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Maple prices collapsing?

Started by Fraxinus, February 27, 2007, 02:24:52 PM

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I happened to run into a friend yesterday who is a log buyer for a large lumber co. here in New England.  He tells me that maple prices will soon be in collapse if they haven't already.  Seems some huge cabinet maker (the name didn't mean anything to me and I promptly forgot it) has gone belly up.  Something to do with Home Depot dumping them in favor of Chinese stuff. 
Anyone else hear about this?
Grandchildren, Bluegrass music, old tractors, trees and sawmills.  It don't get no better'n that!


I've not. It sure would be interesting to know who. :P


When we did our Kitchen a few years ago, we bought cabinets from Home Depot. The two big companies they dealt with then was American Woodmark  and Americraft. As far as anything I can find on the web, both are still in business.
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Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Quote from: Tom on February 27, 2007, 02:27:48 PM
I've not. It sure would be interesting to know who. :P
I'll email him tonight and see if I can get the answer for you.
Grandchildren, Bluegrass music, old tractors, trees and sawmills.  It don't get no better'n that!


I noticed a couple of weeks ago that wright lumber(I believe) is not buying maple logs at the moment.  It is the link listed to see what a mill is paying for logs at the mill in the East.  I was wondering the same thing.  I am not at home so I do not have the link handy.

Truck Farmer/Greenhouse grower
2001 LT40HDD42 Super with Command Control and AccuSet, 42 hp Kubota diesel
Fargo, MI

Ron Wenrich

Here's the link:  I saw they weren't buying back in January.  I said something to our logger if he had heard anything and there isn't anything coming from veneer buyers about no veneer. 

Here's what may be happening.  Red oak is pretty dead.  So, guys aren't cutting red oak, but cutting hard maple where there is/was a market.  That's filled up.  Now you have several markets that are backed up.

The slowing of the housing market should be catching up pretty soon to the hardwood markets.  Its about a 6 month lag time.  With fewer homes being built and less new furniture being bought, that will catch up.  The wholesalers had been buying throughout the winter, since they don't want to be caught short with supply issues and weather.  But, if they're full, there won't be much of a market come spring. 

The markets we have are for tulip poplar, soft maple, hickory, white oak and ash.  Red oak is dead as is birch.  We don't get much hard maple, but we do have a good market for that.  The oak we move is to old time customers.  There is a loyalty thing that goes both ways.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Heard the same rumor about Maple a couple years ago...but then it was Russia was going to flood the market with Hard Maple from Siberia. Prices go up...and prices come and demand....but the overall trend has been up and up for most species. Never as much as we'd like.... ;D

Talked to a log buyer today....and he said...Red Oak is dead...but Chestnut Oak and White Oak are hot. Birch is going good...Soft Maple is still hot...White Ash is not. Cherry Veneer is going good, but Cherry sawlogs are still somewhat down.

Some of these rumors end up being true....but a quality product will find a market....except White Ash...can't understand White Ash....sometimes they will take veneer....but sawlogs in White Ash have been depressed here for a loooong time....and it is a beautiful wood.  :(


Hate to sound like a dope, but no dumb question is a errhh, never mind.  Anyway, how long can you sit on logs and still sell them? I now you can't let them lay around the forest floor or they'll get rot and such, but can you cut maple now and sell it next fall or whenever it comes around?  If you kept logs up, dry, and clean, could they stay 6 months or a year and still bring a decent price?  I guess its not like aluminum or steel or car parts, but what can you do?   Then loggers and wood haulers I know seem to be hand-to-mouth so much it seems they cut it and get it sold as fast as possible jus to keep operating, but what if they coud cut ahead, and then sell when the time is better, possibility?  On the other hand I see yards with lumber cut,stacked, and some dried that sits for a year or more.  I am sure somebody is playing the market with some of that. 
I better quit askin questions, the lumber brokers will run me off quick!
To be one, Ask one
Masons and Shriners


Maple will not warmer weather it will stain, though it will still be sound, the quality value is gone....Red Oak and Cherry will keep longer, except in hot can keep it from popping open and checking.
I thinned a job once and came back 12 years later and oak tops that were up off the ground were still solid....Cherry and Oak will rot from the outside in...and there can still be salvagable timber for years.
The idea is good, John....but you might better leave the trees standing and harvest them when the market is least with the hardwoods we have in this area.

Larry O

Quick note from No. California .. Home Depot cabinets here are usually made somewhere way south and their price is above a custom shop . They have a great sales front but here they are very poor quality and I hope they just go away soon ......... I hate to install them . Not much maple around here though


John, most commercial mills want pretty fresh wood or it's rejected.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))

Ron Wenrich

We're still selling veneer ash and red oak.  Prices on ash aren't what they were 10 years ago, but we can still market it.  You just buy your stumpage accordingly.  We also sell birch, hickory, tulip poplar, and white oak in veneer.  Tulip poplar upper quality logs are also a good price.

We also sell our ash lumber in 8/4 graded on the best side as well as birch.  They are used in commercial countertops.  We get just a little 4/4 when sawing for this market.

As for logs, they will keep better if you can keep the air off of them.  We buried white oak in the dirt, and that worked pretty well.  We just had to trim the ends.  They kept right through the summer.  We also have put them in the shade.  Ponding them would also work.  I've also seen some mills that water their logs.  You don't see that much in hardwoods, but it does keep the logs fresher and keep most of the bugs away.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


 Just talked with my trucker,price of maple has dropped here also.My primary mill is shutting the gate next week,not going to even wait for mud season  :( .Guess their all as full as they dare to be with this current slide.
Ed K


A few softwood saw mills sitting idle here this winter. Can't move product.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


I still have not heard from this guy as to the name of the company he told me about.  If he ever gets back to me I'll post it.  Some interesting comments.  Thanks.
Grandchildren, Bluegrass music, old tractors, trees and sawmills.  It don't get no better'n that!


Champeau's yard near me in northern VT told me last week to "let it grow"  I told them if the price was down I am going to start drilling holes in it.



Be careful with the hole business, you'll never be able to sell it as veneer. Makes dark streaks in the wood.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


Just got the news today that as of yesterday sugar maple prices at the mill I've been selling to have dropped 13.5%.  That amounts to about 800 bucks per truck load :(
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