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Wearing contact lenses and working around sawdust.

Started by Dave Shepard, April 22, 2007, 09:23:39 PM

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 :D  Ol Itchy Eye!

I've been wearing contacts for (gasp) 39 years.  My first set were glass and it took three or four weeks to get used to them.  Felt like the doc was putting rocks in my eyes. 

I've been on mono-vision (one eye near, one eye far) for about 8 years now, and I love it.  I don't have to carry around reading glasses.  I also use about 12 pairs in two years.  When I'm working in a dusty area (like hay dust), those contacts don't bother me one inch more than I would feel if I didn't have lenses on and got something in my eye.  These new soft lenses are incredible.  I also have an astigmatism, so my contacts are balanced to correct for the wave in my eye.  I wear Accuvue Toric and I highly recommend them. 

I think anyone can use contacts easily if they are motivated to wear them.  If you can touch your eyelashes without blinking, you're a good candidate for lenses. 
Say when


I could put 'em IN easy enough. It was gettin 'em OUT without crushing them that was hard for me. SOOOO, I gave up. Had 5 free samples to work with, too.  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

  DanG Itchy eye is actin up.  :o :o :o ;D :D :D
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


I tried contacts too.  Got an infection and like to have ruined myself.  The Doctors said it had something to do with mercury in the cleaning solution.  I think I just got a bug from sticking my finger in my eyes.  The actual wearing them didn't bother me a bit, except that, like deadheader, I was always rubbing my eye.

After the infection,  About 2 years later, I tried it again. They had come out with the "wear-a-week-at-a-time" contacts.  I ended up with them lost in my bed sheets.  I quit.  I just couldn't keep from rubbing my eyes.

I did love the brilliant colors that you lose when you wear eye glasses, and the peripheral vision would have almost been worth the trouble.  That was the most noticeable thing to me.  My peripheral vision increased in clarity by leaps and bounds. It was pretty cool and I really liked it when riding the motorcycle.

I have not had surgery because I was told that it was so "iffy".  Now the technology is developing to where it is something to be considered and I'm over the hill.  :-\   Maybe when I come back, eh? :D


Thanks for the input  folks. Contacts are my next big endeavor. (Yea, my life is pretty boring!) I wear bifocals now and they really suck. It is incredibly hard to focus on the computer all day, because I don't look downward to read it, I look up or straight ahead. Then you are trying to move the glasses up & down to get the screen in focus. Holy cow, by the time I get them to where I can read the screen I have forgotten what is was I wanted to see.  ::) My other gripe about the glasses is not being able to wear sunglasses. I tried the little clippy-on things, but folks were out right laughing at me, and I can't stand the humility.  ::) So then I tried putting sunglasses on over top of my glasses, and that was even more ridiculous looking. I have now resorted to just wearing the shades and not being able to see very well when the sun is shining.  :D Transitional lenses for glasses are very expensive, and safety prescription glasses cost even more, so the contacts are looking better all the time.

Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


I wear the progressive Bifocal with auto-dark. I'm about blind at any range.  ::)

  I bought the MOST durable frames when I started and now use one set of frames to keep the other set working properly. Always turn in the weaker lenses-frame, to have new lenses put in.

  Now,I gotta get something new, and I'm tryin to develop a VERY sturdy frame to hold Bi-nockulaters. That's about the next step for me.  ::) ::)

  Don't hablo enough Espanol to get something down here, soooo, next trip to Florida, I gotta mortgage the farm and get new eyeballs ???  :( :(
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


I've posted something about this before.  The best thing I ever did for the money was get a pair of single focus glasses that were set for the distance of the computer screen.  The reading part of my bifocals is too close.  The far-away is to far.  I've been 20/400+ in both eyes since age 5.   I didn't want to complicate my life and wallet with tri-focals.   The doctor was running a special, second pair half price.  I got a set of single focus lenses that focus from about my elbows to just beyond  my outstretched finger tips.  I had him put them in inexpensive plastic frames.  The prescription and the exam didn't cost any more.  The second pair of glasses is nothing special. (who am I trying to impress when at the computer)

It's one of the best things I've ever done.  Why I never did it earlier is beyond me.

I've even found that the second pair will get me by for distance if necessary, even though it causes some eyestrain.

It's great to have the keyboard, screen and the rest of the desk in focus.  I can even stand to read my notes with them as long as I don't over do it.

They stay right here by the keyboard where I constantly try to discipline myself to use a glass case and keep the pair that is not on  my head in it.  

Dave Shepard

I never got into wearing contacts when I first started this thread, a lot of reasons, but anyway, it was time to do something about it. I went in this morning and did the whole affair over again, and now have very comfortable contacts in. After about 5 minutes, I couldn't even tell they where in there. I guess it takes a couple of days to get full usage of them, things are still just slightly fuzzy, but not like it was. :D I did a bunch of stuff today, running the chainsaw, working outside with the cottonwood fuzz everywhere. Didn't have any problems. Looks like as long as I can get them in in the morning, I'm all set. 8) I didn't have any problem with sweat in the eyes either, which was one concern I had. :)
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Well, ya actually have to work for the sweat to be a problem...  ;D  I prolly better get outta here after making a comment like that.  smiley_horserider  :)

Dave Shepard

Contacts are working out fairly well so far. One thing I did notice was that it has moved my focal point out, revealing that I am going to have some trouble reading with the contacts in. Was working in the woods this morning, until I dropped a big pine into about four others, and the cloud of pollen in the air was absolutely alarming. :o :D So, my vision is a little fuzzy now, but it would have been anyway after that.
Wood-Mizer LT40HDD51-WR Wireless, Kubota L48, Honda Rincon 650, TJ208 G-S, and a 60"LogRite!

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