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weight loss

Started by getoverit, May 05, 2009, 10:49:35 PM

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After posting on here a month or so ago about high blood pressure problems, I decided to finally do something about it. I started doing research on high blood pressure and found that I am on the verge of being OBESE. Mind you that I am 5'8" tall and at the time was weighing about 195#. I never considered myself obese but I will admit to having a "beer belly" even though I dont drink beer.

This led me to starting a group on facebook for those that are looking for a sensable way to loose weight and not going into the expensive and sometimes not fruitful meal plans and exersize plans. Sensable is the key word here, being something that anybody can do to loose extra pounds without a lot of extra effort.

When I was on the nutrisystem doet a couple of years ago, the one thing that I learned is that it really doesnt matter what you eat, but the frequency of eating and the amount had a LOT to do with re-programming your metabolism into weight loss without feeling hungry and with little extra exersize. I lost weight then, and kept it off for a good while. My problem is that over time I allowed myself to get back into the routine of eating as much as I wanted and a lot of late night eating too. Bad, bad, bad!

I have been at it now for 2 weeks, and can now say that I have lost my first 10 pounds out of a 40 pound reduction goal. Here is how I am doing it:

First of all, I limit meals to an amount that I can fit into a small bowl. For breakfast I have been eating a bowl of cheerios or eating a banana and an apple. Apples are always good for snacks. I drink a large glass of water at least 20 minutes before I eat a meal for every meal except breakfast. Every 2 hours, I eat something that is 100 calories or less. This constant feeding keeps you from the uncontrollable hunger pains.  Making myself eat a LOT smaller portion for the major meals is helping too. I am finding that I really dont need to gorge, but just eat enough to satisfy the hunger. Eating greasy foods or highly salted foods makes you more hungry, so I try to stay away from them. Fried foods are out all together. I keep eating every 2 hours until bed time, so I never do have the terrible hunger pains that you would expect. There are a lot of good tasting, healthy snacks now that are measured out in 100 calorie packs. Our winn dixie grocery store has a whole isle devoted to them!

As far as exersize, I have been doing at least a one hour BRISK walk every other day. on most days, I walk about 6 miles total, which takes me about an hour and a half. My recent back surgery has kept me from doing anything else, but walking doesnt seem to bother my back. Since I live near the ocean, I have been driving over to the beach and walking up and down the beach. An added benefit is that the scenery isnt too bad  8)

I'll try to update this as time goes along so we can all learn what works and what doesnt. If you want to join my group on facebook, send me a PM and I'll send you the link.

Here is a picture of me at 195# and also my wife and new grand daughter. Hopefully you will see a BIG difference on the next picture!

I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok, I work all night and sleep all day


GOI, that sounds like a very sensible and smart way to go about it.  Unfortunately neither of those adjectives describes me  :D

My love of consuming mass quantities is taking its toll.  I crept back up to 180# this weekend.  I am going to suck it up and follow GOI's example with a goal to get down to 165# by the end of June.
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln


Just got by bloodwork results back today and they are the best they have been in over 15 years. Looks like what I am doing is working!!

I have somewhat stalled at the 10 pound loss mark, but that doesnt bother me. I know that sometimes things like this happen and all of a sudden one will start losing weight again after the body gets ready to metabolize the fat. I am feeling better than I have in years too!
I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok, I work all night and sleep all day


Congrats on your new way to eat and the Grand daughter.My wife has done just about the same thing.People will notice the weight loss and ask how she did it.Eating just about the same way,but potions.They think they are lying to them.We eat pretty good anyways.Not alot of prepared food.Most things shes cooks herself.Not much from a box.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Congratulations on the new granddaughter!  8) 8) 8)

What is the little darling's name?
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


Annabelle Lee Moody. She weighed in at 5 lbs and 15oz. She was born 5 weeks early, but is as healthy as can be and doing well.

I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok, I work all night and sleep all day


Just wanted to update the thread and say that I am now down to 182# and still continuing to exersize and diet (in a sane way). The weight loss is not as steep as I had hoped, but I am feeling GREAT and have got back into the shop and building guitars again, so this is a good thing.

I have been advised to start doing "crunches" to help loose the belly fat. I dont know if I can do many of these, but I will try. If you dont know, a crunch is a partial situp, just enough to squeeze your stomach muscles.

I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok, I work all night and sleep all day

Raider Bill

Great job!

I tipped the scale at 245 this morning :o

My Son, Dad you weigh a 1/8th of a ton

Me, shut up
The First 70 years of childhood is always the hardest.
My advice on aging gracefully... ride fast bikes and date faster women, drink good tequila, practice your draw daily, be honest and fair in your dealings, but suffer not fools. Eat a hearty breakfast, and remember, ALL politicians are crooks.


Crunches will not get rid of belly fat. They will burn some calories, get your abs in shape, but the six pack will be covered by your keg. I know this because I do situps every day and the fat is still there. I read somewhere that you would have to do two or three thousand a day to rid yourself of the fat.

The key to fat loss is to increase your cardio workouts to burn up more calories than you are taking in. The extra calories burnt will be from your body's fat stores. Oh, cutting back your eating won't work either, you have to eat a balanced meal on a regular basis, 6 small meals a day work best for me.
"A man's time is the most valuable gift he can give another." TOM

If he can cling to his Blackberry, I can cling to my guns... Me

This will kill you, that will kill you, will kill you, but you got to live it!

"The man who can comprehend the why, can create the how." SFC J


Actually Radar is right, but crunches are good for your stomach muscles which in turn will help your back. Crunches are commonly prescribed for those who have back trouble. So Ken, crunch away! Your body will thank you.   ;)
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


My type of crunches would not help weight loss or get the body in shape. My type of crunches are the sound of "Chips Ahoys" being crunched by my teeth. I guess to each their own. ;D
Things turn out best for people who make the best of how things turn out.

Raider Bill

Quote from: pigman on May 23, 2009, 05:36:27 PM
My type of crunches would not help weight loss or get the body in shape. My type of crunches are the sound of "Chips Ahoys" being crunched by my teeth. I guess to each their own. ;D


Let me help you out on your workout program, Dip the cookies into a cold glass of milk to relieve the crunches.
The First 70 years of childhood is always the hardest.
My advice on aging gracefully... ride fast bikes and date faster women, drink good tequila, practice your draw daily, be honest and fair in your dealings, but suffer not fools. Eat a hearty breakfast, and remember, ALL politicians are crooks.


Well, it's time for me to bring this back up  ::)  ::)

Because of a bad summer, fall and now Holiday time I have to get back on track as my 12-15 lb. gain has
turned in to 20  :o  :o  :o  :o

So as the Holiday food subsides I'll be eatin' twigs and nuts and getting back into my work out routine.

Jill has laid down the law....Now where did she hide them fudge puddles?  :D  :D  :D
Why not just 1 pain free day?


Thanks Steve for bringing this up right before Christmas.  ::)  I just baked dozens of cookies and loaves of banana bread for our neighbors and drivers. Of course I had to taste-test each and every batch that came out of the oven.  ;D

Now I am all depressed and have to face the bathroom scale.  :-X       YIKES!

Maybe I will wait until next year to be depressed!  ;)
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


Put that scale in the woodshed.  ;D
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


Quote from: Burlkraft on December 22, 2009, 08:42:04 AM
Jill has laid down the law....Now where did she hide them fudge puddles?  :D  :D  :D

Hey pops -
Let's see, I believe they would be in the second cabinet to the left of  the refrigerator. 

:D Just trying to help out.

By the way, do you include any walking into your work-out routine? "They" say 45 minutes of brisk walking is the best thing you can do. Personally I think "They" are full of it, but it seems to be helping me a lot, when I add running.

Avoid the soda dude, and you'll be just fine with your twigs n nuts. Water, water, waaaater.

Patty - Scales are for trucks; and they lie!  :D
Alec - Woodworking rookie, and Private in the United States Army.

"Safety first, impressions last. Remember it." -Swampdonkey


Yea, I'm gonna need one of those truck scales by the time the holidays are over....  ::)

Last night I ate an entire pint of chocolate chip mint ice cream from Graters. Oh my God! That was so YUMMY!
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


Graters  ??   That a store?  Ice Cream company? 

Not heard of it, but the ice cream sounds good.  Tis the season.  8)
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


Graeters is the best ice cream on the planet.....heck it is the best in the galaxy!
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


Sadly, I've been putting on weight, too.  That may sound funny but I'm one of those guys that was a complete beanpole all throughout high school and up until I was about 30.  Started working out and buffed up but then that fell by the wayside.  My trusty metabolism had kept me from putting on any fat.

No more.  :(  See, the wife quit her job because she wanted to be a housewife and stay at home mom when we have kids.  She's been home for a year now and holy cow...  did her cooking really improve.  And I'm near 40 now.  It's true what they say about good home cookin' and the body slowing down around 40.  *sigh*

It was either change my eating habits or start working out.  So I've been doing cardio workouts and not enough of them.  So I've had to reduce my eating some.  :( 

And I sure love good ice cream, too.  ;D  Like you, Patty, I'm not going to worry about much until next year.  You should see the ham the Mrs chose for Christmas dinner.  Mmm Mmmm.  Honey glazed and flame crafted by hand.  *drool* 

Time fer breakfast. 

Ron Wenrich

I've always found out that I can't lose any weight unless I keep track of what I eat.  I use Fitday:   If you use the online version, its free. 

You put in what you're stuffing in your mouth, and a fairly accurate quantity, and they'll tell you how many calories you're taking in, and what portion of carbs, proteins, and fats.  From what I've read, that should come out to something like 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fats.  I was amazed at how little protein I was getting.

Usually, the first 3-4 lbs come off really easy, because its water loss.  After that, you have to work at it.  You can't do it by diet alone or by exercise alone.  I've been trying to keep my diet to under 1500 cal/day.  I do resistance work 3 times a week, plus my regular activities.  That's the only time it works for me. 

I'm hoping for a 10-15 lb loss by mid February. 
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Quote from: Ron Wenrich on December 26, 2009, 11:10:55 AM

I'm hoping for a 10-15 lb loss by mid February. 

Me too Ron, me too  ::)  ::)
Why not just 1 pain free day?


Me too, and gonna start tomorrow  :-X :-X
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


Quote from: beenthere on December 29, 2009, 10:46:31 AM
Me too, and gonna start tomorrow  :-X :-X

I'm gonna wait until past Friday at least  ;D  ;D
Why not just 1 pain free day?

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