem when we assembled it to the point you see.  I had someone hold the wheel on the bottome of the frame and took a measurment to the floor and said, "OH, oh" or something worse.  Fortunately, the problem is easily fixed.  I just decided to start from the bottom (being the deck) and check things out closer as we build it.

Put the tongue and ball hitch on today.  The guys tell me I over designed the hitch.  It's 3 in square tubing 1/4" wall with 2 in tubing supports welded on an angle to the front of the tongue.

Thanks for the interest.  Can't wait to get it done and tie into those 38" dia red oak logs.

If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.


PHEW!! I was thinking that I was the only one that looked pictures but I guess I was wrong.  ;)
  Dave my brother-inlaw builds alot of trailers and from what I see on his stuff I would say that you built the tongue just right. Better over build it then turn a corner and see your mill go the other way!



Just wish I could brag about my welding but you guys already know I have admitted not being a welder.  Wendel  does a great job.
If it aint Orange (AC that is) it won't run.

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