
Poll: Ban incadescent lights bulbs

Started by Ron Wenrich, April 22, 2007, 07:04:44 PM

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Oh Yeah,  I knew it was one of them inventer types that we used to have. ;D


I voted no, I mean know!
There is mounting evidence that the whole global warming (being caused by human activity) scam is the biggest hoax
in the history of science. I don't know how it will all pan out in the future, but right now I see the proponents of this scam
are the ones who want bigger government, higher taxes, and more oppressive laws against every ideal this country
was founded on. And, they are the least likely to be effected by whatever changes that will be forced on the rest of us.
It is estimated that compliance with the Kyoto Accord would cost the US $400 billion a year, and that is just for starters.
That estimate was for when it was first proposed and could be even more than that now.

There ought to be a law against lawmaking in Hollywood.
1997 Peterson 9" WPF since 1998
2004 Baker 3667D since 2014
Cooks Catclaw sharpener and setter

I am from Iowa, but I seem fine.


Of course, the above is no excuse for being wasteful, though, either.
1997 Peterson 9" WPF since 1998
2004 Baker 3667D since 2014
Cooks Catclaw sharpener and setter

I am from Iowa, but I seem fine.


I would much rather have spent the $400 billion on the Kyoto protocol and thus kick starting a real economic drive for cleaner energy and less dependence on petroleum based fuels than what we have been spending similar amounts on for the last five years with absolutely no return on the investment.  :-\
It's all relative
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln


Not me.

I want my relatives to be smarter than that.  :D


 smiley_lit_bulb smiley_idea smiley_sidelightbulb
and give up these symbols. ::) no_no
CFL's not recomended for outdoor use.
CFL's may be a fire hazard when they fail. :o
smiley_dark_bulb not a "bright" idea.
impending ban causes hording of incandesants,just what manufactuers want.
what next "light bulb cops". ::)
Reminds me of the saying "The Lights are on , but no ones home" :)
just another beaver with a chainsaw &  it's never so bad that it couldn't get worse.


I put some CFs into a ceiling fan here. They came with a lifetime warranty. About 6 months later one failed. I lost the paperwork to return it. Since they can't be legally disposed of I guess I'll just have to fine a contry road somewhere and...  :D
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and
I thought to myself, "Where the heck is the ceiling?!" - Anon


Treebucker, see reply #20, above. ;D

The notion of the Government banning something as innocuous as the incandescent light bulb is absurd to the point of being disgusting.  I'm all for conserving energy, and the new bulbs do save some, but I'm not convinced that the savings is all that great, overall.   How much energy is consumed in the manufacture and disposal of the bulbs?  I just bought bulbs at the grocery store the other day...3 bulbs for 49¢.  That tells me that very little cost, energy or otherwise, went into the production and delivery of this product.  That apparently isn't the case with CFLs.

There are many ways we can reduce energy consumption and reduce pollution at the same time, with NO inconvenience or expense to the public.  Just to name a few:

1.  Keep Daylight Savings Time year-round.

2.  Change public school hours to match the work hours of the typical working parent, ie: 9-5.  This would make it practical/possible for most folks to drop their kids off and pick them up without making a special trip, and reduce the number and size of school busses.

3. Utilize some of the heat(energy) that is constantly wasted in all sorts of industrial endeavors.  Take the power plants themselves;  They spend millions of dollars and expend bunches of energy just cooling the hot water that the plant generates. ???  How dumb is that? ::)  How many bd/ft of lumber do you suppose that amount of heat could dry in a day?   Ever seen a dry kiln at a power plant?  Ever seen one of'em use this waste energy for ANYTHING?

You don't have to be big to recover wasted energy, either.  Is your home air conditioned?  Did you know you can pipe the hot side of your freon line into your water heater and have free hot water?  It's cheap and easy to do, and works with most any electric water heater.

Anybody else got ideas?
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Cut the plug off the Microwave.  >:( ;D
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Quote from: DanG on April 25, 2007, 03:14:14 PM
Treebucker, see reply #20, above. ;D

Sorry, I guess I missed that one.  I was referring to Reply #19 by Woodcarver.  :D I didn't include the rest of your quote from Reply #32 but you and I must think alike. smiley_idea  I sure agree with everything you said and have gripped about every one of them before.  Maybe the power plants think it will cost them something to give it away?

Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and
I thought to myself, "Where the heck is the ceiling?!" - Anon


Quote from: DanG on April 25, 2007, 03:14:14 PM
Ever seen one of'em use this waste energy for ANYTHING?

Why yes...in Arkansas they heat up the cooling ponds and we can stock those fast growing Florida strain bass...and catch em all year round. ;D
Larry, making useful and beautiful things out of the most environmental friendly material on the planet.

We need to insure our customers understand the importance of our craft.


DanG, I don't think I know anyone that has kids and works from 9 to 5. :)

The nuke plants near here use the extra energy at low demand times to pump water into the pumped storage pond.
That water is then used to produce on demand electric at peak times.

Max sawdust

I am a "greeny" burn wood and all.
I do not like the color and high freq. flicker of fluorescent lights.  I think if everyone had to live under them we would all be stressed out like a bunch of office people :D
AND it should be a choice, when they cost less than incandescent then well maybe I would consider it.
Why not have a smaller house and shut the lights out when you are done using them... ???
Many many other ways to save a energy. 
I voted a big NO
True Timbers
Cedar Products-Log & Timber Frame Building-Milling-Positive Impact Forestscaping-Cut to Order Lumber


Quote from: Furby on April 25, 2007, 07:49:51 PM
DanG, I don't think I know anyone that has kids and works from 9 to 5. :)

The nuke plants near here use the extra energy at low demand times to pump water into the pumped storage pond.
That water is then used to produce on demand electric at peak times.

Furbster, you need to get out more.  There are many millions of working parents who work 9-5, or thereabouts, in offices all over the world.  Many of them work "flex" hours, such as 10-6, 7-3.  In Tallahassee, there are about 150,000 of them working for the State, alone.  A lot of the school kids have to catch the bus at 6:30, or even earlier, then they are out of school by 2:30, too early for their parents to pick them up as they pass by the school.  The ninnies that run our so-called "public education system" dictate the schedules to suit their own convenience, while totally ignoring the fact that they are public servants.  What's wrong with having flex hours at school?  We're in a crunch for classroom space, as it is.  If they would use them for 10 hours a day instead of 7, they could run almost 30% more students through the facilities they already have, and since they heat/cool/light most of them 24/7, they would save a significant amount of energy.

It is commendable that the nuke plants do their pumping during the slack times, but what are they doing with all that wasted energy in the hot water/steam that is left over?  Right now, they're spending millions, and exhausting incredible amounts of energy to exhaust incredible amounts of energy into the atmosphere.  That don't make no sense to me.
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


The Canadian Gov't banned the bulbs  :o  >:(  :o  and they appear to be real proud of themselves for doing it  ::)

Anybody know an incandescent bootlegger?

Bill Johnson


Doesn't it give that "warm fuzzy" feeling to know our gov't is looking after us and the environment.

We've changed most of in door bulbs to CFLs using replacing the old with the new as they burn out, haven't noticed any big change to my electric bill though (last one was $216 for March).

I don't think anyone will really dispute that anything one can do to reduce the amount of energy used is a bad thing but to have people jump on a band wagon simply so they can be seen to be doing something is foolish. 

Ron Wenrich

DanG sounds like he's on a roll.   smiley_thumbsup

One area that you missed is more and more people are starting to work out of their homes.  With cable and broadband, its easier to connect from home to the office computer.  Add in cell phones, blackberries, and other do-dads, and there is less and less reason to go to the office.  Just a couple of times a week to check in with the bosses.

I think this is a great idea.  It reduces the need for office space, it utilizes space that is normally empty (most houses during the day), and there is a reduction in traffic.

As for the light bulbs, I have tried one florescent and I don't like the quality of light.  I bought one of those round ones instead of a curly cue, so maybe that makes a difference.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


I vote no.  I dont like the idea of the government banning anything.  However, I think we should switch to more efficient bulbs and my idea of doing this is for tax credits to people who switch over to more efficient bulbs and other appliances.  Tax credits will give incentive without a stiff arm ban from the g-man.  just my hay penny.


I would vote yes, but there are places where I don't think we have CFL's to do the job yet, but of course I could be wrong.  Are there CFL's that will work in your oven?  How about your refrigerator? 

I don't know if people are contributing to global warming or not, but it makes sense to me to do the cheap & easy things until we know because the consequences of global warming are so serious.  Since CFL's are cheap in the long run, I have been switching over as the old ones burn out. 

Except in the oven & refer.


funny you mention that.  I was wondering if movie theaters could project with Flourescents. I don't think so.


Do movie theaters even project anymore?  I thought they were all just big TV sets, nowadays.  'Course, I ain't been to one in over 15 years, and don't have any plans to go. ::)
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Yep, some of them still do.  My aunt owns a movie theater here in town and she still gets her movies in big metal cases  :)


They still do it the old fashioned way, thankfully, because the old fashioned way still produces the best picture.   ;)
Y'all can pronounce it "puh-SKOLLY"


projector screen TV's use incandescent bulbs. smiley_lit_bulb smiley_lit_bulb smiley_lit_bulb Wait till the rich folks catch on to this. :o :D
just another beaver with a chainsaw &  it's never so bad that it couldn't get worse.


I think they will be removed from the market here in Canada next year. I think we are adopting the idea from other commonwealth nations. We are always one step behind.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))