iDRY Vacuum Kilns

First to post classified ad

Started by Bibbyman, October 19, 2001, 08:52:22 PM

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Well,  looks like I am the first to try the new classified ad feature.  I found it a bit tedious to use.  ::) Maybe I was having a bad day.

 ::) Would like to see some function to add a new category.  If there was one I didn't see it.  

 ::) Don't know why I had to register and get assigned a new password as I am already logged into the Forestry Forum.  To make it easier to remember my password,  I immediately changed it to the same as I use for the Forum.  >:(

 ::) There is a provision for including a picture but no upload facility like there is on the Forum.  I had to go into the Forum and make like I was making a post and upload a picture and copy the link back to the classified input screen.  :(

 ::) It would also be great if there was a modify function also.  Lots of times you go back and see something that you'd like to update. :-/

 ::) To make it easier to get to the Classified ads,  I used the customize feature on the new Forum side bar to include it as one of my links.  ;)

 ::) And... Where are the Smileys?   8) 8) 8)

Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


 8) You are far from first, there have been 84 ads since the classifieds were added over a year ago. One time there were 6 at once ::) They auto drop at 14 days old.

 8) The software is tedious agreed, try using only the ad manager link after logging in, it has everything on one page.

 8) Including a picture upload feature alwasys been there.

 8)There is not and edit feature, but there is a preview before post. You can also delete your add and replace it, thats kinda sorta like editing aint it?

 8) No, your login for the forum does not work, why should it? the classifieds is on a different website, Besides Bibby, if Tom has to ban you from the forum you will still be able to use the classifieds. :D

 8) Again, the classified software, is a little more then sucky I know, but if some company say, like , oh, orange bandsawmills was to throw us a little support I could buy some decent software.'

 8) Everything I do on here and every program you see if not free, was funded by me with no return other then to know that this forum is helping someone somewhere.

 8) I will see what I can do about improving the classifieds, and probably creating a seperate version just for the forum to include in the new sidebar where there is no link to orangebandmills. :D
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


 :P Well,  as my first grade teacher told me,  "If you don't ask, you'll never know."  Thanks for the clarifications.  One of the other things I was going to suggest was an automatic timeout to clear old ads.  Just as well I didn't.  :-[

 ;) Maybe I'll stick up an ad for my other LT40, my 72 Cutlass convertible, my mutly dog, etc.  Practice makes perfection. ;D

What kind of support from the makers of orange bandmills are you looking for?  Are you looking for advertisers?    ;)

It's been on my Christmas list that WM include a Forum on their web site.  They say; interesting idea,  and they've thought about it, and maybe someday.  Probably that would make all the guys that don't have orange bandmills happy 'cause they wouldn't hear from us nearly as much if'n we had a Forum to ourselves. 8) 8)

If Tom locks me out of the Forum,  you'd lose all those long-winded stories and great pictures! ;D

Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


   Bibbyman, I love those stories, don't you dare take em some place else!  Your kids are welcome to get sick here anytime they want.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Ok. I'm confused...   I opened my e-mail and got a message from saying:

User: Jeff wished to contact you on your item: Wood-Mizer LT40HDG35

 Here is the users message:

How much?

I just hit reply and ....well,  replied.  Then I comes back later to find the message returned by the mail administrator. "No such number.. No such name." – as the song goes.  

I then go out to the Classified Ad page and log in..  It says I've got no feedback.  

How do I feed back?   ::)
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


Send me the email as an attachment Bib.  Did it include my email address?  By replying to the email you must be replying to the server that sent the email and not to me.

I may scrap this program and look for something else. But I don't have time right now.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30




Ron Wenrich

Tom hasn't been in the sun.  If you recall, Tom spent a week up here in PA.  Tom wasn't aware that he was only 10 miles from Three Mile Island, and passed much closer in his travels.

Us locals have become immune to the periodic belching of radiation from TMI.  But, tourists have a tendency to take on a peculiar glow from time to time.   :o :D
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Cool Tom!

 No more cookstove, you're your own Microwave now!
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

Don P

Allright, Tom can go floundering without lights!
We're within sight of a pair of towers from the local plant here. Day or nite is all about the same over there. :D

If it helps to put a bug in anyones ear...I do use some of the advertising links over on WW. Usually the ones on the sidebar that have a small click on icon identifying a manufacturer. Maybe something like that could work with the classifieds with the saw/sawmill/logging supply... folks purchasing annual spots thereby underwriting the 2 week freebie classifieds. Like I said before some type of alert that there is new advertising would lure me over there, maybe from my customizable info.