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what do you yell before cutting a tree.

Started by zackman1801, May 18, 2008, 07:53:05 PM

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Brother Dave's story

In the great N.West the loggers, armed with axes, chainsaws, trucks, cant hooks, chains, wedges, ropes and all manner of equipment were cutting trees.  One of the trees began to fall and the loggers hollered "timber!".

A little bird sitting in the tree next to it hollered, "Hom-me,  hom-m-me!!   'cause he didnt' know how to say timber.


How about "RUN!"?  :D

"Headache" seems to be common enough that I`ve heard it many places.

maple flats

I was not there to hear what he yelled, but a farmer neighbor dropped a large maple on his new tractor, splitting it in 2, I'll bet he yelled somethin like #%&$, or maybe just $$$$! Personally I yell nothing.
logging small time for years but just learning how,  2012 36 HP Mahindra tractor, 3point log arch, 8000# class excavator, lifts 2500# and sets logs on mill precisely where needed, Woodland Mills HM130Max , maple syrup a hobby that consumes my time. looking to learn blacksmithing.



> But im surprised that no one yells anything especially when others are working nearby.


> But im surprised that no one yells anything especially when others are working nearby.

Usually someone 30-50 feet away can see you and hear your saw, anyone 100 feet away will probably not hear you yell anyways over two running chainsaws, or three since I usually have two running ones myself. Plus, many times after I have finished a notch, the back cut is done about 2-3 seconds later. It would take longer to put my saw down and cup my hands to yell, then the back cut.

I think timber goes back to when it use to take a few minutes to drop a tree with an axe and saw. I know it use to take me a good 1/2 hour for some trees. I dropped a 36" oak using a two man 72"? saw by myself in the backcut, I don't know how long it took, but I think the word forever applies  :D

If I was working in the woods with others, during that time it would be possible to have a lot of activity in the drop zone where people/animals might be skidding logs or other cutters were setting up a domino for the bigger tree to hit.

I doubt the old timers would have stopped all work in the area 2x the distance from the trees and would have only stopped once the backcut was almost done.

Be interesting to find out if/how old timers did it with axes.

Though in the back of my mind I hear "Danger Will Robsinson, Danger!"


 I only yell when I have to go back and pound on the wedge, and its not nice. I'm with wood hog on this one.
Ed K


The only time I ever say anything is if someone has gotten inside my two tree length zone. Then I say something that's not suitable for this forum especially if they've been warned to stay out of that area. If it's someone that is a total rookie in the woods like the bird watching ladies than they'll just get a no nonsense discussion of why they shouldn't be there. If no one is inside the zone though or when I'm working alone I don't say anything at all.
Bob Hassoldt
Seven Ridges Forestry
Kendrick, Idaho
Want to improve your woodlot the fastest way? Start thinning, believe me it needs it.

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