iDRY Vacuum Kilns



Started by David_c, October 23, 2003, 11:11:32 AM

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Just got my MS460 right now it is running a couple tanks through it then i will have some fun with it 8) 8) 8).


Well, now you need to order a 660 too, just to see the difference, right? :)
Senior Member?  That's funny.


i bought this one too see which i like better stilh or husky then i will be getting a big one and a small one.
 i have only idled 2 tanks and ran about 1/2 tank so far so good cant wait till its broke in. which should be tomorrow.
 then its let the games begain.


Nice saw, leave a few trees standing.  ;D



You don't need to idle that saw to break it in, do you?  The manual just says not to run it at full revs off load.   You can run full throttle in-cut no worries, as far as I understand.  I've heard of folks getting Stihls and the dealer telling them to run it like it's stolen.
Senior Member?  That's funny.


i did'nt with the 372 but i've heard some do it this way i figured i would give it a try. but that will be the only babying it will get though ;D


The only way to know for sure is to buy another, and see which one lasts longer! :D
Senior Member?  That's funny.

Mark M

Well I don't know about 2 cycle engines but I do now you don't want to idle a diesel unless you want glazed cylinders. It's best to vary the load/speed and not stay at any rpm or load for very long. Might be different with small engines though.



well guys the 460 is at the shop. needs a new oil pump. was'nt oiling the chain. brought in this morning thought it was fixed was'nt so brought it back drained oil ran cleaner through it. still was'nt oiling so he looked to see if he had a oil pump did'nt. so he gave me a used 066 he had till mine is fixed.



tell me about it kevin. at least i can say the service is good there i feel he has treated me more than fairly. but i still wish i had no problms with the saw to begain with.


Did they inspect it or just decide to replace it?


o.k kevin heres what he did to today. i brought saw in we went into shop took c/b off, sproket off cleaned out inside there put back together worked. brought home ran it for a few hours was'nt working so i brought it back this time empteyed oil then we ran some cleaning agent trough it put more oil in was'nt working he said pump must not be working. every thing else he said looked fine.


Boy, what a crappy introduction to a different manufacturer.  Sorry to hear things aren't going smoothly, david.  
Senior Member?  That's funny.


definatly makes me really appreciate my husky. but i will hold judgment till after i get the saw back. becuase as we all know **it happens. just wish it did'nt allways happen to me ;D

SawInIt CA

You will love it when you get it back 8)


i ' m sure i will but this is no fun.


How do you like the 660 they lent you?
Senior Member?  That's funny.


 Sorry to hear your having trouble with that new saw. Sounds like their treating you right though.
"How do I know what I think unless I have seen what I say?"


sas i have'nt had a chance to try it yet i got home about 5:30 with it but i'll let you know tomorrow.

sdsaw yes i was really quit happy with the way he treated me. he said if he did'nt have that 66 he would have stripped a new 460 and got me on my way. definatly made me want to continue to do business with him.


 Sorry to hear your having trouble with that new saw. Sounds like their treating you right though.


we have found the oilers in MS460 to have falts as well maybe its what your cutting ie i work in forestry thats on sand country.


thanks kiwi but i honestly dont think its what i'm cutting. heck only ran it in wood for 2 tanks of gas. dealer said he has never had this problm. thats why he had no oil pumps. but who knows.



Your dealer's statement that he has never seen that problem before is a trained response that Stihl dealers are particularly adept at. Just like the one where every Stihl dealer claims that they have never seen an 026/260 with fixed jet carb that had an air/fuel ratio problem. It`s my experience, and I`ve been dealing with them for 25 years, that Stihl will adamantly refute any commonly shared problems, every issue is a brand new, never seen before problem, even if your last three Stihl saws had the exact same problem.

I wish you the best of luck in getting your problem resolved quickly and not at your own expense.


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