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Need advice on new bussiness name

Started by sjfarkas, October 02, 2009, 12:15:35 AM

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I'm applying for a contractors license and I need to change my bussiness name.  Land clearing falls under an excavation license, but my license will be for tree work.  I do mulching as my primary bussiness, but I also do some tree work, timber conversions and I seem to get a lot of cleanup work either from construction or deadfalls.  I'm also toying with getting a license to spray herbicides to compliment what I already do.  Does anyone have any suggestions to the type of name I should use?  I currently use Sasha's Land Clearing.  Any feedback would be appreciated.  Names I've thought about, but not sold on are:
Sierra Vegetation Control
Sierra Vegeation Management
Western Vegetation Management

Thanks for any input!
Always try it twice, the first time could've been a fluke.


I'm thinking that something like "Sierra Forestry Services" would give you a wider spectrum of potential businesses to get into in the future.  Of course, you need to research to be sure someone else isn't already using the name.
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."

Ga. bow-man


I would avoid any name with the word Sierra in it to avoid potential linkages to the NGO Sierra Club but that is just me 2 cents
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Good point Samuel.  It is also pretty commonly used.  I put quite a bit of thought into my company name.  Too bad it did no good, as the business never really took off. ::) :-\ :D  Anyway, I named mine Hurricane Creek Forest Products.  I started to name it something...Lumber, but was thinking I might branch out further than that.  Flat Creek actually begins on my property, but there are bunches and bunches of businesses named Flat Creek something.  The other end of my place drains into Hurricane Creek as it passes nearby, so I adopted it.
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


I wanted to come up with something kind of generic, with the idea that it might help me sell the business later.  What did I know?   Not much apparently.  It's hard to sell a sawmill business because the reputation belongs so much to the sawyer.  As a matter of fact, regardless of how hard I tried to get people to refer to me as "Port-a-Mill", I always ended up being "Tom", "Mr. Tom", or "Tom's Saw".   So, rather than fight it, I decided to just go with the flow.  The only place I'm Port-a-Mill is on my business license and business Card.  I guess nobody is paying them too much attention.

Listen to your customers.  What are they calling you? :)

wi woodcutter

2-066's ms660 034av 076av huskee 27ton splitter CB5036
A guard dog needs food, water, shelter, walking and training.
My Smith & Wesson only needs a little oil!


  As a general rule I think it is better to keep your name out of a Company name.  It could come a time when you sell the business or a son-in-law takes it over or something like that. 
  ARKANSAWYER was my wife's idea and it has been a good name.  It is hard for some to spell but it something that they can remember.

  It is something you are going to have to live with so you are the best (or your wife) to come up with the name.  But by all means run them by us.

    Sierra Forest & Land Services
    Fresh Shrimp!   ;D


 ??? ???
I thought that was Forrest Gump Services. ::) :D
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


 Have you been in bussiness for awhile? I changed from Klaus Land Improvements to Pine Shadow Farm. It was a large headache for 6 to8 months getting all business related contacts informed,never mind gov hassles.
Be real sure you want to change,and as others have said,try for a name that doesn't involve you personally.
Good luck in your next level in business.
ed k
Ed K


Eastern Red Cedar Products, now just what is it that we do? :D :D  Your business name can determine how well you are found on the internet.  I like simple, descriptive and not cute.Just MO  Our other company is Eastern Red Cedar Mulch.  If you google that we will show up on half the entrys on the first page.

In your area Sierra may have a completely different conotation than it does in the rest of the country.  It might work in the west.

Type in the possible names of your company and see what shows up.
I am in the pink when sawing cedar.


I would use the term Forest  products recyclers in the name if poss this may help draw greenies sine the prods (mulch) is a recycled prod
My Daughter My sailor MY HERO God Bless all the men and Women fighting for us today If you see one stop and thank them


Arkansawyer gave me a good idea.

Sierra Tree and Land Services or
Sierra Tree and Land Clearing or what if it was
Western Tree and Land Services
Western Tree and Land Clearing

What do you guys think about any of these?
Always try it twice, the first time could've been a fluke.


the word western, west coast, and sierra are all over done in california. try to think up something that recognizes the fire control benefits your company does.


Are there any rivers close by or a well known valley integrate that into that way it's recognizableand seems larger which a lot of folks feel more comfy with
My Daughter My sailor MY HERO God Bless all the men and Women fighting for us today If you see one stop and thank them


James Mills,Lovely wife,collect old tools,vacuuming fool,36 bdft/hr,oak paper cutter,ebonic yooper rapper nauga seller, Blue Ox? its not fast, 2 cat family, LT70,edger, 375 bd ft/hr, we like Bob,free heat,no oil 12 years,big splitter, baked stuffed lobster, still cuttin the logs dere IAM


Being the 21st century and the fact that the general population can't spell a majority of the states correctly, you should pick a URL that is easy to spell, easy to remember, easily passes along what you do, and most importantly is short!

Though I no longer use it, my URL name gets it done, as an example. Not hard to guess what I intend to do with a tree  :D  Plus, my letterhead shows a 4x4 van pulling a tree away on a chain.

Some other examples of my URL names (I have over 30) (rather lengthy - used it to hit the search engine queries)              (picked just because it is the most popular vehicle color and was available)

You see the name, you have a fair idea of what it promotes and it is easy to remember

You can't guess what this is ... United Socialist States of America.

I figured it might come in handy at some later date if things keep going the way they are  ;)

Nah, actually I was going to develop for it for political commentary - but, once you hear what the site is about, it becomes hard to forget the abbv. and is easily passed around by mouth ;D  Plus, with blackberrys and other mobile devices, if you have a web site it should be .mobi friendly.


I would stay away from "clearing" Even around in my neck of the woods that spells trouble,clear cutting.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Our county is Tuolumne(2-all-um-e) and there is a river also named that.  Maybe
Tuolumne Tree and Land Services  And I'm sure I could go
On my current cards and signs under Sasha's Land Clearing It says Tree and Brush Removal

What about Tuolumne Tree and Brush Services
Always try it twice, the first time could've been a fluke.


QuoteWhat about Tuolumne Tree and Brush Services

Tuolumnetree Services sounds better to me.

Or Tuoli-Tree Services also comes to mind.
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


I have been thinking of a few names for my new business. The one i am going to go for is Ripley County Post. Its plan and simple then tells what it is and were its located at. Good luck with your decision.


> I do mulching as my primary bussiness

A few lower priced ones at the bottom.

How about Mulch Chips and Trees Inc. is not taken as of now.



I want to re-enforce (sp) the comment on naming.  Pick a descriptive non-limiting name.  Do not use your personal name.  I learned this from a superb book called the E-myth.  I selected "In the Sticks."  I am in a remote area.  I deal with sticks (logs).  People have heard the term before......Out here, we are in the sticks.  If I ever want to sell or move the business I am not linited by a name like "Ken's Grant County Sawmill." Enjoy the process of developing your name.  You will have to live with it for a long time. 

Get a copy of the E-myth or the E-myth Contractor.  They are not hard books to find or read.  The author makes some Dang good points.


Another thought would be to include the geographical area you operate in.  In other words, "western forestry services" might suggest to a customer that you go all over the place west of the Mississipi.  But "x" County forestry services, or "x" Valley services denotes where you operate.

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