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MN DNR plans more logging in border forests

Started by CHARLIE, January 29, 2002, 07:12:17 PM

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Article found in Rochester Post Bulletin - Jan. 26, 2002
Note: Duluth is on the shores of Lake Superior where Eggsander docks his yaught.

Duluth, MN -- Northeastern Minnesota's state forests will see more logging and eventually more pine trees and fewer aspen under a long-range forestry plan proposed by the Department of Natural Resources.

The draft plan calls for a nearly 9% increase in logging on state-managed lands around the federally protected Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) -- from 81,000 to 88,000 cords annually-- during the next seven years.

More older aspen and birch will be cut on state lands in the border lakes area in the coming years. But rather than let those acres sprout with more young aspen, the DNR wants to change how they're logged to encourage more conifer growth and forest diversity.

The plan is expected to change what types of trees are available for loggers and mills in the region for decades, as well as affect wildlife habitat, especially for species like deer and grouse that favor young aspen.

The DNR is takin public comments on the draft through January 31st.

The draft plan and comment forms are available on the DNR web site at:

"Everybody was gone when I arrived but I decided to stick around until I could figure out why I was there !"


Oh Lordy,
You are gonna be hearing about this one for a long time to come.  Every enviro-group in the country just licked their lips, and called their travel agents.

At first blush, 7,000 cords don't seem all that much.  How big a change really Charlie?

Patience, hell.  I'm gonna kill something


Bruce, that was 81,000 to 88,000 cords each year for 7 years.   I was thinking the same thing when I read the article. There are a lot of Birch and Aspen up in that area and I knew that beaver liked Aspen but I didn't know that deer and grouse did too.  I'll bet all the Animal Activist groups and the "Tree Huggers" will be up in arms. :o  But I thought it an interesting article and concept and I'm sure the DNR is trying to get a marketable forest going for the loggers and sawmills.
"Everybody was gone when I arrived but I decided to stick around until I could figure out why I was there !"

Bud Man

 :D Probably just going to cut half mile swath along the border so they can cut back on and keep up with ILL EAGLE aliens from crossing the border. :D
The groves were God's first temples.. " A Forest Hymn"  by.. William Cullen Bryant


I think you figgered it out Bud_Man!  Jeff said they have to guard a bridge in Michigan to keep them Canadians from sneaking over.  I bet they've been sneaking through our Minnesota woods and the DNR is going to have to clear cut so they can see 'em trying to sneak in.:D :D :D  I wonder if they'll build some guard shacks with the lumber.... ???
"Everybody was gone when I arrived but I decided to stick around until I could figure out why I was there !"

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