iDRY Vacuum Kilns


My cherry project

Started by Furby, March 20, 2004, 06:44:06 PM

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I know for a lot of you this is pretty much every day stuff, but for me, this is the biggest I've had to deal with and not have it go for firewood.  :o
What I've been working on the last few weeks is a cherry tree the city removed from my grandparents front yard.
I asked them to cut the logs as long as possible and said I'd take care of them from there.   ;) ;) ;D

My makeshift log mover with a 16" x 10' log.  (notice counterweight ;) ;) )

The big ones had to go on the trailer. This one is 32" x 7'.

My new coffee table.  ;D


is that a late 40's chevy coupe in the background?Whatever it is,could you get a good picture of it next time you are over at the Grandparents ?

Can I have it? (the car) :D
Science isn't meant to be trusted it's to be tested


Sorry Furby, you cant have.  I am going to buy it ;D

What year is the coupe and what do you want for it?

Oh, almost forgot.  Congradulations on the cherry. I think cherry is probably my favorite wood to cut.  You will enjoy!


If its for sale Furby (the car)  I'm interested. And close. ;D
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


 8)same thought on the car, only think its a mopar, me want to. Duh---Duane
village Idiot---   the cat fixers----  I am not a complete Idiot. some parts missing.


 Geeeez, wit dis bunch, ya gotta wrap yer show & tell so there's no background goodies to comment on ::) ::) ::)

  To keep the thread from drifting tooooo far, NICE LOGS, Furby
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Well unlike the others I'm drooling over the nice cherry logs Furby. Getting one like that is not common here and the one you have shown as your new table is a beauty. Thanks for showing us your project.

Oh by the way nice car in the background. ;D



Nice ploy. The way you are marketing your old car under the disguise of the cherry logs. Way to go slick, they didn't even notice. Your mama didn't raise no dummy.


Oh, and Furby, did you know they had passed a law saying you could not keep old vehicles any more due to the fact that the sheet metel is too thick? They are giving a grace period to dispose of them if they are sent to a guvamunt approved disposal yard.
But, you are in luck, as I have been approved to take that ol dangerous, unlawful, illegal, and dispicable peice of iron from you, at a small fee.... ;D. Contact me for the directions.

 :D  :D  :D


Your going to get some of the nicest pieces of wood ever out of those logs. Cherry is my favorite. Love to mill, love to dry it, love to work it and love to look at it.  Youse gonna have on nice coffee table there. Let me know when it done and I'll come and have a christing cup of Java with ya.

 PS: I think your log lifter is nifty and so's the car.
Proud owner of a LT40HDSE25, Corley Circle mill, JD 450C, JD 8875, MF 1240E
Tilt Bed Truck  and well equipted wood shop.


So whats the story on the car? Is it for sale, can it be had, are you going to put it up for bids??? Are you going to start another thread  or are you going to keep calling it your cheery project? ;D
If it can't be nailed or glued then screw it


Furby...Not really interested in the car, thanks anyway ;D

Nice score on the cherry logs, make sure you post the pics after you get'em cut up.. :D
Got my WM lt40g24, Setworks and debarker in oct. '97, been sawing part time ever since, Moving logs with a bobcat.


Nice trailer crane and logs!  You guys got too much time on your hands ifn' y'all fix cars too!  BWW
Support your local Volunteer Fire Dept.  (not by accident)
Support your local Ski Patrol (by snowboarding:)
Mayor of Millerdale, Washington, USA (by God)!


I think Duane guessed it right.A 1947 Plymouth(?)

I did notice the Cherry too,and wish I had some.But I will be happy with either the car or the cherry.I'll send you my address for shipping ;)
Science isn't meant to be trusted it's to be tested



You say we have to much time on our hands?   :)

During one of our cold spells this winter we had a little snow. I was at the checkout at our one little grocery store. I had a few grocery items and a sack of bird seed and a sack of sunflower seeds. I guess they were bird feed too. A guy in line behind me asked what the hell I was buying the seed for. I told him for the birds and squirrels.
He said."You've got to much time on your hands."
I said...."It's my time."



REAL nice score Furby..... 8)


In keeping with the theme on this thread here is a shot of one of my apple trees. LOL

James Mills,Lovely wife,collect old tools,vacuuming fool,36 bdft/hr,oak paper cutter,ebonic yooper rapper nauga seller, Blue Ox? its not fast, 2 cat family, LT70,edger, 375 bd ft/hr, we like Bob,free heat,no oil 12 years,big splitter, baked stuffed lobster, still cuttin the logs dere IAM


Science isn't meant to be trusted it's to be tested


What kinda apples grow on that tree Jim?
Proud owner of a LT40HDSE25, Corley Circle mill, JD 450C, JD 8875, MF 1240E
Tilt Bed Truck  and well equipted wood shop.


Road apples?....Sorry I could'nt help my self :D
Got my WM lt40g24, Setworks and debarker in oct. '97, been sawing part time ever since, Moving logs with a bobcat.


Road apples....... That's funny!  :D :D :D

Note to self: Make sure to crop out anything other then the logs in future pics.  ;D

Ok, I was pretty sure but had to check with the big guy (grandpa) just to make sure. The car is a 1940 Pontiac. It's my uncles car and has been sitting in the yard for a few decades or so.  ;D There have been more then a few offers on the car over the years (most around $500) and they all have been turned down! Note: THE CAR IS NOT FOR SALE! Well maaaaaybe for the right price.  ;) ;) ;D I should add that the engine is still in the garage after being rebuilt, oh I don't know, a decade and a half ago? I've been tempted to try and get the car myself, but really don't have the time or money.  :-/
I'll get a pic of the car in a day or two.

I don't know if you got the right idea on the coffee table. I'm planning on ripping the stump from top to bottom. It'll be a "Y" shape pattern, right?  
Question: When slicing the stump with a slabber, should I start at the butt or the crotch?

Also, with the "Y" in this pic:

would you:
A.     Slice so as to have "Y" shape slabs
B.     Knock off one "leg" and cut for the crotch wood
C.     Other.... please explain


Hi Furby, nice coffe table... ::) ::) ::)
Can I have tea instead? :D :D :D :D :D
Fabíola Vieira
Forestry Engineer



I love multiple choice questions! OK, when slicing the stump , we start at the butt and slice toward the Y or the crotch. On the Y shaped log, if the whole Y fits on your mill, slice it whole (or we do), the grain is really beautiful. If you have to slice off the leg to make it fit, do so, but we cut off only as much as we have to to get it to fit on the mill.
We don't have a slabber, so I don't know what it's limitations are.
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


Hi Fab!
Coffee, tea, same difference.  ;D

 From what I've been reading, the slabbers are mostly limited by their engines. I'm looking at a little longer bar then what I'll need for those logs, just so I can use it when I get an even bigger log.  ;D ;) ;)
I really like the wide "Y" slab idea. I'm hoping to get a couple out of that log. I kind of thought I'd start at the butt, but I had to ask.  ;)
I'm guessing it would be a good idea to coat the slabs with Anchorseal?

Ok, for all you who would rather talk about the car........
Here's a couple of pics. They are the best I could do with all the junk around it.  ::)

I came across a lot just around the corner today that has a big pile of fresh cherry and oak logs.  ;) ;) I'm heading over to talk to owner on my way out.  ;D


i really dig them slanted side windows, look pretty sweet chopped down to mail-slot size ;D
it would make that trunk appear to go on for miles! ;D
northern adirondak yankee farmer


Hey Furby,
is that Cherry I see in the background? :P
Science isn't meant to be trusted it's to be tested

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