iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Start of something big?

Started by jeff, February 27, 2001, 05:22:13 PM

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Bill Johnson

Looks like your hopes of becoming the plant guy maybe in danger of falling to the grade 3 pupils. :D


Ok. Thats enough out of the guy that can only grow lichens he's so far north... ;)
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

Hugh Darty

 :)Glad to hear the good news Rav! Which ones are sprouting, Tomentosa or Elongota? Mine were overcome by a green fungus, peat moss was old and must have been contaminated. I'm going to start a new batch in a day or so with a different soil base.
 Did both flats sprout? Bet the heated one did.



I used a mixture of "soil" for starting seeds. I picked it up right by where I found the heated flat. It cost about $2.50 for a gallon or two. I used about half of it.

I filled up the flat to figure out how much growing medium I needed - and also because I forgot - and then dumped it into a bucket and mixed it up with water until it felt uniformly moistened - but not soggy.

The flat I used looks the same size as the one in your picture. I also kept the clear plastic cover on it to hold in the moisture.

Hugh -

I didn't try sprouting them in the unheated tray. Do you think I should get some light on them? Will they grow too spindly with the diffuse daylight they are getting?




I did the tomentosa seeds first.

I can't wait to get my class back from the student teacher so I can do some stuff with the kids!


Hugh Darty

They can't stand much direct sunlight for a couple weeks. I would guess they need about 70% light, or about the same as in the shadow of another tree. They will begin grow in a couple of weeks, then they can have full light. Be sure and mist them a couple times a day. I would give them a very light dose of liquid fertilizer in a few days, mayby trying it on only a few of them first. :D


I started a new flat of seeds. The first flat produced a total of 8 sprouts, 3 of which have died. This time my flat is more climate controlled with a clear dome top. Hopefully it will keep the moisture more of a constant. I also think the heavy peat planting mix was not a wise choice to start the first seeds. This time I am using miracle grow potting soil. Time will tell.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

Hugh Darty

 :)Jeff, I think the key is having a warm sterile soil. Kims heated tray is the best way to go. My seeds were killed by a green fungus which was in my potting soil, and the clear plastic cover didn't help the seeds, but probably created the perfect environment for the fungus.
I'm starting a new tray, with differnt soil, probably ash and soil from a fresh burned windrow, that way I know for certain it is sterile. I'll also scatter some seeds in the burned windrow, that way if my flat fails I'll have backups.


Well, some of my sprouts are doing well. The ones that are doing the best have many sprouts in the same cell. Every day, it seems as if there are more of them that have given up the ghost - just kind of withered away and dead. I mist them two or three times a day. I decided to leave the clear top off for a few hours tonight, just to make sure they were getting enough air.

Does anyone have an idea how long I should leave them in the heated tray? I'm going to give a few of them some Miracle Gro tomorrow. We'll see if that helps.

Incidentally, they are about 1 inch tall now.



Rav, that's what mine were doing, one by one they shriveled and died. I went out and bought a heated tray system too.

The Instructions with mine say to remove the tray from the heat, and remove the dome as soon as all the seeds have sprouted. Then place in a sunny location. (or 70% sun like sawtooth mentioned.

My new tray was planted Saturday
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

Hugh Darty

Kim, I think the clear lid may be keeping them too moist. I would try it a day or so without it, and see what happens. They need light and warmth to grow, I would keep them in the heatet tray if the room temperature drops under 72 degree F.
I would also look for a babysitter for them during spring break, would be nice if someone had a greenhouse to keep them in.



I am going to take the seedlings home for the break. I'll keep the lid off for a few days and see how things go.

I have a friend coming in to feed the cat for the few days we'll be gone, so I'll have her look after them. Or, maybe my student teacher will take them home.




This is only the sixth day since I planted the 2nd flat of Paulonia. This morning I woke up to 37 sprouts! But there is one other growth in 2 of the cells. Some sort of white colored mold or fungus.

Does any body have an idea of what I could use in my spritz bottle as a fungacide?
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30



I don't know what sort of fungicide to use, but I would be interested in the answer.

Are you planning to keep the cover on your seed tray? I have been taking mine off during the day, but covering up at night. I still have it plugged in, but it seems awfully warm. I'm going to go unplug it right now.

I spritz it a couple times a day, and rotate the flat to try to keep the trees growing upright.

Does anyone have any idea whether rotating the flat is useful or not? I can't imagine that "real tree growers" do it.

Good luck!



Does any body Know the name of the guy you see on pbs. Jerry something or other. He always has home gardening remedies made out of household items. I am thinking he is galled the greengardener. maybe I will try looking for that.

I took my top off as soon as I saw the fungus. What I did not say is that I planted two of the segments with Tomato seeds. That warming tray sure fired them off. I had sprouts in 3 days and had to remove the plants this morning because they were hitting the top already! I have them in our kitchen window that faces south.

My Dad always started his seeds in doors, and always rotated his plants, just as my mom still does with her nouse plants.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


It seems the fungas may be whats called Damping odd Disease. I found this link about starting seeds indoors. It covers information about light, moisture, and our question on when to remove the cover on the plants.

I also came across 2 references to mold treatments, but neither had any specifics. One mentioned lysol, the other was sulpher dust. The sulpher dust reminded me that my dad use to break the heads off matches and scatter in his starting bed. I bet now that was why. Off to find some kitchen matches!
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

Ron Wenrich

Rotating the flats will help make seedlings grow straighter.  They will always grow towards the light.  If you are using a direct, overhead light, then rotation wouldn't be as necessary.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Don P

 I consulted the green thumb here. Horsetail tea is the organic fungicide, Banrot the listed chemical for damp off. Did you sterilize everything between batches? Have you ever seen capillary mat that sits in a water tray then your styro block tray sits on that, moist root, dry top.
8)Well, I had to try! Hey where's his moonwalking silver glove   :D


I didn't know you could do that!!
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

Bill Johnson


I think the guy on PBS you are referring to is Jerry Baker the master gardener. If I recall correctly he has a website

Good luck


I am taking my flat of seedlings back to school today. (I wish I were still in bed! ???)

About a week ago, I had another round of seeds sprout - must've been ones that didn't get started with the rest of them, as I didn't sow more.

So, I have about half the flat with some 2 inch tall "babies" and about a quarter with itsy-bitsy newborns, and the rest of the cells have nothing.

At what point do I do more than keep them watered? Should I thin out the cells yet? Transplant? Sell the logging rights to my "forest"?
 :D :D :D :D


Bill Johnson

So Jeff how is your crop coming along are they nearly ready to harvest?
I see that Raviolikid is practicing uneven-aged forest management.  :D


Hugh Darty

Kim, how wide are your leaves? You can transplant some of the plants that are more than one tree to the cell to the empty cells. I would try this on a couple first and give them a day or so, then do the rest if the others do allright. If your leaves are a half inch or more across they can use more direct sunlight and some liquid fertilizer.
Post or send us some pictures, need to see some pictures of my "babies".
I'll have bloom pictures in the next few days, blooms are about three-quarters open now.  :D


This Thread has become to long to load making it hard to post a new message. I am closing it and continuing it on a new thread called Something big 2
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30

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